Xia Yanyan saved him. He gave her a jade pendant. Later, she found him with the jade pendant. He promised her three things.

1.2 billion, this is the second thing.


Xia Xiwan plays with xiaoyuanyuan for a while. As soon as she masturbates the cat, her wechat rings, and the message from Ye Ling -- read Weibo.

Xia Xiwan opened the microblog, hot search has exploded --- Lu's injection of Xia's medical care 1.2 billion.

In fact, not only microblog, but also headlines of major entertainment magazines and financial news updated this explosive news at the first time. The whole upper circle of Haicheng was shocked. President Lu injected 1.2 billion into Xiashi medical.

The reason for the capital injection is, of course, Xia Yanyan, Xia Jiagang's daughter who has returned to China after studying abroad.

As the largest powerful family in Haicheng, Lu's president is a legend that can't be shot in any major magazine.

Now president Lu is throwing thousands of dollars for the beauty. It's a good story of the generation.

The news spread like a clamor, and Xia Yanyan, the first lady of the gifted girl, has become the most shining star.

Xia Yanyan's fans are in a carnival,

--- President Lu is also the minister under the skirt of the goddess Wuli Yanyan!

---Saving Xia's family with 1.2 billion yuan to meet the goddess Yanyan is really a good way!

---Some country goods can't come here. You can't afford it all your life!

At this time, Xia's chair suddenly collapsed, and he felt like he was out of his home.

At this time, his mobile phone rang, one after another called in, almost blew up his mobile phone,

--- Mr. Xia, I was wrong, because I had no eyes and didn't know Taishan, so I asked for cooperation.

---Mr. Xia, do you have time tonight? I'll treat you to dinner. By the way, can you bring Miss Yanyan with me?

---Mr. Xia, you really gave birth to a good daughter. We can't reach it.

Originally, these bosses had fallen out with Xia Zhenguo, but now they all called to kneel and lick their hands and put Xia Zhenguo in the cloud.

Xia Zhenguo feels his highlight moment is coming, he is floating.

At this time, Xia Yanyan came in, "Dad."

Xia Zhenguo quickly stood up. He looked at Xia Yanyan like a national treasure. He couldn't believe it and asked, "Yan Yan, is it really Mr. Lu who gave you 1.2 billion?"

"Yes." Xia Yanyan nods.

Xia Zhenguo sucked. In his whole life, he did not dare to think that he would be connected with Haicheng, a big man with one hand covering the sky. In the hospital, Xia Yanyan said that she would find a way to deal with Xia's medical fund. At that time, he was still skeptical.

I didn't expect that his daughter is not only excellent, but also God.

"Yanyan, how did you get to know Mr. Lu? Mr. Lu likes you?"

Xia Yanyan's lips were soft and beautiful, and she said mysteriously, "Dad, you don't have to worry about the affairs between me and general manager Lu. You just need to know that I will marry Lu Hanting and be Lu's little wife."

Xia Zhenguo almost looked up at Xia Yanyan.

Xia Yanyan changed her words, "Dad, how are you thinking about divorce?"

"I'm not leaving!" Xia Zhenguo waved a big hand, "Yan Yan, dad will listen to you


Youlan garden, Ye Ling's wechat has come again. For so many years, Ye Ling seldom gets so excited. Wanwan, have you seen the news?

Xia Xiwan felt a little cold in her hand. She married into the Youlan garden instead of deliberately asking about Lu Hanting's identity.

During this period, she was busy tearing her face and didn't pay attention to it. After all, she said that she wanted to be both internal and external, mentally independent, and did not want to borrow any of his power. However, now the problem comes.

Xia Xiwan is not stupid. Lu Hanting's every move is the style and aura of the top business people. She has also seen several bosses playing cards with him in the box. His private secretary and public relations director Hua Rong all call him "President".

There are not so many coincidences in the world. Just like the chat between her and Ye Ling that day, he was also surnamed Lu.

His identity is obvious.

Lu Hanting is the mysterious and low-key president of Lu in the legend. He is the richest man in Haicheng who only covers the sky with his hands. Of course, he is also the real "Lu" himself who lavishes thousands of dollars as a beauty to greet Xia Yanyan's return.

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