Xia Xiwan returns a --- oh.

Ye Ling almost jumped up --- wanwan, you oh what? Come on, I say I know, you say you know.

Summer sunset --- yes.

Ye Ling --- Lu's president is Lu Hanting.

Xia Xiwan --- Mr. Lu is also called Lu Hanting.

Ye Ling

After a few seconds, Ye Ling's message came again. It was concise and comprehensive. Three years ago, Xia Yanyan, as the first Chinese to enter the holy Li monastery of state F, knew why. I heard about it. Lu's president sent her in personally.

---Three years later, Xia Yanyan returned home, and Lu's president Lu Hanting Hao set a good story by throwing 1.2 billion yuan, which directly eliminated Xia Zhenguo's idea of divorcing Li Yulan.

---Three years ago, she sent Xia Yanyan abroad in glory. Three years later, she returned home with 1.2 billion yuan. Xia Yanyan gave full play to the saying that men are conquering the world for women. Lu Hanting is Xia Yanyan's armour warrior!

Xia Xiwan slender feather Jie quietly falls down, she did not think that Lu Hanting will be associated with Xia Yanyan.

It seems that Lu Hanting is a trump card in Xia Yanyan's hands.

Ye Ling is very angry. Xia Yanyan not only quits from Li Yulan's affairs, but also wins a lot of praise and sympathy as a filial daughter. Now, 1.2 billion yuan has brought her to a higher level.

What's important is that the man who invested 1.2 billion is still the newly married husband.

Ye Ling --- wanwan, are you still there?

Xia Xiwan replied --- Lingling, don't be angry. It's very simple.

Ye Ling -- where is it easy?

Xia Xiwan --- in addition to Lu Hanting's brothers and relatives, no one knows that he is the owner of Youlan garden.

Ye Ling --- so?

Xia Xiwan --- so we don't know that I married Lu Hanting. Well, I went to find Li Yulan and told her that there was a chance in front of her. Her daughter, Xia Yanyan, could marry Lu Hanting. Unfortunately, she asked me to marry her instead. In this way, I estimated that half of Li Yulan's life just recovered would be very angry.

Xia Xiwan --- then I went to Xia Zhenguo and told him, 1.2 billion is nothing. You should make such a success and shut down Xia's medical treatment as soon as possible, because half of the land belongs to you. You are Lu Hanting's father-in-law, but the daughter you don't like the most has already denied you as a father-in-law. It's really a pity.

Xia Xiwan --- I'll finally clean up Xia Yanyan. I don't need to go to her at all. I send her a lawyer's letter directly and recover all the joint property of the husband and wife in the name of Mrs. Lu. She is limited to spit out the 1.2 billion yuan in three days, which is indispensable.

Xia Xiwan --- Lingling, you see, what a simple thing, I can easily let their dream broken, from a good story to a joke.

Ye Ling was silent for a few seconds, and then sent a message --- wanwan, if you have the ability, you can go there. Don't talk about me.

Summer evening line lightly pulled a lip Cape.

Ye Ling's Qi is gone --- Wan Wan, do you really like Mr. Shanglu?

Summer sunset line did not return.

After a long time Ye Ling came to pick up the plane later and I went back to Haicheng.

Xia Xiwan was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that she would come back so soon. Two days ago, when she was in Sanya, she said she would wait for two days.

Summer sunset --- how did you come back in advance?

Ye Ling -- I'm afraid you will be bullied, silly wanwan. Even if you can learn a little bit from Xia Yanyan, she is not even a scum in front of you.

Xia Xiwan's heart is warm and warm. No matter what happens, she always has this good friend around her.

It's a great feeling.

At this time, "knock knock" knock on the door sounded, outside came the old lady's loving voice, "wanwan."

Xia Xiwan quickly put down her mobile phone and ran to open the door. The old lady stood outside the door with a big bag in her arms, which contained all kinds of snacks and potato chips that girls like to eat. "Wanwan, grandma bought you some snacks. I don't know what you like to eat. I heard that it's suitable to watch TV and eat snacks when I'm in a bad mood. How about we try it?"

Looking at the old lady's loving smile, Xia Xiwan's eyes quickly turned red. She did not know what Lu Hanting's grandmother, the old lady Lu, who was sitting in Youlan garden, knew something. She only knew that the old lady really doted on her.

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