Billionaire's Love

Chapter 245 - I Know, You Already Know Arvin!

"She is alright now!" Arvin said with a smile as he covered Anna with her comforter looking into Anna's eyes. 

"You are a really strong girl!" Arvin said punching lightly Anna's cheek and she giggles.

"Thank you!" Anna replied and Samantha looked at Arvin.

Arvin smiled and looked up at Johnson and Samantha.

"She is doing very well now! You guys don't have to worry! You can take her home in 2 more days!" Arvin said and Johnson nodded with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Dex!" Johnson replied.

"You can call me Arvin and don't thank me... This is my professional after all!" Arvin said and Johnson nodded with a smile.

"Nutrition will let you know her diet! Please follow the diet for a month." Arvin said with a smile and Johnson nodded. 

"Alright!" Johnson replied with a small smile.

"And she needs a lot of rest! Please don't stress her... If you do, it might be a problem for her!" Arvin said with a smile and Johnson nodded.

"Alright!" Johnson replied with a smile.

"Be a good girl and follow the diet if you want to become stronger, okay?" Arvin asked Anna and Anna giggled.

"Yeshhh... I will! Mumma and Dadda will take care of me so well!" Anna answered with a smile.

"They sure do! But you need to take care of yourself too!" Arvin said to Anna and She nodded with a smile.

"Good!" Arvin replied with a smile. 

Arvin kissed Anna's forehead and nodded his head at Johnson. Johnson nodded back with a back and Arvin looked at Samantha.

He nodded at Samantha and she nodded her head too. Arvin walked out of the VIP room and Johnson, Samantha walked towards her. 

"How are you feeling, baby?" Samantha asked as she kissed Anna's cheek!

"Much better, Mumma." Anna answered and Johnson kissed Anna's forehead. 

"Arvin is so good!" Johnson said looking at Samantha and she nodded with a small smile.

"I miss home, Dadda!" Anna said and Johnson caresses her hair. 

"We still need to be here till tomorrow and then we will go home, okay?" Johnson asked.

"Lakehouse?" Anna asked.

"Anna, you are not good... We can't be in the lake house!" Johnson said and Anna frowned.

"No... I want to be in the lake house and that's it!" Anna said and Johnson looked at Samantha.

"Anna..." Samantha got cut off in mid-sentence as they were a knock on the door. 

"Come in!" Johnson said and the door got opened revealing Robert, Jessica, Liam, and Cassandra. 

"How are you feeling, Anna?" Robert asked caressing Anna's hair.

"Good, grandpa!" Anna answered and Robert blinks his eyes.

"Gran... Grandpa?" Robert asked and Anna nodded.

"Aren't you my grandpa?" Anna asked and Robert nodded his head.

"I am, baby! I am your grandpa, baby!" Robert answered as he hugged Anna and she giggled.

"Grandma!" Anna said as she opened her arms wide for Jessica and Samantha, Johnson can see tears in Jessica's eyes.

Jessica hugged Anna tightly and kissed her forehead.

"How are you now, love?" Jessica asked.

"Feeling better!" Anna answered and Jessica smiled.

"Liam." Anna called and Liam groaned.

"Why don't you call us grandpa and grandma too?" Liam asked and Anna laughed.

"Grandpa!" Anna called Liam and he smiled. He hugged Anna and kissed her cheek.

"Grandma!" Anna called Cassandra and she smiled brightly. She hugged Anna and kissed her cheek.

"Guys, go home... We will take care of Anna for the night! You both must be tired!" Jessica said and Samantha shook her head in No.

"No... I... I don't want to leave her!" Samantha said and Liam sighed.

"Sam, Anna will be home tomorrow! Why are you worrying? We all are here... We will take care of Anna... I and Cassandra will be here! Don't worry!" Liam replied.

"But dad..." Samantha tried to defend but got cut off by Casandra.

"Don't worry, baby... We are here! Nothing will happen to her!" Cassandra said and Samantha, Johnson looked at each other.

"Mumma, Dadda... Grandpa and grandma are here! Don't worry! I will be a good girl!" Anna said and Samantha sighed.

"Alright! Be careful!" Johnson said and Samantha nodded.

"Yup, daddy!" Anna replied cutely.

Johnson and Samantha walked towards her. They both kissed her forehead and looked at her.

"Be a good girl!" Johnson said and Anna nodded.

"See you! Good night!" Johnson said and Anna nodded.

"Good night, Dadda! Good night, Mumma!" Anna replied.

"Good night, Sweetie!" Samantha said with a small smile.

"Mumma, Dadda... Don't forget... We are going to the lake house tomorrow. And we are living there. Only there!" Anna said and Johnson sighed.

"What happened?" Robert asked.

"Anna wants to live in Lakehouse!" Samantha answered.

"Ohh... That's it? Then as she said, you are living in the lake house!" Robert said and Anna giggled.

"Dad, you too? You know everything and she is not well..." Robert cut off Johnson in a mid-sentence.

"Nothing will happen! The security will be right and tye doctor will come to the house to check on Anna. So, no worries!" Robert said and Johnson sighed.

"Guys, do as Anna wishes... She needs to be in some peaceful calm places too and I think, lake house is the best as nature is so good there!" Liam said and Cassandra nodded.

"Alright! We will live there! Happy now?" Johnson asked Anna and she nodded with a big smile.

"Good! Now, go and take a rest... Come back to me tomorrow soon!" Anna said and Samantha nodded.

"See you!" Samantha said to everyone.

"Good night, Samantha. Sleep tight... Don't think of anything!" Jessica said and she nodded her head.

"Gold night, mom and dad!" Johnson said and Jessica, Robert, Liam, and Cassandra nodded their heads. 

"Good night, Johnson." Liam and Cassandra replied at a time.

"Good night, Son!" Robert and Jessica replied a time. 

Jessica hugged Johnson and kissed his forehead.

"See you!" Jessica said and Johnson nodded as he kissed Jessica's cheek.

Johnson and Samantha walked out of the VIP room to the lobby. 

Samantha saw Arvin talking to someone in the lobby but didn't stop and intertwined her's and Johnson's hands. Johnson smiled looking at Samantha as they both walk out of the hospital.

Arvin's eyes were only on Samantha and Johnson as they both walked out of the hospital. He chuckled seeing Samantha intertwined her's and Johnson's hands. Samantha and Johnson got inside their car. Johnson started driving and Samantha released a heavy breath.

Johnson looked at Samantha seeing out of the window and smiled.

"Tired?" Johnson asked as he took Samantha's hands in his!

"Yes!" Samantha answered as she looked at Johnson and he gave her a small smile.

"How was the board meeting?" Samantha asked.

"Good!" Johnson answered.

"Hmm..." Samantha replied.

"What happened? You sound dull?" Johnson asked.

"Nothing!" Samantha answered.

"Alright! If you say so... Do you wanna have dinner in the hotel or should I order or will you cook?" Johnson asked.

"I am so tired to cook... Please order to form the hotel!" Samantha answered and Johnson nodded.

"Alright! I will do that!" Johnson replied and soon they both reach Caffeine by Amaxi Hotel private basement. They both got down of the car and walked inside the Elevator.

"Is Alexi in the penthouse?" Samantha asked.

"No... She is staying at Martin's place tonight!" Johnson answered and Samantha nodded.

"You have any important meetings tomorrow?" Johnson asked.

"Yeah... I guess! But, Noah is taking care of it!" Samantha answered and Johnson nodded.

"You look so tired!" Johnson said as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Yeah... You look exhausted too!" Samantha replied and Johnson nodded.

"Yeah... A little... But will be alright!" Johnson said as he kissed Samantha's forehead and hugged her tightly. 

Samantha wrapped her arms around Johnson feeling so warm in his body. Her happiness is this place for Samantha! Warm arms around her body making her feel safe and telling her he will be here with her forever. 

Just then, the Elevator door pinged indicating that they reached their floor. 

Johnson and Samantha walked out of the elevator to the penthouse.

They both walked upstairs to their room and Samantha directly walked inside the restroom. 

Samantha got under the shower and started thinking about what happened today with Arvin.

Samantha is still shocked to see him here as he was the person who told that he wants to break every relationship with New York. But, suddenly Samantha was surprised knowing that Arvin is back... For her! But at the same time, he is happy for her and Johnson's relationship. Samantha is so confused to digest anything. She wanted to tell this to Johnson but she is scared of his reaction. But anyway, Samantha decided the tell Johnson tonight everything and he should listen to her everything. 

Samantha nodded her head and granted her fluffy robe. She wore it and walked out of the restroom. She didn't saw Johnson anywhere... So, she went inside the walk in closets and wore her pajamas.

Soon, Johnson came and got inside the restroom as Samantha had her dinner which Johnson ordered for her. 

Soon after Johnson walked out of the restroom. Samantha waited till he had his dinner and they both got on the bed in each other arms.

"Johnson..." Samantha said looking up at Johnson.

"Hmm..." Johnson asked as he took Samantha so close to him.

"Hmmm... Umm..." Samantha stuttered and Johnsom opened his eyes looking at her.

"Don't worry, I know you already know Arvin... You can explain it some other time... Let's sleep now!" Johnson said making Samantha's eyes widened.

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