Billionaire's Love

Chapter 246 - No One Can Make Them Away!

Mature content ahead! 

"Samantha, I know you already know Arvin. It's alright... Sleep now." Johnson said caressing Samantha's hair.

"What?" Samantha asked with her eyes wide and Johnson chuckled. 

"Arvin met me!" Johnson answered making Samantha's eyes widened.

"What?" Samantha shouted.

"Yeah... Calm down... When I came to Hospital after my board meeting, Arvin meet me in the lobby and called me to his office." Johnson said and Samantha sighed.

"Listen to me first, okay?" Johnson asked.

"Alright!" Samantha answered.

"He told you about himself and you... I mean, how you guys meet and all!" Johnson said.

"Johnson... We are nothing! We aren't even friends... I... I... I just used to like him when he was a part-time cook in the hotel with me." Samantha replied and Johnson chuckled.

"I know... There is nothing!" Johnson said as he took Samantha in his lap and she looked at him.

"Johnson..." Johnson cut off Samantha in mid-sentence as he kept his finger on her lips.

"Listen to my first!" Johnson said and Samantha just kept starting at Johnson but nodded her head.

"Alright! Tell me!" Samantha replied and Johnson smiled as he buries his face in Samantha's neck.

"Mmmm..." Samantha moaned as Johnson kissed her on her neck.

"Joh... Johnson..." Samantha moaned his name.

"Yes?" Johnson asked as he looked up at Samantha.

Samantha kept her both hands on Johnson cheek and just kept staring into his eyes with full of love in her eyes. 

"You know how much I love you, right?" Samantha asked.

"Yes! And you know how much I love you right?" Johnson asked and Samantha nodded her head.

"Yes!" Samantha answered as she nodded her head and just then, Johnson crashed his lips on Samantha's lips.

Samantha wrapped her arms around Johnson's neck and opened her mouth to give him access to explore his mouth. 

"Mmm..." Samantha moaned as Johnson kissed her. Not innocently, like teasing her but hot, fiery, passionate, and demanding. Samantha wants to pull away before she loses herself to him she wants to ask him what Arvin talked with him but she can't let herself pull away from Johnson. In this minty moment, her senses have been seduced and she can no longer think straight.

"Samantha." Johnson whispers slowly, prolonging each letter as if to savor them. Samantha smiled. Her heart fluttering at his voice. Never before has her name ever felt so wonderful.

The start of the soft-touch sent a strong feeling of warmth spiraling through her system. Her eyes closed fearlessly, but the closure didn't let her see darkness, it instead created colors of fondness. Her tense nerves soon began to relax, her troubles, her pain began to melt away and the surroundings began to disappear leaving only her, her, and Johnson. This. This felt true for her and Johnson. This felt good for her and Johnson. This felt right for her and Johnson. Everything they are going to do felt right for her and Johnson.

His lips felt so gentle so warm, she felt her hands begin to slide up his chest and encircle his neck, as the kiss began to grow heavy. Johnson's hands slid off her face and tightened around her waist. They both continued kissing each other hungrily wanting more. She felt herself being pushed against, Johnson's body pressing against hers. The kiss goes on, their lips moving in perfect sync and the kiss becoming more passionate by the second. 

Her right hand flowed onto his open skin as her left hand began greedily undoing his shirt. Their lips parted and clasped onto one another once again with an adding of more pressure. Johnson's hand slid smoothly onto her arm, lifting it and pinning it against the bed. Their kiss grew more greedy, her mouth locking tighter. The heat flowing throughout her body began to grow as she felt his other hand slide through her cleavage and onto the shirt of her pj's, in contact with the buttons he slowly began to unbutton them, her shirt began to hang loosely, her cleavage came to show. Reluctantly Samantha removed her lips from Johnson, leaning frailly against the bed. Her eyes leisurely began to open, eyelids relaxed as she slowly sucked in the cool air. Johnson stares back, his eyes calm. He rested his forehead upon her as her hand slipped back onto his bare skinned chest. Her breath is slow. In strength, she quietly murmurs "I love you".

Johnson slowly breathed in and opened his eyes.

"I love you too!" Johnson murdered back with a smile making Samantha smile brightly. Their lips captured once more. 

Samantha breathes deep. In. Out. Within a split second, she is there again. The side of his thighs is pressed against her. He's sure of himself, he thinks he is in control. She surrenders completely. She wanted this for so long now, craved his human flesh, his tongue tasting her breath. They are both caught up in the moment. She feels for him, he reaches for my breasts, pulls her up, he twist and turn her.

Samantha feels her back arch in anticipation, knowing where Johnson's fingers will soon reach. Johnson removed Samanth's pants and wide her legs. Samantha took a deep breath and bought Johnson near her and looked into his eyes.

Samantha started unbuttoning Johnson's shirt and Johnson chuckled. 

He helped her unbuttoning his shirt and pants knowing very well what she wants now... Love! She needs love and Johnson is ready to show her all night how much he loves her. He is ready to show how much she means to him. Whoever comes in between them is not worthy there love and Johnson knows he needs to be strong for their relationship. Many want many things from their relationship and many get benefits if they break their relationship. But, someone needs to get a hold of their relationship and that should be only Johnson. As he knows very well, Samantha is the girl who hardly sees negative in someone and always will be ready to hell anyone no matter what the person did to her! So, Johnson decided only he needs to be strong in his relationship to prove to everyone that what Samantha matters to him. 

Her head rocks back against the pillow as Johnson touched Samantha on her thighs. Another moan escaped her lips as Johnson squeezed Samantha's breasts.

"Johnson..." Samantha moaned and Johnson took her breast in his mouth. Samantha's hands went to his back and pressed him more into her. 

A chill ran down on her back as Johnson's crotch is ready to get inside her and so hard in his boxers. Johnson chuckled looking at her blushing face.

"This is a third time we are making love and you still blushing?" Johnson asked.

"Don't tease me!" Samantha answered and Johnson chuckled again.

"I will not and I want you to see me in my eyes what I do to you tonight. If you take your eyes away from my eyes... You will be punished!" Johnson said and Samantha raised her eyes.

"Punishment?" Samantha asked.

"Yes! I will give my wife a punishment!" Johnson answered.

"Oh really? What punishment you will give your wife?" Samantha asked.

"Leave that to me! Your husband will look at that punishment! You don't have to worry!" Johnson answered and Samantha chuckled.

"Let's see what that punishment is!" Samantha said with a smirk and Johnson raised his eyebrows and nodded his head.

"Alright then!" Johnson replied and went down between her legs. Her heart started beating fast as Johnson took out her panties. 

Johnson bought his face close to Samantha's vagina looking into her eyes. He started licking her looking into her eyes. Samantha arched her back as she looked into Johnson's eyes. 

Johnson then pushed a finger inside her pussy making Samantha moan and then he pushed another... He pushed his fingers in and out as he pressed on to her clit. Giving her pleasure is what all mattered to him and seeing the satisfaction and love in her eyes is what mattered most to Johnson. 

He then licked using all his fingers at once, watching her reaction feeling how her legs move, watching her body writhe.

Samantha again felt his hand enter from below moving fast, their tongues entwined in a kiss, and he kissed her breasts then in seconds he's on her, inside her, fucking her harder, just long enough to intoxicate her mind before stopping again.

She changing her breathing with every thrust, hearing her moans timed to his body. Then all at once he stops and kissed from her breasts to her stomach.

Johnson pinned her to the bed and her toes curled. He left every part of her untouched and then, as quickly as they started screaming again for each other and it was over. She arched her back as he pounded into her. She screamed out and dug her nails into his back feeling him inside her. He slowed down and kissed her lips, this time passionately. 

They both filled each other with love in their hearts and they made love to each other again promising each other that they will never leave each other no matter what and who comes between them!

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