Billionaire's Love

Chapter 307 - I Am So Happy For My Daughter!

"Good morning, Mom and Dad." Samantha greeted as she, Alexi, Martin and Johnson walked inside the Julie's house.

"Mumma... Dadaa..." Anna yelled as she ran towards Samantha and Johnson.

Samantha and Johnson bent down on their knees and opened their arms! 

Anna hugged them both at a time and Samantha, Johnson kissed her cheeks.

"How are you, Anna?" Samantha asked as Johnson took Anna in his arms.

"Good, Mumma." Anna answered as she kissed Johnson's and Samantha's cheeks.

"I misshh you both... A lot." Anna said as she wrapped her little arms around Johnson and Samantha's neck.

"We miss you too, Love!" Samantha replied.

"But I am here now... We will enjoy a lot." Samantha added and Anna nodded her head with a big smile and jumped in Johnson's arms with excitement.

"You forget we are here too?" Alexi asked making Anna turn towards them.

"No, Dama Queen..." Anna answered as she opened her arms widely and Aleci took her in her arms.

"I love you and I mishh you." Anna said to Alexi as she kissed Alexi's cheek.

"Awww... I love and miss you too." Alexi replied as she kissed her cheek back and then Anna met with Martin. Martin kissed Anna's forehead making her giggle. Just then, Cassandra and Liam walked towards them with a bright smile on their faces.

"Hello, Mom and Dad." Johnson greeted.

"Hello, Johnson." Liam and Cassandra greeted back.

"How are you all?" Cassandra asked as she walked towards Samantha and hugged her. Cassandra kissed Samantha's forehead and then hugged and Kissed Alexi.

"Hello, Aunt Cassandra and Uncle Liam." Martin greeted.

"Hello, Martin." Liam and Cassandra greeted back.

"Come inside." Cassandra said and they all walked inside. They settled on the couches while Casandra and Samantha went to the kitchen to get coffees.

"How are you both doing?" Liam asked Johnson and Martin.

"Good, Dad. He about you and Mom? How is your health?" Johnson asked.

"We are doing very well." Liam answered and Johnson nodded.

"How is everyone doing at home?" Liam asked.

"Good. They all miss this little one!" Johnson answered as he tickled Anna who sat on his lap. Anna laughed as Johnson tickles.

"I can understand! They all love her so much!" Liam replied and Johnson nodded his head.

"How is your relationship going on?" Cassandra asked Samantha as she started making the coffee.

"Good, Mom!" Samantha answered with a bright smile.

"I really hope things are good between you both?" Cassandra asked and Samantha nodded her head! 

"Yes, Mom!" Samantha answered with a smile.

"I am so happy, Sam. You deserve all the happiness in this world! I didn't see you smiling like this ever. But I can clearly see what changes Johnson made in you! You both deserve happiness. We are so thankful for Johnson for accepting our daughter as she is! He accepted my daughter every flaw and never judged her in any way! We are so grateful for him!" Cassandra replied as she cupped Samantha's face in her hands. Samantha smiled and nodded her head.

"You know, we are so scared that our daughter will never get into a relationship. We were so scared that you both live your lives without any support of your partners but these two brothers changed your lives!" Cassandra said with a smile and Samantha nodded her head.

"True, Mom!" Samantha replied.

"I never thought too that... I will get into a relationship because whatever I went through with Leo was enough for me! He made me lose every little bit of hopes of relationships but... I never thought I will give a chance to someone in my life to share my life with them." Samantha added and Cassandra nodded her head.

"But Johnson made it easier for me... I don't know how we came until here... And we are going to Marry in 10 more days... It's all like a dream when I think about how I met Johnson and how we get together to each other in such a less time!" Samantha said and Cassandra smiled at her.

"Things changed so fast in our relationship. I don't ever think Johnson will accept me as I am! Yes. I accepted to marry him just because of you guys when he bought the proposal to home. I don't want to be a burden on you both anymore and so, I accepted to marry him but..." Samantha said as tears rolled in her eyes and Cassandra hugged her tightly.

"You will never be a burden on us, Samantha! We took care of you all these years... If we would have to know what you girls went through all these years, we would have never told you to get married. Instead, we would have let you to where you want! But yes, we would have done something to give a little hope for you both on love!" Cassandra replied as she hugged Samantha tightly! 

"We always want you both to be happy! I know, Johnson will be good for you the days, he hugged you in the penthouse and you cried in his arms... You would never cry in my arms or Liam's like that. You are the girl who gives us strength but would never feel vulnerable in front of us... But that day, I have seen how Johnson let you cry in his arms even though he doesn't know who you are or why you are crying in his arms... He still let you cry! He didn't stop you but he made you feel good wrapping his arms around and let you cry in his arms!" Cassandra said.

"Lucy used to tell me how good Johnson and Martin are there is a small hope that I want to give my girls to them but didn't give a much thought about it. But look, now... You are destined to each other. This proved that whatever you go through is all for your goodness. You just need to have a little hope, faith in love. The person who you are destined will come to find you one day. He will love you to the moon and back and make you his no matter what!" Cassandra said and Samantha nodded her head in yes!

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