Billionaire's Love

Chapter 308 - You Would Never Lose Me!

"True, Mom!" Samantha replied as she smiled and hugged her tightly.

"Thank you for making me accept Johnson's proposal! If not you both, then I would have lost an amazing person." Samantha said.

"You would never..." They both heard a familiar voice and they both released themselves and turned around to see Johnson.

Cassandra smiled seeing Johnson walking inside the kitchen towards them.

"You will never lose me... Even if you didn't accept the proposal... I would have pursued you anyhow. I would never think of letting you go!" Johnson said looking into Samantha's easy and Casandra smiled.

"Alright... Here are your coffees... I will go and give them their coffees. You both talk!" Cassandra said.

"Mom, there is nothing to talk..." Samantha replied.

"There is." Johnson said making Samantha look up at him. Cassandra chuckled and walked out of the kitchen with coffees. 

"Johnson." Samantha called and Johnson nodded his head as he walked to close towards her. 

"Yes, Love?" Johnson asked looking into Samantha's eyes.

"Step back... Mom and Dad might see us..." Samantha said.

"Let them see!" Johnson replied as he wrapped his arms around Samantha's waist as making Samantha eyes wide.

"What?" Samantha asked.

"What what? Let them see, I am just romancing with my soon to be wife." Johnson answered making Samantha sigh.

Samantha sighed and kept her arms on his hard rock like chest and slowly pushed him away.

"Behave." Samantha said.

"I can't when you look so damn beautiful!" Johnson replied making Samantha blush.

"We just have 10 more days. 10 more days to go and then you will be mine. Former!" Johnson said making Samantha bury her face in his chest.

Johnson chuckled and wrapped his arms around her and kept his one hand under her chin and made her look up at him.

"I miss seeing this pretty blush on yours!" Johnson said and Samantha sighed as she grabbed the coffee which is beside her.

"Have it!" Samantha said as she forwarded his coffee to him.

"Thank you!" Johnson replied as he took his coffee from Samantha.

Samantha grabbed her coffee mug and walked out of the kitchen to the backyard.

"Peaceful!" Johnson said as he followed Samantha to the backyard.

"Yes. I miss this place!" Samantha replied as she sipped on her coffee.

"And now, I will miss something else too..." Johnson said and Samantha raised her eyebrows at him.

"Me?" Samantha asked and Johnson shook his head making Samantha raise her eyebrows.

"Show will else, you will miss?" Samantha asked and Johnson can clearly feel her jealousy in her voice.

"Then?" Samantha asked and Johnson walked close towards her. Samantha frowned seeing him getting close to her.

"This." Johnson answered as he pressed his lips against Samantha's lips.

Johnson stepped back as tasted his lips which feel coffee. 

"Mmm... Your coffee tastes good! Take this and give me that mug!" Johnson said as he took Samantha's mug and gave her his mug.

"Huh? That's mine though!" Samantha said.

"And so you are mine!" Johnson replied making Samantha shook her head at him. Johnson sipped on his coffee as he winked at her.

"You are bad! So bad!" Samantha said making Johnson raise his eyebrows at her.

"My bad boy! You are my bad boy!" Samantha said as she kissed his cheek and Johnson chuckled.

"I am leaving in a few more minutes!" Johnson said and Samantha looked at him.

"Umm... Stay for lunch?" Samantha asked.

"No... I can't! I have a meeting! I am just here to see Anna. I missed her." Johnson answered.

"Do you want to take Anna with you?" Samantha asked.

"I want to but I will be quite busy with work stuff these even days..." Johnson answered.

"She will be with mom and dad. Spend time with her after you return from your company!" Samantha suggested and Johnson nodded his head.

"Let's ask her... If she wants too, I will take her... But if she wants to spend time with you, then it's fine..." Johnston said and Samantha nodded her head.

"Alright... Let's go inside!" Samantha replied as she turned around but Johnson grabbed her wrist before she took a step.

He walked close towards her and looked into her eyes.

"I love you and I will miss you!" Johnson said and Samantha smiled.

"I love you too and I will miss you too!" Samantha replied as she kept her hand on his cheek. Johnson kissed her forehead, nose, cheek, neck, ears and then lips. 

"Come back to me as soon as possible!" Johnson said and Samantha nodded her head with a smile. 

"Let's go inside!" Samantha said and Johnson nodded his head and they both walked inside the house. 

Liam, Cassandra, Alexi and Martin we're all laughing on something when Samantha and Johnson walked towards the living room!

"Ohh... What's going on?" Samantha asked and Alexi shook her head in nothing.

"Anna..." Samantha called and Anna ran towards her.

"Yes, Mumma?" Anna asked.

Samantha got down on her knees to Anna's level and held her hands.

"Do you wanna go with Dada to his home or do you want to be with me?" Samantha asked.

"Huh? I want to be with you both!" Anna answered. Samantha and Johnson looked at each other. 

"Baby, it just matters of 10 days and then we all will be together!" Samantha replied.

"But why not now?" Anna asked.

"Anna, as you missed Mumma... Mumma missed their parents too. So, she came here to spend a few days with Grandpa and grandma." Johnson answered.

Anna turned around to Liam and Cassandra and looked at them. Liam and Cassandra nodded their heads at Anna. She turned around to Johnson and Samantha again and hugged them tightly!

Samantha and Johnson took aback as she hugged them tightly! 

"Only 10 days?" Anna asked.

"Yes, baby!" Samantha answered.

"After that, you, I and Dada will be together right?" Anna asked with tears.

Johnson smiled seeing tears in Anna's eyes knowing very well how much she loves them both that they don't want to be away from each other!

"Yes... After 10 days. I and Mumma will get married right! So, you, I and Mumma will be together!" Johnson answered as he wiped off the tears away from Anna's eyes.

"Okay, then... I will stay with Mumma!" Anna said and Johnson nodded his head with a smile.

"Good!" Johnson replied!

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