Chapter One Hundred and Forty

Zhen Yuanzi is the essence of Innate, and apart from him, the essence of Five Elements also appeared in the prehistoric world.

For example, the essence of Jiamu, the essence of Jiamu is the ginseng fruit tree, which is also a more special existence in Innate Spiritual Roots. The essence of sunflower water was given by Gong Gong and integrated into itself. The essence of Lihuo has not yet appeared.

And the last essence of Gengjin is also transformed into a human like the original son, this essence of Gengjin is quasi mention.

Even Hongjun didn’t expect that after entering the chaotic space, this quasi-Ti was not only unharmed, but was actually washed away from the Impurities in his body. When he reached the realm of colored glaze, he was the closest quasi-sage to Sage’s physique.

The most important thing is that it was originally to lead and Zhunti to share the merits of this wild and extreme western land, and then to prove sanctification.

Now that the link is abolished, this quasi-tip can alone absorb the merits of the prehistoric West.

He is the essence of Innate Gengjin, and Gengjin masters the west, so Zhunti also represents the land of the extreme west.

Hongjun looked at Zhunti up and down, and then asked: “Junti, I want to give you a great fortune, do you want to be holy?”

Zhunti’s heart is shaken, Hongjun Sage actually wants to help him become holy?

Does this still have to hesitate?

Zhun Ti immediately knelt his head and knelt to Xie Hongjun, “Thank you Sage. I would like to be holy and benefit this wild west.”

Hongjun nodded, “Good.”

He raised Duster in his hand, nodded on Zhun Ti’s head, and then said, “If you become a holy, you need to benefit this predecessor and save all living beings. Would you like to?

Zhunti replied, “We are ready to mention and are willing to benefit Heavenly Dao.”

Hongjun nodded again, and he said, “On behalf of Heavenly Dao, I give you the supreme meritorious deeds. You also set up the Heavenly Dao aspiration for the benefit of all souls.”

Zhun raised his hands together, closed his eyes, and he recited the scripture from his mouth. The content was exactly the Heavenly Dao wish that Hongjun wanted him to send.

“All beings in the world are suffering. I am willing to establish a world of bliss in the western world, and seek great liberation for all beings. Those who enter my bliss can become a Buddha for all ages, and if there is a Buddha in their heart, everyone can be liberated. I am willing to make a great wish for all beings to solve their liberation:

When I was a Buddha, I didn’t have The Underworld Hungry Ghosts, poultry, or even squirming. After immeasurable calamity, he couldn’t make this wish, and he would not become a Buddha in the end.

When I was a Buddha, the Deva people in the immeasurable world in my moments, and even squirming and wriggling. In the next life, I will be transformed into a lotus flower in the Seven Treasure Pool.

When I was a Buddha, when people wanted to eat in my moments, the various flavors in the Seven Treasure Bowl were transformed into the present. The food has been eaten, and the utensils are naturalized. After immeasurable calamity, he couldn’t make this wish, and he would not become a Buddha in the end.


As he recited the scriptures from his mouth, a little golden light of merit emerged on his body.

Zhunti sat cross-legged on the ground, but his body grew bigger and bigger, and a huge figure appeared behind him.

Xiuyin and Zhunti practiced the same Taoist method, but at a glance, he recognized the figure behind Zhunti.

This figure is called Buddha!

Since then, there has been a Buddha in the wild, and all sentient beings have been saved.

Zhunti has made a forty-eight great aspiration to overcome all the sufferings in the world.

At this moment, all spirits raised their heads and looked towards the extreme west, which was originally barren and barren, but at this moment it is golden, with Buddhas appearing in the clouds, performing for the common people.

Dijun, who was guarding the entrance of the Primordial Westland, was shocked to see the changes in the depths of the Westland and turned it into his original form, and wanted to go into the depths of the Westland to find out.

However, when he was flying high, he suddenly fell to the ground, and he kept spitting out golden blood from his beak, his appearance was so miserable.

Ji Meng stepped forward to help Emperor Jun, but suddenly couldn’t move. In the transformed state, he could not control his own body. He knelt and knelt toward the Buddha statue in the cloud.

The same is true for other demons. Millions of demons all face the huge Buddha statue and bow their heads in salute.

A voice sounded in their minds at the same time: “All beings before the Buddha are knocking their heads!”


Bu Zhoushan, Wu Clan Discussion Hall.

When Ye Yun, Taiyi and other Ancestral Witches were discussing the establishment of the Demon Race Heaven Court, they suddenly felt something and looked towards the Wild West.

Someone is sanctified, it’s quasi mention! There is one more person in the prehistoric saint!

Ye Yun was speechless, how could this quasi-ti become holy? Could it be that because there was no introduction, he was sanctified faster instead?

At this moment, the voice of the system rang in his mind.

“Ding, the intervention of Heavenly Dao is detected, and the mission completion Heavenly Dao is updated.”

“Ding, task update, task completion Heavenly Dao has been updated as the wish of all living beings.”

“Task name: The wish of all beings.

Task content: All beings are dominated by all beings, Heavenly Dao can’t act recklessly, Heavenly Dao doing nothing is what all beings do. Please stop Heavenly Dao from continuing to interfere with the lives of all.

Task overview: Heavenly Dao advances the great merits to Zhunzi, Zhunzi promotes the forty-eighth National Congress of Education to be holy. This is not fair to all living beings, and it appears improperly.

Mission Reward: Every time Heavenly Dao is blocked, a 100,000 multiplier card will be awarded (the upper limit of the card depends on the system level and can be changed) plus 10,000 merit points. ”

Task updated? Prevent Heavenly Dao from interfering in the prehistoric world?

Ye Yun carefully recalled the mission called Completing Heavenly Dao. This mission was activated after he obtained Pangu’s inheritance. The content of the mission was to separate Heavenly Dao from the prehistoric Karma. The rewards were quite generous. Open Heavenly Axe fragments, first Heavenly Demon God’s core, and a million-fold lottery ticket increase card.

Ye Yun can’t say that the reward for the mission of this wish of sentient beings is better than the reward for the last mission.

However, the summary of the mission of sentient beings reminds Ye Yun that this quasi-ticketing saint is helped by a “person”, and this “person” is Heavenly Dao.

Now that Hongjun is in harmony, he is Heavenly Dao, and Heavenly Dao is him, that is to say, Hongjun has taken a step to help Zhunjichengsheng!

“This girl’s cheating is too much!” Ye Yun shot the case directly, her expression was very angry, and everyone in the chamber was startled.

Ye Yun glanced around, and finally set his gaze on Nine Heavens Kunpeng.

Although he knew what Hongjun was doing, Ye Yun couldn’t just say it out of nowhere, and others would not believe it, so he put the breakthrough point on Nine Heavens Kunpeng.

According to Taiyi, this Nine Heavens Kunpeng came out of the prehistoric Westland, and the prehistoric Westland is the nest of Zhunti and Lu. Don’t think about it, this Nine Heavens Kunpeng must be the same as Zhunti. The lead has been touched.

Ye Yun directly asked Nine Heavens Kunpeng: “Kunpeng fellow daoist, now Zhunti has become Sage. You used to have feasts with them, did you have a relationship with Zhunti Sage and a fellow daoist when you were in the Western Territory? Conflict? Please answer truthfully, this is related to our big plan!”

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