Chapter 141 I noticed you

Big plan! It’s another big deal!

Nine Heavens Kunpeng became annoyed when he heard Ye Yun used a big plan to suppress himself.

What’s more, what Ye Yun asked about was still related to Zhunti. Isn’t this the pot which is not opened and which pot is lifted?

But Tai Yi and Ye Yun saved his life again, no matter from which point of view, he needs to cooperate with Ye Yun’s questioning.

He twisted unnaturally for a while, and then said, “If there is a conflict, there will be two times.”

twice? Tai Yi snorted in his heart, and he had a bad premonition.

Following Nine Heavens Kunpeng’s explanation, everyone also knew what happened in the past.

It turned out that after Nine Heavens Kunpeng killed Hongyun, he felt something in his heart, so he went to the wild west.

After traveling for several months in the extreme west of the prehistoric land, he came across Zhun Ti and the lead. With emotion, Nine Heavens Kunpeng had a fight with the two.

However, there are so many Magic Treasures who have been introduced to him. Even when the two of them were still fighting with him, Nine Heavens Kunpeng couldn’t stand it anymore, and wanted to escape as soon as they fluttered their wings.

But who expected that he was such a simple flapping of his wings, he actually broke through the wall of the wild, went outside the wild world, wandering in the chaos!

If it weren’t for Nine Heavens Kunpeng’s incomparably thick blood, he would really disappear in the chaos.

He didn’t know how long he had spent in the chaos. Suddenly Zhunti appeared in front of him, new hatred and old hatred rushed into his heart, so he fought against Zhunti.

In the end, he swallowed Zhunti in one bite, but later Nine Heavens Kunpeng was in pain after swallowing Zhunpeng. He quickly vomited Zhunti out, and then fluttered his wings, unexpectedly flying out of the chaos inexplicably. Space, flew back into the prehistoric world.

After that, Taiyi knew about it.

After listening to Nine Heavens Kunpeng’s words, everyone was speechless.

Especially Ye Yun, he feels extremely painful now.

I’m just asking if you have any holidays with Zhun Ti, who really thinks you have it! And it’s still such a serious holiday! It’s Sage now!

Under Sage, all are ants. If someone wants to stumble you, you can’t prevent it.

While Ye Yun was thinking, Tai Yi asked Ye Yun.

“Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, so many major events have happened recently, and Zhunti has been sanctified. Do we continue to implement it according to the original plan?”

Ye Yun gritted his teeth viciously, “Execute, why not execute! We just took advantage of so many big things happening, we also have a wave of big things!”

The mood of the ancestor witches was immediately mobilized by Ye Yun, and they hurriedly agreed with Ye Yun, revealing their intent to fight to the sky.

As ancestral witches, even if the other party is Sage, they dare to fight.

However, although everyone cooperated with them, Ye Yun’s brows were still frowned.

His instinct tells him that the matter of quasi-ticketing is not so simple.

Tai Yi and the Ancestral Witches didn’t know what Ye Yun thought in his heart. After Ye Yun gave the order, they began to make adequate preparations for the establishment of the demon clan Heaven Court.

Taiyi asked Nine Heavens Kunpeng to take him back to the prehistoric West, to meet with Emperor Jun, and then lead the army back to Buzhou Mountain.

All the powerful began to operate like a sophisticated instrument, and the whole formed by them contained the power to destroy the entire prehistoric land.

At this time, Ye Yun had nothing to do.

Originally, he was going to give birth to Luohu, but now Nine Heavens Kunpeng has left with Taiyi, and he can’t do anything to the black Lotus flower on Nine Heavens Kunpeng.

Moreover, in fact, he didn’t know how to give birth to the extinct black lotus, so that Luo Hu was born ahead of time.

Is it necessary for Ye Yun to transfer his merits to Nine Heavens Kunpeng so that he can spend all of it on the black lotus that destroys the world?

This method is feasible, but Ye Yun is not a fool, he wouldn’t do it, he still has to use merit to advance.

But Ye Yun didn’t have a long time, because in the evening, Nuwa came from Qishan.

As Sage, Nuwa’s every move affects her surroundings.

If she appeared in Buzhou Mountain, she would definitely have come for something important.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Ye Yun immediately walked out of the camp and received Nuwa.

Nuwa didn’t have any expression on her face as before, but after seeing Ye Yun, her eyes flashed, and there was a clear mood swing.

Before Ye Yun spoke, Nuwa said directly to Ye Yun: “Ye Yun Zu Wu, the teacher’s teaching is over, where Kunpeng is now, I want to take him to see the teacher.”

“Ahem.” Ye Yun looked a little embarrassed, and he said embarrassedly: “Nuwa Sage, you are a step late. He has already left with his fellow daoist and is heading to the West of the Wild.”

Nuwa immediately yelled at Ye Yun, “It’s really confused. This Kunpeng has black lotus on his body. How can he walk around at will? In case Luohu resurrects and the life is overwhelmed, do you bear the blame?”

Ye Yun touched his nose and was about to explain aloud, Nuwa said again: “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, did you hide Kunpeng on purpose and not let me take me to the Purple Heaven Palace?”

Ye Yun’s eyes widened, and he said in disbelief, “Nuwa Sage, it turns out that I have such an image in your heart? My heart hurts!”

After all, Ye Yun immediately covered his heart, squeezing his eyebrows and nose together, with a painful expression on his face.

Nuwa: “…”

I’m Sage anyhow, can you be so serious when you are in front of me, now so many people are watching!

Ye Yun seemed to understand Nuwa’s face and expression, and he quickly said to Nuwa: “Sage, this is not Zhoushan at night, and it hurts the body. Let’s talk in the camp!”

Nuwa: “…”

Ye Yun, ancestor witch, next time you make an excuse, can you not find such a bad excuse? It is difficult for me to cooperate with you.

Thinking like this in her heart, Nuwa still had no expression on her face, she nodded, and then let Ye Yun take herself into his camp.

After entering the camp and sitting down, Nuwa spoke again. She said: “Ye Yun Zuwu, the teacher has noticed you now. You must not act lightly recently.”

Ye Yun was taken aback when she heard this.

The emotions in his heart now are very complicated, both happy and headache.

I was happy because Nuwa cared about him, and the headache was because he had grown awkwardly for so long and finally exposed.

Let Nuwa tell Sage to remind herself that the problem is already serious to a certain extent!

Ye Yun nodded first, and then he asked Nuwa.

“Nuwa Sage, has Hongjun Sage any big actions lately?”

Nuwa glanced at Ye Yun indifferently. Her eyes seemed to say, “Do you think I am the one who betrayed my teacher?”

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