Chapter 156 Eggs cannot be placed in the same basket

Ye Yun looked at the mural and couldn’t help but sigh. When the child grows up, he will be considered for the elders. Look at the mural how well he and Nuwa match!

Although he is not with Nuwa, everyone wants them to be a pair, right?

Ye Yun felt that he wanted to find a chance to tell Nuwa about this matter, and let her consider the opinions of the human race.

At this moment, Qing Yang said, “Father God, are you satisfied with this room?”

Ye Yun nodded, “Satisfied, you kid is quite savvy, and the future of Human Race depends on you.”

After being praised by Ye Yun, Qing Yang was a little fluttering.

After walking around the room, Ye Yun found a place at random.

He recruited Qing Yang to his side and asked, “Qing Yang, I ask you, except for the human races I put into the underworld, have all the prehistoric human races reached the shore of the East China Sea?”

After tossing for so long, Ye Yun finally started to ask about business.

Qing Yang thought for a while, and then replied: “Father, the human races on the shore of the East China Sea are not all of the human races. There are also nearly a hundred celebrities who have been organized into five teams by me, and they have gone everywhere in the prehistoric state.”

Ye Yun frowned, “Now that your human race is so weak, you will prosper if you are together, and your vitality will be severely damaged if you divide. Why did you choose to do this?”

Qingyang replied, “Father, this is what you taught us.”

Ye Yun was even more puzzled. Qing Yang said at this moment: “God Father, Qing Yang is stupid. He has always had a doubt in his heart. I hope God Father will answer one or two. What exactly is this egg, and why can’t you put chicken eggs? In the same basket? Then I change to bird eggs, can they be put in the same basket?”

Ye Yun suddenly felt Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, feelings.

Should I praise you for being smart or stupid?

The chicken has existed for a long time, but it is a domesticated creature, and its name is also given to it by the human race.

There may have been chicken-like animals, such as pheasants, in the prehistoric period, but that was after the great prosperity of the human race, and now chickens are not called chickens.

Ye Yun didn’t entangle Qing Yang with the question of eggs and birds. After asking a few more questions, he told Qing Yang to retreat and asked him to call Nine Heavens Kunpeng into the room.

Qing Yang retreated respectfully.

“According to Qing Yang, this human race is split again. It seems that if there is a novice village, it is not here.” Ye Yun thought secretly.

The scenes that Ye Yun saw when he was promoted have been lingering in his mind. It is clear that the current human race has no ability to influence, Hongjun still does not let the human race go.

The main reason why Human Race is so weak is that Ye Yun’s will is in it.

Ye Yun himself wants to develop in a low-key manner. If the human race rises too fast, he will have to step on the big stage in advance when he participated in the creation of human beings.

However, now that he has been promoted to the authentic ancestor witch, he is not so panicked in his heart, so he has improved his strength for the human race today.

It’s also time for Terran to debut.

While Ye Yun was thinking, Nine Heavens Kunpeng came in.

After entering, Nine Heavens Kunpeng first took a look at the room.

When he saw the mural where Ye Yun and Nuwa were snuggling together, he secretly said horrible.

He looked at Ye Yun with a bitter expression, and said, “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, why are you so unkind? You can do it alone to blaspheme Sage, and you have to drag me into the water!”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng has now determined that these murals were made by Ye Yun people, especially the mural where Ye Yun and Nuwa are nestling.

This is a proper blasphemy against Sage!

It would be okay if Nine Heavens Kunpeng didn’t know, but now he has seen it.

You said, did he say it, or did he not say it?

Anyway, he was dragged into this vortex.

Ye Yun calmed down Nine Heavens Kunpeng and said: “Calm down, isn’t it just a small mural! You see, you can go out and talk nonsense.”

“I still want to stay alive now, so you don’t have to give me bad ideas.” Nine Heavens Kunpeng said angrily.

Ye Yun laughed a few times, and then said, “I won’t make fun of you anymore. Let’s leave now and go to other places.”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng: “???”

You told me to come in just to say this? You won’t come out and tell me again! You still want to drag me into the water!

The two broke apart for a while, and finally left the shore of the East China Sea.

For Ye Yun, Nine Heavens Kunpeng is the No. 1 speed in the predecessor, and no one can match the speed under Sage. It is simply the best mount in the predecessor!

With free labor exploitation, Ye Yun certainly won’t be so stupid that he can move with the end of the world.

Above the Nine Heavens, Ye Yun once again stood on the back of Nine Heavens Kunpeng, swaying in the wind with the black lotus flower.

This time, the black lotus flower is much more honest. Obviously, the meal taught by Ye Yun before is still very effective.

But this time, Nine Heavens Kunpeng, acting as a means of transportation, was not as silent as last time, but was communicating with Ye Yun with consciousness.

Nine Heavens Kunpeng said: “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, you have been back to the Witch clan for so long. We still don’t know what your talents and supernatural powers are. This time you taught the human clan, did you really hurt the origin?”

Ye Yun raised his eyebrows. Nine Heavens Kunpeng suddenly asked about this. Are you testing him?

He went directly back to Nine Heavens Kunpeng and said: “Kunpeng fellow daoist, I can’t speak about this great Dao thing, but this time I’m passing on the magic method to the human race, my origin is not serious, you don’t have to worry too much.”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng laughed a few times, and then said: “Ye Yun Zuwu, you may have misunderstood. I am not worried about you, but I want to ask you for help. You said that you have nothing to do with your roots, and there should be no help with a little bit of help. Question?”

Ye Yun: “???”

Who did Nine Heavens Kunpeng learn from? It’s so shameless, and it’s still playing tricks on others, and another good boy has fallen!

In order to curb this unhealthy trend, Ye Yun righteously rejected Nine Heavens Kunpeng.

“Sorry, Ye Yun won’t help me if I’m busy.”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng: “!!!”

He hurriedly said: “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, why did you refuse so quickly, how about you still think about it first? I am a very busy person, and it doesn’t take much of your mind.”

Ye Yun shook his head: “If you don’t help, you won’t help. Don’t give up your mind. You should wash and sleep early.”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng glanced at the sun hanging high in the sky to the east, and was speechless.

However, he didn’t give up his own goal because of Ye Yun’s verbal attack. Ye Yun didn’t agree, and Nine Heavens Kunpeng kept talking to Ye Yun, which made Ye Yun very annoying.

In the end, Ye Yun couldn’t help it. He said, “Just tell me, what do you want?”

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