Chapter 157 Nine Heavens Kunpeng’s Request

Nine Heavens Kunpeng carried Ye Yun and took Ye Yun to find the human branch.

But Ye Yun never imagined that Nine Heavens Kunpeng actually asked for help halfway through, but Ye Yun couldn’t refuse it because of reason.

When Ye Yun asked Nine Heavens Kunpeng what he wanted, Nine Heavens Kunpeng spoke up.

“Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, I think you seem to have a way to enhance spells. I don’t know if you can enhance other things, such as Magic Treasures and physical bodies.”

How could Nine Heavens Kunpeng suddenly ask like this?

Many doubts arose in Ye Yun’s heart.

Although he enhanced his spells, he didn’t even know about the red beak roots. How did Nine Heavens Kunpeng guess that he could increase things?

In doubt, Ye Yun asked about the system, “System, is Nine Heavens Kunpeng’s current condition normal?”

The system prompt sounded immediately, “Host, Nine Heavens Kunpeng is now in normal condition, and the mind is not affected by the black lotus flower.”

Hearing this, Ye Yun frowned.

If Nine Heavens Kunpeng was affected by the black lotus flower, he could still excuse him not to return, but now, he has no way to do so.

After thinking for a while, Ye Yun replied: “Kunpeng, I do have the ability to enhance objects. This is the magical power I gained after I was promoted. It can cost my luck to exchange for equal value and increase objects.”

Ye Yun’s words are half true and half false, which can be considered a reasonable explanation for the own system.

After listening to Nine Heavens Kunpeng, he immediately said: “Ye Yun Zu Witch, since this is the case, can you help me strengthen my physical strength? I am willing to pay for this. If you want luck, I can take the Feng clan Part of the remaining luck will be given to you.”

Hearing this, Ye Yun Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, this Nine Heavens Kunpeng, in order to strengthen the physical body, actually did not let go of the residual luck of the Feng clan.

The point is, Ye Yun is really moved by what Nine Heavens Kunpeng said.

He opened his mouth and said to Nine Heavens Kunpeng: “Kunpeng, not to mention whether my ability can strengthen your physical body. Have you still not figured out the situation? The energy and blood contained in your physical body are enough to be comparable to the energy of the ancestor witch. The candle with the strongest blood power is nine yin, you have to strengthen it!”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng suddenly said a little embarrassingly: “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, it’s true that I wandered in the chaotic space last time, and it was only because of my energy and blood that I survived safely. But this chaos is extremely dangerous. , My origin is also a bit depleted. Fortunately, although this chaotic space is dangerous, I have realized a great road through this, so I need to strengthen my own vitality. It’s just that I’m a quasi-sage now. Difficulties are all difficult. I have not been able to do anything for a long time, and I have been desperate in my heart. Seeing you have such abilities today, I want to try again in my heart.”

Ye Yun: “…”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng went out to wander in the chaotic space and was able to track down a great road, which was really lucky.

It’s just that little brother, there’s one thing I didn’t tell you about. I’m just the peak of the Great Luo Jinxian. I haven’t reached the quasi-sage yet. Don’t come to me for your quasi-sage matters!

Nine Heavens Kunpeng saw that Ye Yun was silent, and once again wanted to convince Ye Yun.

Ye Yun had a headache. He interrupted Nine Heavens Kunpeng quickly, and then said, “Kunpeng, I know about your affairs. Let me think about it for a few days, and then I will give you an answer.”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng happily replied: “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, then I will wait for you for a few days.”

A good trip, and now I have caused another trouble for myself, life is sorrowful!

Ye Yun sighed, and then let Nine Heavens Kunpeng continue to fly forward, speeding up the search for the human race.

Because it is now past noon, the sun is beginning to sway west.

If it is night and the Human Race hides, Ye Yun, who has no deduction method, will not find it easy to find the Human Race.

There are no branches in the human race. With the speed of Nine Heavens Kunpeng, Ye Yun quickly found four human branches.

After seeing Ye Yun, these human races, like Qingyang on the shore of the East China Sea, were excited at first, and then bowed to Ye Yun.

Their situation is similar to that of the human race on the shore of the East China Sea, and they are not very Ruyi Scepter.

After Ye Yun asked these human race branches and did not get the desired result, he instructed these human races to go to the shore of the East China Sea to find Qingyang and the others to join. As for the others, Ye Yun can’t help these human races.

At least, now he can’t vent his anger for the human race again.

This kind of thing can be done once, and there is no need to do it a second time. Besides, the human race in Qingyang has already embarked on the road to rise, and there is only one thing these human races should do now, and that is to merge with Qingyang and the others.

After searching the four boundaries one after another, but no useful results were obtained, Ye Yun was very irritable now.

He even doubted for a while whether the pictures he saw when he was promoted were fake.

But despite this thought, Ye Yun let Nine Heavens Kunpeng carry him to find the last human race.

When it was about to enter the night, Ye Yun, who happened to pass by somewhere, was shocked, and he quickly let Nine Heavens Kunpeng fall.

After stepping on the ground, Ye Yun frowned deeply.

Because here is a valley, but not the valley he saw when he was promoted.

Ye Yun is familiar with this valley because he has lived here for a long time.

Here is the “novice village!” where he first met the Qilin clan.

Originally there are many “novice villages” with complex and changeable landforms.

But now “novice village” has undergone a very big change, directly from hills to valleys!

If it weren’t for Ye Yun when he was above the sky, he would feel that something was wrong, otherwise he would really miss the valley.

Seeing Ye Yun frowned, Nine Heavens Kunpeng asked: “Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, there is nothing in the boundary here, but looking at you, it seems that you are not unfamiliar with this place?”

Ye Yun nodded, where is no stranger, but here is the starting point for his rebirth, OK?

It’s just that I don’t know who used the god-tier pass to transform this “novice village”.

Suddenly, a thought flashed in Ye Yun’s mind, and he realized it instantly.

He was born here when he was reborn. Maybe this is the resurrection point and spawn point of other players, and those players will enter the game here just like him.

If there is no accident, the place he is looking for is here.

However, Ye Yun’s brows were still not stretched.

He didn’t understand. If the place he was looking for was here, then why is it different from what he saw when he was promoted?

Just as Ye Yun was thinking, several sounds of walking through the woods came from a distance.

Ye Yun’s figure disappeared in no time, and when he reappeared, there was an extra thing in his hand.

Nine Heavens Kunpeng looked at it, and suddenly became speechless.

This Ye Yun ancestor witch just disappeared just to catch a rabbit and come back?

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