Chapter 158 “The Mystery of Novice Village”

Ye Yun looked at the rabbit in his hand, also very depressed.

He clearly found a creature in the distance just now, why did he catch a rabbit back after he shot it?

This rabbit has a lot more hits than common rabbits. To be precise, except for its appearance like a rabbit, its body is really nothing like it.

Has anyone ever seen a rabbit half a human tall?

The rabbit struggled constantly in Ye Yun’s hands, trying to escape.

Upon seeing this, Ye Yun threw the rabbit out.

Then he didn’t care if the rabbit could understand or not, he directly said to the rabbit: “Don’t come here next time. The location here is special.”

After speaking, Ye Yun didn’t plan to take care of the rabbit.

Absolutely strong people generally have only two states for weak creatures, one is compassion, and the other is too lazy to take care of it.

Now Ye Yun is the second type, he really has no time to embarrass a rabbit.

But what Ye Yun and Nine Heavens Kunpeng didn’t expect was that after he threw the rabbit on the ground, the rabbit’s figure changed.

He changed directly from a rabbit to a human being, to be precise, a girl.

Ye Yun suddenly realized at this moment, look at his memory, among the eight kinds of spells that the human race has mastered, one of the changes is the rabbit.

For a while, Ye Yun didn’t even think of this just now.

After the rabbit turned into a human, he immediately fell to his knees and saluted Ye Yun.

“Lan Ruo has seen Father God!”

Ye Yun shook his head and chuckled, helping the girl who called herself Lan Ruo up.

He said: “You recognized me, but I didn’t recognize you. I really pretended to be the father and god of your human race.”

Lan Ruo got up and quickly said, “God father must not say that. It is because we are too guarded and ask God the father to forgive our sins.”

Ye Yun briefly communicated with Lan Ruo, and then understood what was going on.

It turned out that after their human race arrived here, they found that no high-rank beasts or monsters appeared in this area, so they settled here.

This human branch had stayed in this area for a long time, and then discovered the secrets of this area.

There is no way to use magical powers here, only the most basic spells!

That’s why those high-rank fierce beasts and monsters don’t want to stay here for a long time.

Lan Ruo’s transformation technique is the life-saving technique of this human race. When high-rank beasts pass by this area, they disguise other creatures and hide.

However, after discovering that Ye Yun and Nine Heavens Kunpeng had arrived this time, their disguise was useless, and they were still caught by Ye Yun.

After listening to Lan Ruo’s words, Nine Heavens Kunpeng felt a little strange, he quickly used his natal magic Kunpeng escape method, and in the blink of an eye he disappeared from where he was.

Before long, Kunpeng came back, but this time there was an extra fish in his hand.

Ye Yun saw the fish in Nine Heavens Kunpeng’s hand, and it hurts very much. He said, “Did you see that I caught a rabbit and came back and was not convinced, so I also brought a fish back? Hurry up, maybe this fish It’s also the human race.”

Upon hearing this, Nine Heavens Kunpeng hurriedly released the fish, but the fish did not change.

Lan Ruo looked up and found that Ye Yun and Nine Heavens Kunpeng were both looking at herself. She waved her hand quickly, “This is not our tribe.”

Ye Yun nodded, it’s not that easy to say.

At this time, Nine Heavens Kunpeng asked, “Lan Ruo, you said that magical powers cannot be used here, so why can I easily use magical powers?”

Ye Yun didn’t have a good air: “As far as you know, your strength is already a quasi-sage, how can this area help you?”

Nine Heavens Kunpeng suddenly realized that Sage is an existence that transcends everything and is not bound by laws. Although the quasi-sage has many restrictions on his body, most of the laws of the prehistoric world can still be broken.

The laws here can only restrain people with a certain degree of strength, but they cannot restrain Kunpeng.

However, Ye Yun didn’t finish his sentence. This is the “novice village”, where Ye Yun once summoned the Lotus Terrace Dojo.

Now Lan Ruo said that this “novice village” has laws and regulations, and Ye Yun guesses that this constraint comes from the Lotus Terrace Dojo.

After knowing the general situation, Ye Yun asked Lan Ruo: “Lan Ruo, have there been any major incidents here in the past month?”

“A big deal? Father God, what is a big deal?” Lan Ruo asked, tilting his head.

Ye Yun: “Is there any other human races besides you? Has Hongjun Sage been here?”

Lan Ruo shook his head and said: “Lan Ruo has never seen other human races appear here for such a long time in Life, let alone strong people come here. Father God, you are the first strong person I have ever seen. Oh, By the way, there is the senior next to you, Father God.”

“His name is Nine Heavens Kunpeng.” Ye Yun explained casually.

Ye Yun now has no thoughts about other things, and Lan Ruo’s words are undoubtedly another blow to him.

This “novice village” is the place where the last human branch of Life, if what he saw when he was promoted did not happen here, then there would be no other place where that happened.

Could it be that all I saw at the time were fake? That’s why I didn’t have any Cultivation Base at that time, and I couldn’t even summon the system? However, as a player, how could he see this scene when he was promoted?

Ye Yun’s heart was full of sorrows, and things became even more confusing.


The wild west.

After the quasi-ticket becomes a holy, play as Shamen, not to go to the extreme west for non-major events.

The two of them were supposed to be the lead and the lead was the boss, but now in this situation, the lead is destined to be the second child.

In fact, when it comes to preaching, quasi-promotion is far better than reception.

Three thousand guests from the Zixiao Palace came to listen to Hongjun’s lectures. The three thousand guests from the Zixiao Palace were all famous Innate powerhouses in the prehistoric world.

In the later generations, there will also be a three thousand people of the world. This three thousand people of the world are the general term for those powerful people who have defrauded Western religion from various sects and sites.

It’s just that, during this time period, there will be no more than 3,000 people in the future.

Because the lead cannot be sanctified, but he doesn’t know it.

This deception came to the West in the Wild West, of course, fell on the actual low-level lead.

It has been more than a month since Quasi-Title became a saint. He sat in meditation and chanting all day long to relieve the yin energy of this extremely western land. Sage’s supernatural powers are indescribable, and this Six Paths of Reincarnation is revived, and most of the Yin Qi in the West is dissipated.

This is a great merit, and the introduction has also gained many benefits. At least, his Cultivation Base has faintly touched the threshold of the quasi-sage, plus his Magic Treasures, no ordinary quasi-sage can match it. .

However, none of the quasi-saints who can be promoted at this point are weak.

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