Chapter 178: Purification Begins Qilin Bloodline

“Baize Lion?? Ye Yun, ancestor witch, why do you know this?” Hajime Qilin said in surprise, his expression even became a little wary, knowing that he is the only one left in this world. Hajime Qilin, Hajime Qilin can evolve into Baize Lion, theoretically only he knows such news.

He didn’t know why Ye Yun would also know such news, and in his heart he felt that if such news were revealed, he might be enslaved by various masters.

“Actually, you don’t have to panic, I also found this information in an extremely old manual.”

“This time I do want to give you a huge opportunity. I can make you a Baize Lion without any risk, but after you become a Baize Lion, you have to help me derive a few pill recipes.”

Ye Yun opened his mouth. After hearing Ye Yun say this, Hajime Qilin became a little silent, and his heart was extremely entangled. However, after some time passed, Hajime Qilin nodded sharply: “Okay, in that case. , Ye Yun Ancestral Witch, I promised you, I hope you don’t deceive me.”

Hearing Haji Lin say this, Ye Yun became happy in his heart. Then he told Haji Qilin to come back to the Monster Clan Heaven Court earlier. Haji Qilin also agreed: “After two days, I will Go back to the Yaozu Heaven Court.”

Two days later, Hajime Qilin returned to the Heaven Court of the demon clan, and Ye Yun was also waiting here quietly at this time.

Hajime Qilin looked at Ye Yun, his chest was still undulating, and his heart was extremely excited.

“Haji Qilin, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time.” Ye Yun said, after all, it was not very short time for him to get this pill recipe, so in theory, he has been waiting for Haji Qilin.

Hajime Qilin nodded when he heard Ye Yun say this, and he was even more puzzled, not knowing what exactly Ye Yun would use to help him become a Baize Lion.

“Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, I deeply understand in my heart how difficult it is to further evolve the bloodline after I am like this.”

“Being a Baize Lion is even more difficult, so you can tell me specifically, how do you want to help me become a Baize Lion?”

Hajime Qilin spoke, and he decided in his heart that even if the method proposed by Ye Yun was dangerous, he was willing to try it as long as it was not dead or dead.

Now he has become a quasi-sage by virtue of Haji Qilin’s bloodline, and he is also the best among the quasi-sages. Presumably, after his bloodline has further evolved into Baize Lion, his sanctification is also hopeful.

No matter when it is, the saints in the prehistoric continent can be said to be the top strength among the top. They have stood on the top of countless people, can divide the giant cake in the prehistoric continent, and can plan the development of the prehistoric continent. Infinitely secretive.

Every creature wants to be such a character, but it is too difficult to become a saint in the prehistoric continent, even if you work hard, you can’t achieve it.

For Yaozu, blood is extremely important, so this is why Hajime Qilin wanted to become Baize Lion so much.

“Haha, let’s talk about it, how to help you become a Baize Lion, I already have an idea in my heart, but I hope you don’t reveal a little bit about what I have done to you.”

Ye Yun spoke. After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Baize Lion nodded quickly. It was not that he didn’t understand in his heart. After the news was revealed, it would be of no benefit to him.

After seeing Baize Lion nodding, Ye Yun also nodded, and then he turned his head and walked towards a secret room next to him: “Baize Lion, you just walked over.”

Ye Yun’s voice came in a misty voice, and Baize Lion followed Ye Yun closely, and followed Ye Yun into the secret room far away.

After Ye Yun entered this secret room, she didn’t let her heart down, and then placed a few Restrictions in this secret room. The levels of these Restrictions are all extremely high.

The types of these Restrictions are also different. They have the exquisite sound insulation, the Divine Sense Restrictions, and the Divine Sense Restrictions. These are all shielding methods that Ye Yun did.

Then Ye Yun looked at Haji Qilin, Haji Qilin’s heart also kept beating, staring at Ye Yun tightly.

“Hajime Qilin, relax your mind, sit in the same place, and then I’m going to start.”

Ye Yun spoke. After hearing what Ye Yun said, Hajime Qilin hesitated for a moment and then sat down slowly.

“Relax all your hearts, now I want to purify your blood, and you can’t have any resistance.”

Ye Yun spoke, and Qilin had slight doubts in his heart, but after a while, he also gritted his teeth fiercely.

He wanted to fight for it, fight for a chance to truly become Baize Lion.

After seeing that Shi Qilin had relaxed all his mind, Ye Yun also nodded slightly, and then he sat opposite Shi Qilin.

Ye Yun sat opposite Haji Qilin, then slowly raised his own hands, and began to dance constantly in the air, Ye Yun’s hands were constantly dancing in the air, leaving behind many shadows.

Papa papa, his palm kept hitting Qilin’s body, and mysterious power poured into Qilin’s body.

At this time, Qilin also felt a slight joy in his heart. He felt that the blood in his body gradually became richer, and it was also extremely active.

“It seems that Ye Yun Ancestor Witch really has a way to help me purify my blood.”

Qilin was pleasantly surprised, and completely let go of his own mind, letting Ye Yun act.

And at this time, Ye Yun also took out a spell. This spell was called the bloodline purification spell, which was extremely precious, but it was nothing more than that for Ye Yun.

The moment Ye Yun took out this spell, he slapped it on Haji Qilin’s body, and the spell entered Haji Qilin’s body in an instant, and then melted into Haji Qilin’s blood in an instant.

Qilin’s blood continued to boil in an instant, as if a volcano was ignited and erupted in his body, the infinite potential in his body began to surging, and the blood veins began to thicken in an instant.

In an instant, I felt a tremendous change in own’s body.

His internal organs seemed to be constantly in motion, and the blood in his body seemed to undergo some kind of rebirth-like changes.

Every cell in the body seems to be cracking, and these cells are cracking, and in the end it seems to be different and reborn, so Qilin itself seems to be reborn.

This was an extremely rare opportunity, and also an extremely painful moment. At this moment, Hajime Qilin’s face was extremely distorted, and he couldn’t help making deep and painful noises.

Because this process is extremely painful, but Hajime Qilin can clearly feel his own blood in Ascension, and his heart is also painful and happy.

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