Chapter 179 Deduction of the six mysterious pill recipes

The power that seemed to be a new birth was constantly bursting in Haji Qilin’s body, and Haji Qilin’s blood was constantly being purified.

Although this process was extremely painful, Hajime Qilin was full of excitement. The cold sweat on his body kept dripping down, but his expression was extremely firm.

As if it was a moment, and as if countless years have passed, Ye Yun finally stopped his own hand, and at this moment Qilin’s whole body seemed to change completely.

The previous Qilin Qilin was earthy yellow, but now Qilin Hongsheng has become snow white, with a snow-white fur draped on his body, and he also looks very elegant.

Hajime Qilin finally opened his own eyes, with an extremely rich joy in them.

“Me, I finally become Baize Lion.”

Hajime Qilin said, he has completely become Baize Lion at this time.

“Yes, Hajime Qilin, you have become Baize Lion.” Ye Yun smiled and said to Baize Lion.

“Thank the ancestor witch for his reinvention of me!”

Hajime Qilin immediately knelt down on one knee and spoke to Ye Yun, with endless gratitude in his words.

Ye Yun stepped forward and helped Haji Qilin up: “You don’t have to thank Haji Qilin so much. I want to know that the reason why I helped you purify your blood is because you need you to help me develop a few pill recipes.”

“Now I don’t have to call you Qilin anymore, just call you Baize Lion.”

Ye Yun said, Qilin didn’t say much. He couldn’t deduct the six pill recipes that Taiqing gave him, so he couldn’t refine these Medicine Pills.

And Hajime Qilin has become Baize Lion at this time. Baize Lion is the beast of auspiciousness. I heard that I have knowledge of Innate, so I can deduce those pill recipes.

Baize Lion nodded and stood beside Ye Yun, still very grateful.

“Also ask Ye Yun Zuwu to take out those pill recipes and let me deduct them carefully.”

Baize Lion spoke, and when he heard Baize Lion say this, Ye Yun nodded, and then took out the six pill recipes.

The six pill recipes looked different, but when Ye Yun picked it up, Baize Lion still shrank his own gaze.

That has the knowledge of Innate, so I immediately felt that these six pill recipes are not simple.

“These six pill recipes?”

“Can Ye Yun Ancestor Witch put it in my hands and let me watch it for a while?”

Baize Lion spoke. After hearing what Baize Lion said, Ye Yun also nodded and put these six pill recipes into Baize Lion’s hands.

Baize Lion picked up these six pill recipes, and then watched them carefully. His expression looked extremely serious. After a while, he sat up on the spot again.

Baize Lion put these six pill recipes in front of his knees, then closed his own eyes, and his whole body exuded a pure white mystic luster.

“Nine Heavens knows everything, knows everything.”

“Knowledge through the gods, the predestined to solve the problem, and the result of a cause.”


Baize Lion seemed to be muttering something, and there seemed to be some complicated things in his mind at this time, and these things were also related to those pill recipes, which were the methods of refining those pill recipes.

After a long time, Baize Lion stood up and had a relieved expression in his eyes.

After all, he is also the first time to become Baize Lion. I don’t know if he can derive these pill recipes, but now he is relieved because he has successfully deduced these six pill recipes.

“Ye Yun Zuwu, these six pill recipes have been successfully deduced by me.”

“Now I will tell you.”

Baize Lion spoke, Ye Yun was also overjoyed, and he laughed and signaled that Baize Lion could tell him.

“The longevity pill is mainly composed of longevity grass, Lian Tianmu, and Xuanji jade. These things are the main medicine, supplemented by several other big medicines. They can be refined after three days and three nights after refining with the exquisite green lotus refining technique.”

Baize Lion spoke, and when he told it, he was a little shocked. After all, in his opinion, every material in this Medicine Pill is extremely precious.

After hearing what Baize Lion said, Ye Yun also nodded. He could hear what Baize Lion said was extremely correct, and after hearing what Baize Lion said, he also knew how to actually refine these Medicine Pills.

Immediately afterwards, Baize Lion continued to tell Ye Yun about the refining methods of several other Medicine Pills, and Ye Yun was also extremely satisfied.

“The main method of refining the Qi and Blood Pill is…”

Baize Lion also told Ye Yun the refining method of the Qi and Blood Pill, but the Qi and Blood Pill was also one of the six pill recipes Taiqing gave him.

The Qi and Blood Pill is also the most important for Ye Yun. It can not only strengthen his own Qi and blood, but also remove a part of the Impurities in his body, so this is why Ye Yun wants to get this Qi and Blood Pill.

Although the Qi and Blood Pills have existed in the Primordial Continent since ancient times, those Qi and Blood Pills are very different from the Qi and Blood Pills Ye Yun wants to refine, and their efficacy is even more than one ten thousandths of this Qi and Blood Pill. Not enough.

After some time passed, Ye Yun nodded in satisfaction, and also had some good feelings for Baize Lion.

At this time, he had already obtained all the refining methods of Medicine Pill, and he didn’t seem to need to stay here anymore.

Baize Lion looked at Ye Yun, but didn’t seem to walk directly outside.

Ye Yun looked at Baize Lion and knew in his heart why Baize Lion was like this.

“Haha, Baize Lion, you must be worried that if your identity is leaked after going out, you will be peeped by many powerful people.”

Ye Yun spoke, Baize Lion also nodded, but there was such a worry in his heart. After seeing Ye Yun’s technique before and hearing about Ye Yun’s deeds, his heart was also extremely for Ye Yun. Worship.

“Ye Yun Ancestor Witch, I don’t know if you have a way to hide my aura, otherwise, even if I go out, I’m sure I will encounter something unexpected.”

Baize Lion spoke, and Ye Yun nodded. He did have such a method, and even if Baize Lion didn’t mention it, he would show it to Baize Lion when he left.

Seeing Ye Yun nodding, Baize Lion was overjoyed.

“Baize Lion, you stand where you are, now I will hide your breath for you.”

Ye Yun spoke, and Baize Lion did the same. Then Ye Yun came to Baize Lion’s back and put his hands on Baize Lion’s back near the mouth of his heart.

“Mystery is universal, universal is mortal, everything under the earth, every sage is one, the spirit is all harmonious and hidden.”

Ye Yun spoke, a faint light radiated from his hand, covering Baize Lion’s body.

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