Chapter 218: Hongjun Treasury

When the weird wave just came, Ye Yun felt that his soul and body seemed to be uncontrolled, but at that time, his system emitted a blue light, which flowed through his body, causing Ye Yun to regain consciousness. The strange energy has no effect on Ye Yun.

“No wonder Hongjun said that we should be buried with us. If there is no specific targeting method for this energy, even Sage will be unavoidable.”

Ye Yun sighed, and then he held the Jiuxiao Jasper Knife in his hand towards the death zone of the soul, and slashed it severely beside him.

A knife swept across, as if the Milky Way was falling.

The sky is divided into two, and Ye Yun’s knife also carries the cool energy from the system.

Because of this cool energy, it seemed to block the influence from the dead zone of the soul instantly.

At this time, those people who were about to plunge into the dead zone of the soul, their souls returned to the body again, feeling that their own body once again belonged to themselves.

His complexion changed drastically, and he flew out towards Hongjun’s dojo.

After a while, the rest of the people had already left Hongjun’s dojo. At this time, they were finally safe and out of the range of influence of the Soul Divide Realm.

Everyone was a survivor and looked at Ye Yun.

“seal up!!”

Ye Yun can only save these people back, but he can do nothing for those who have died.

What he wanted to do at this time was to block this soul-divided area again, because when the soul-divided area was open, it exuded that strange power of influence every moment, and only this The soul of the dead zone is sealed, and then find a way to solve it.

A magical white light appeared in Ye Yun’s hand, and he used the most powerful sealing method he knew.

Ye Yun’s sealing method is not very powerful, but at the same time he also used a ten-thousand multiplier card.

The sealing method that has been multiplied ten thousand times is so powerful that it may be the first seal on the prehistoric continent.

It was as if a huge palm was heading towards the dead zone of the soul, and was severely suppressed in the dead zone of the soul.

For a moment, the air in the dead zone of Soul Fen seemed to stagnate for a moment, and immediately after the hole around the dead zone of Soul Fen, it began to squirm automatically.

Countless boulders and mud flew around, gradually covering up the dead zone of the soul point. Before that, the dead zone of the soul point was under the Hongjun dojo. At this time, it was also covered up again.

The surrounding area gradually returned to calm. When a gust of breeze passed, Ye Yun stood above the sky, and at this time, the army brought by Ye Yun completely defeated Hongjun’s forces.

The most important side of this battle is to depend on Ye Yun and Hongjun. At this time, Hongjun is already dead, and even Sage on Hongjun’s side has died three. Zhunti and Nuwa have turned to Ye Yun, Styx. The ancestor tried to escape when he noticed something was wrong, but was also beheaded by Ye Yun. Hongjun’s army was even more unable to resist.

They knelt on the ground one after another, and they were all detained by the army behind Ye Yun.

“We are willing to surrender and ask Master Ye Yun to spare us our lives.”

Someone said, Ye Yun also smiled coldly.

Of course he has to spare these people. After all, he has some losses this time. After sparing these people, he can demote these people into slaves and build his own new power. These people can play a great role.

“Tell them all to be imprisoned and let them go!”

Ye Yun waved his hand coldly.

At this time, the creatures of various races on the Primordial Continent also felt in their hearts, knowing that Hong Junyi was dead at this time, and even seeing the changes here in Hongjun’s dojo.

“Unexpectedly, Hongjun would actually ban the second ban on the Primordial Continent under his dojo, turning it into his method.”

“But what makes people feel even more shocking is that even the second forbidden area of ​​the Primordial Continent has no effect on Ye Yun, and it was even easily sealed by Ye Yun again.”

Sage felt it and was very surprised.

As if an invisible wind was blowing, everyone felt that the new pattern of the Primordial Continent was coming, and perhaps a new era would also be reopened, and all of this was because Ye Yun beheaded Hongjun.

In fact, it was indeed the case. After Ye Yun sealed the dead zone of the soul, he ordered his men to completely occupy Hongjun’s dojo.

In Hongjun’s dojo, many buildings have been destroyed at this time, but there are many buildings here.

In Hongjun’s dojo, among those intact buildings, there are some treasures.

And the biggest treasure house is completely occupied by Ye Yun.

Ye Yun took Nuwa into the protection that day. Looking at the dazzling array of treasures, Ye Yun’s eyes glowed: “Hongjun, the old tortoise, didn’t expect that he had so many treasures. He didn’t take out much before. .”

Ye Yun walked into Hongjun’s treasure house, and he was also stunned by the treasures here.

Although he is richer than many people because of the system, he is still a bit worse than Hongjun. After all, Hongjun is a super Sage, and he has dominated the prehistoric continent for a long time.

In his treasure house, all kinds of treasures are everything, and every treasure can be said to be the best.

Ye Yun picked up a long whip. This long whip turned out to be an Innate spirit treasure, one of the top ten Innate spirit treasures of the Primordial Continent: “Hongjun actually has two collections of the top ten Innate spirit treasures of the Primordial Continent.”

Ye Yun was surprised, there was another ten god-tier device of the Primordial Continent in the distance.

Each of the ten god-tier devices in the prehistoric continent is an Innate spirit treasure, and it is the outstanding thing among Innate spirit treasures.

On weekdays on the prehistoric continent, these ten god-tier devices are just legends. I didn’t expect that there were these two in Hongjun’s treasury, but Hongjun hadn’t brought them out before.

It must be these two prehistoric artifacts. Although their power is powerful and precious, they are not very suitable for Hongjun, and Hongjun did not take them out.

On the other hand, it is also because these two god-tier devices are so precious that Hongjun worried that when he took it out, it would attract other Sage’s prying eyes. During the sensitive period of his fight with Ye Yun, if he finds this The thing is very fatal.

But now it is obviously cheaper Ye Yun, all these things belong to Ye Yun.

In the end, 80% of the things in this treasure house were completely occupied by Ye Yun, and the remaining 20% ​​was divided down because Ye Yun didn’t like it, and was divided among the people below him.

And even the things that Ye Yun didn’t like, when they were divided down, it was the existence that made thousands of people compete with each other.

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