Chapter 219 The Only Heaven Court

Ye Yun had already killed Hongjun at this time, and his influence in the Primordial Continent had become stronger, and even his prestige was stronger than that of Hongjun when he was alive.

As time passed slowly, Ye Yun’s strength continued to grow, and in a blink of an eye, he had reached the peak of the Sage early stage, Realm.

At this time, half a year has passed.

That day Ye Yun called Nuwa over: “Nuwa, I have an idea, I don’t know if you want to listen.”

When Ye Yun said this, Nuwa stared at Ye Yun intently, not knowing what Ye Yun was going to say.

“I want to build a Heaven Court, not the ordinary Heaven Court, but the only Heaven Court, the real Heaven Court.”

“From then on, the Heaven Court respected by the world!”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Nuwa was all over her body for a while, but she didn’t expect Ye Yun to have such thoughts.

But after you have to think about it for a while, he found that Ye Yun’s idea is also very feasible: “Ye Yun, it would be good to build a unique Heaven Court. In this case, our influence on the prehistoric continent will also increase. Is powerful, and maybe you can gradually control the entire prehistoric continent.”

Nuwa’s words were what Ye Yun thought in his heart. After the two people continued to discuss for a while, they were determined.

So on this day, Ye Yun wandered around the powerful races on the prehistoric continent and told these races their own ideas. After hearing that Ye Yun wanted to build a unique Heaven Court, many people were surprised.

They can expect how far-reaching influence this Heaven Court will have on the prehistoric continent after its establishment.

I am afraid that with the passage of time, every force on the prehistoric continent will be under the jurisdiction of this Heaven Court.

Ye Yun also came to the Heaven Court of the demon race, listening to Ye Yun with a solemn expression, frowned.

According to the truth, at this time the Heaven Court of the Yaozu is already the Heaven Court on the prehistoric continent, but since Ye Yun is going to set up a unique Heaven Court, it will definitely not be the Heaven Court of the Yaozu, and maybe their Heaven Court will also be the same. Was expelled.

In fact, you do.

“Taiyi Emperor Jun, you don’t need to feel frowning. After the establishment of the Heaven Court in my mind, the Monster Race can also be included in it, and you can get a lot of big benefits. Although you now have the name of a Monster Race Heaven Court, but I don’t have the aura of the Heaven Court, it’s better to let me set up a real Heaven Court.”

Ye Yun had great ambitions in his voice. Taiyi hesitated for a while after hearing Ye Yun say this, but Di Jun’s heart was slightly moved.

Ye Yun’s words seemed to take him to a very magnificent scene, and he seemed to see the magnificent scene after Ye Yun established the only Heaven Court.

“Taiyi, I think what Ye Yun Sage said is also very good. Ye Yun established a unique Heaven Court, which may not be a good thing for my monster race.”

“From now on, all ethnic groups in the world can be treated equally. In this case, the Primordial Continent will be exceptionally harmonious.”

Di Jun said to Taiyi.

Hearing that Di Jun actually thought the same way, Tai Yi felt a little shaken in his heart.

After a while, he finally nodded and agreed: “Before Ye Yun, my monster clan had some rudeness towards you, this time as a remedy, my monster clan Heaven Court will no longer become a heaven court from now on, and instead support The Heaven Court you want to set up.”

When Taiyi agreed to come down, Ye Yun’s heart also became a little happy.

This time the person he most wants to persuade is the Monster Race, Tai Yi. After all, if he ignores the Monster Race Heaven Court and rashly establishes Heaven Court, he might be talked about by the races in the Primordial Continent, and it is now a perfect solution. This problem.

Ye Yun sat in the monster clan for a while, and then walked out of the monster clan.

Ye Yun stood in the sky above Buzhou Mountain that day, and he invited the leaders of various ethnic groups in the Primordial Continent.

Scanning the group of leaders of the prehistoric continent below, Ye Yun took a deep breath: “Today I want to tell you a very important news.”

Ye Yun’s words caused turmoil in everyone’s hearts.

“I have an idea. Just like the Primordial Continent, there will be no more wars, so that the entire Primordial Continent will be very harmonious.”

“There is only one idea. If you want to create a huge power, you can supervise the ten places of Nine Heavens, so that the prehistoric continent will be more peaceful.”

Ye Yun’s words echoed around Buzhou Mountain, causing the leaders of many ethnic groups to feel slightly moved.

The leaders of some races seemed to have thought of something in their hearts. They also heard Ye Yun during this period of time, wandering about all races.

“Today I am in Buzhou Mountain, and I made a promise, Ye Yun, will establish the only Heaven Court between heaven and earth, and the previous Demon Race Heaven Court will also be included.”

Ye Yun finally uttered these words, and the countless leaders below were silent for a moment, and began to cheer one after another.

Many of them had already been persuaded by Ye Yun, and expected that what Ye Yun was going to talk about was this news.

Ye Yun smiled, and then looked at the crowd: “After the establishment of this only Heaven Court, there must be a Heavenly Emperor. Who do you think should make this Heavenly Emperor?”

After hearing Ye Yun’s question, the leaders of several ethnic groups also came out like this: “Nowadays, in terms of influence, strength, and status on the primordial continent, who else can compare me to Sage? So I think Ye Yun Sage should do his part to become the first Heavenly Emperor in the Heaven Court.”

The leader of this tribe is a master of Sage Realm, and then Taiqing and Nuwa, etc., and Zhunti and others also stood up and said that they supported Ye Yun to become the first Heavenly Emperor of the Heaven Court.

The leaders of other races also said the same.

This is not only because Ye Yun talked to them, but also because they really felt that way in their hearts, if they really wanted to set up a unique Heaven Court, Ye Yun would undoubtedly be the most suitable person.

After so many years in the Primordial Continent, they also know something about Ye Yun. Ye Yun’s heart is much better than Hongjun’s, and he is decisive, so after the establishment of Heaven Court, it is also a thing for the entire Primordial Continent. Good thing.

Perhaps at that time, the order of the Primordial Continent will be more complete and correct.

Hearing everyone saying this, Ye Yun was satisfied, and immediately took a step forward: “If this is the case, then I will do my part. From then on, Heaven Court is officially established, and I will also be the first Heavenly Emperor.”

Ye Yun raised his head to look at the land of nine clouds on the prehistoric continent: “From today, Nuwa will mention Taiqing. You will be responsible for commanding the people of all races and start building the only Heaven Court at the end of the sky.”

Ye Yun waved his hand and ran out a map. This map was the only architectural drawing of Heaven Court, which he had already planned.

On the map, the only Heaven Court that Ye Yun wants to build is vast and endless, overlooking the entire prehistoric continent, with unparalleled style.

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