Chapter 222 Prosperous

Immediately afterwards, he said the sacred titles of these human masters, each of which was mysterious and majestic, and most of the human masters announced by Nuwa were also serving in the Heaven Court.

“Masters of other races can come to the Heaven Court for filing, and the Heaven Court will place them in the corresponding gods according to their strength and status.”

After hearing Nuwa’s words, the masters of other races also started to take action. Suddenly more masters joined the Heaven Court, and the power of the Heaven Court instantly expanded by as much as 30%.

Even some experts who were unwilling to join Heaven Court in the past sighed faintly after seeing this situation. The rise of Heaven Court is overwhelming, and they are thinking about joining Heaven Court.

Ye Yun founded Heaven Court, and Heaven Court’s influence in the prehistoric continent is getting greater and greater.

After the establishment of Heaven Court, it also supervises everything in the prehistoric continent. Whenever an evil generation is born in the prehistoric continent, some heavenly soldiers and generals will be sent out from the Heaven Court, and then they will step forward to slash those evil forces. Killing has also received some good reviews on the prehistoric continent.

Because of the appearance of Heaven Court, the prehistoric continent has become more and more harmonious, and the various races are very harmonious.

Before Ye Yun’s Heaven Court appeared, crises would erupt on the Primordial Continent, and the origin of the kidney from the Primordial Continent was wiped out.

Many of the previous wars on the prehistoric continent were behind the scenes, and Hong Jun, for example, was one of them.

After Ye Yun beheaded Hong Jun, he maintained peace on the prehistoric continent, and some of the behind-the-scenes men were also picked out by him, including these Sages.

These Sages have been plotting treasures on the prehistoric continent, and because of this they have started many wars. They regarded ordinary masters as ants, and many wars broke out on the prehistoric continent.

After the Heaven Court found out about these Sages, he informed Ye Yun, and Ye Yun did not hesitate at all. He personally led the Heavenly Soldiers to the Sage Dojos and arrested the Sages.

Then he announced the world, informed the world of the disasters these Sages had done, and then personally killed these Sages in the eyes of all the creatures in the Primordial Continent. Since then, the prestige of Heaven Court has also increased.

On the other hand, Ye Yun established Heaven Court to make the prehistoric continent appear more harmonious. There is also a large amount of merit and virtue coming towards Ye Yun.

The Primordial Continent has become so harmonious, and the original power of the Primordial Continent is slowly recovering. All this is because Ye Yun established the Heaven Court, so it is also a matter of great merit.

Ye Yun sits in the Ling Xiao Hall in the Heaven Court every day, feeling that there is a constant power of merit in the heaven and the earth, coming towards the Heaven Court and coming towards him.

On the other hand, there is also an atmosphere coming to Heaven Court invisible.

There are some masters in the Primordial Continent that can also feel the flow of luck. After feeling that Heaven Court is condensing the luck of the Primordial Continent, those people seem to see the Heaven Court becoming more and more prosperous.

With the continuous blessing of Qi Yun and the power of merit, Ye Yun’s Cultivation Base also has a faint sense of breakthrough.

In the prehistoric continent, in the 102nd year of the Conferred God Era, Ye Yun was sitting in the Ling Xiao Hall, his breath violently oscillated, and after a while he had reached the middle stage of Sage.

At this moment, he finally broke through, and the reason for breaking through so quickly was also due to the power of merit.

Ye Yun became the Sage middle stage. Although it was only the Sage middle stage, the creatures of all races in the Primordial Continent were all in their hearts. You must know that when Ye Yun just became Sage, he had already killed Hongjun, and he The attack of Ye Yun can be increased by a thousand times inexplicably. Now Ye Yun has become the Sage middle stage. After the attack power of Sage middle stage has increased by a thousand times, who can stop it?

Even though there are still a few Sage late stage masters hidden in the prehistoric continent, those masters of Sage late stage dare not act rashly.

In the 102nd year of Fengshen Era, Ye Yun became a master of Sage middle stage. After consolidating Realm for a few days, he came to the depths of Heaven Court.

There is a forbidden area in the depths of Heaven Court. This forbidden area has a continuous mountain peak. The cloud and mist on this mountain peak are called Buzhou Mountain.

After Ye Yun established Heaven Court, he moved Buzhou Mountain to Heaven Court. On the top of Buzhou Mountain, there is a huge tree. This tree is verdant and full of vitality and mysterious aura flowing. Now, this tree is the Innate flat peach tree.

Innate flat peach trees are still on the top of Buzhou Mountain. Now they are growing more and more luxuriant. They have a distance of several kilometers, densely packed with Innate flat peach fruits, and some of these Innate flat peach fruits are even the size of a human head.

After Innate Pantao felt Ye Yun’s arrival, the leaves shook. It seemed that he had his own wisdom and was welcoming Ye Yun.

Ye Yun walked over, and several Innate flat peaches spontaneously fell from the Innate flat peach tree and fell into Ye Yun’s hand.

Ye Yun snapped a bite, and Innate flat peach was fragrant and delicious.

“Not bad, it has grown to several kilometers high, and your Innate flat peaches are getting more and more delicious.”

Ye Yun stroked the trunk of the Innate flat peach tree and said, Innate flat peach tree shook, seemed extremely pleased.

He was planted by Ye Yun, and he has been taken care of by Ye Yun from the time he was a seedling to the height of several thousand meters now. He has an inexplicable affection for Ye Yun.

And over the years, Heaven Court will hold an Innate Flat Peach Conference every once in a while. At the Innate Flat Peach Conference, Ye Yun will also take out the Innate Flat Peach to entertain the masters of the Ten Nine Heavens on the prehistoric continent, and the gods in the Heaven Court , And you can get some Innate flat peaches every once in a while, which is one of the benefits of Heaven Court.

And these benefits of Heaven Court, they can’t enjoy it at all when they enter other forces, which also makes Heaven Court attract many masters.

Ye Yun came here, stroking the branches of the Innate flat peach tree, the power of merit surged in her body, and passed the power of merit he had gained to some of the Innate flat peach tree.

Innate flat peach leaves seem to be greener.

After some time passed, Ye Yun left Innate Pan Peach Tree and continued to walk towards the depths of Buzhou Mountain.

His body slowly descended and came to the innermost part of Buzhou Mountain. There were countless large formations in this place, and in the center of these large formations, there was a huge heart, locked here.

This huge heart is the Pangu heart. After Ye Yun got the Pangu heart, for the safety of the Pangu heart, he protected the Pangu heart here.

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