Chapter 223: Deal with Pangu Heart

In recent years, he has been in contact with Pangu’s heart. When he wanted to establish the only Heaven Court, Ye Yun also told Pangu about his own idea. Pangu’s heart was shaken after hearing it.

“You want to set up Heaven Court? You are really bold. Throughout the ages, no matter in the Primordial Continent or other worlds, there have been some masters who wanted to build the Heaven Court, but those Heaven Court, except 51, eventually perished. , And their leader died very miserably.”

This is Pangu’s words at the time. In the infinite universe and countless worlds, there are many masters who have tried to create Heaven Court, but the two words Heaven Court seem to have inexplicable magic power. Those masters who have created Heaven Court. It’s hard to die.

After Ye Yun heard it, his heart fluctuated slightly, but in the end he still chose to establish Heaven Court. He had big ambitions, and he felt in his heart that if he wanted to firmly follow the path of owning, it was necessary to establish Heaven Court. .

Seeing Ye Yun’s determination, Pangu didn’t say much in the end. On the contrary, he also had some appreciation for Ye Yun.

Although there are many risks in creating Heaven Court, Ye Yun chose this so firmly. After hearing the dangers he said, he didn’t have much fear. This is the style of a truly strong man.

“No wonder he will become the number one master on the prehistoric continent today.” Pangu thought in his heart.

However, with the development of time, Pangu and Ye Yun also seemed to feel a little urgent in their hearts: “Ye Yun, I feel that the creatures from outside the territories seem to be coming towards this wild continent. Maybe a few hundred years later, those Experts from outside the territory will come here, and there will even be experts in this realm, because if you are not a master in the realm, long-distance interstellar drifting will also be slightly dangerous.”

Pangu’s words still echoed in Ye Yun’s ears, so this is also the reason why Ye Yun continues to ascension his own strength.

“Pangu, now I have established Heaven Court, and all the treasures of Nine Heavens in the ten places have entered my arms. You can tell me how to resurrect you, maybe I can successfully resurrect you.”

Ye Yun said after seeing Pangu’s heart again, and Pangu’s heart was beating violently, as if the resurrection thing Ye Yun had said made his heart extremely shaken.

“Ye Yun, if you can bring me back to life, I will definitely give you many benefits.” Pangu promised.

“If you want to be resurrected, I recommend you to refine a Medicine Pill. The name of this Medicine Pill is the Nine Aperture Rebirth Pill. If you succeed in refining it, you can definitely resurrect me. The materials needed are…”

Pangu gave a series of treasures to Ye Yun. These were used to resurrect Pangu. Many of the treasures are in the prehistoric continent, and they are also legendary treasures. Some even Ye Yun has never heard of them.

“Pangu, these things that you said are really there in the Primordial Continent?”

Ye Yun was puzzled. Although he had established Heaven Court and even searched Hongjun’s treasure house, he only owned 70% of the things Pangu said.

“Ye Yun of the things I said, 90% can be found in the prehistoric continent, and the remaining 10% should be found in the surrounding Universe starry sky. You can try to find it if you can’t find it. , It’s okay to find some alternatives.” Pangu quickly explained to Ye Yun.

Ye Yun nodded, and then looked at Pangu’s heart: “Pangu, you need such treasures to resurrect, and these treasures must be provided by me. I can’t help it.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Pangu was silent. Ye Yun was right. The two of them were actually a deal. Ye Yun had to bring out so many treasures to revive him, he was sure You have to bring out something to Ye Yun.

However, Pangu only has the heart now, and there seems to be not much that can be taken out.

After Ye Yun stood next to Mr. Pangu for a while, Pangu’s heart suddenly emitted a slight light, and immediately after Pangu’s heart beat violently, three drops of crystal clear blood floated out of it.

Although these three drops of blood are crystal clear, they are extremely viscous, with extremely powerful qi and blood power, hidden inside.

This powerful force of qi and blood has even evolved a scene of the destruction of the heavens, in which dragons and phoenix are flying.

“The three drops of Ye Yun, the blood is my heart Blood Essence, each drop is extremely precious, it is also very important to me, I will give you these three drops of hard work as the price of your reviving me?”

Pangu’s heart vibrates, and every drop of effort can be said to be the Blood Essence in Blood Essence. Before, Ye Yun just got a very thin drop of Pangu Blood Essence, and he had already Ascensioned his own body to the Realm of the Holy Body, and now Pangu takes it. After these three drops of effort, if Ye Yun refines them, what benefits can they get? Ye Yun couldn’t imagine it either.

It can be clearly seen that after Pangu’s heart took out these three drops of effort, it seemed to be extremely hard, and even the fluctuations became a little weak.

“Pangu, how can these three drops of hard work be enough? At least five drops of hard work are enough.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Pangu’s heart was silent for a while, and Pangu’s heart finally agreed, so Pangu now wandered out of two drops of effort and the power of blood, which shocked the surrounding space.

Ye Yun smiled slightly and stepped forward to collect the five drops of effort. At this time, he has already received my Pangu effort. If refining is carried out, how much strength will be ascension, Ye Yun doesn’t know, but he is extremely looking forward to it.

Then Ye Yun sat aside and began to refine the five drops of effort.

The reason why he didn’t go far, he chose to refine these five drops of effort next to Pangu’s heart, because these five drops of effort were taken out of Pangu’s heart and have the same vein as Pangu’s heart, so if refining next to Pangu’s heart, the effect is It can also be completely absorbed by Ye Yun.

Five drops of Pangu’s effort wandered in front of Ye Yun, and Ye Yun closed his eyes and sat on the ground.

One drop of Pangu blood slowly moved towards Ye Yun’s eyebrows, and it was soon integrated into Ye Yun’s body.

Ye Yun’s whole body became blood red in an instant, and the huge power of qi and blood surged all over his body, as if there was a volcano erupting around his body.

In an instant, Ye Yun’s physique began to Ascension quickly. He was already a Eucharist before. The Eucharist was extremely powerful. It was extremely difficult to want Ascension.

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