Chapter 224: Achieving Dao Body

With five drops of Pangu’s effort, Ye Yun’s physique started to ascension at the speed of a rocket at this time.

Ascension of Ye Yun’s physique constantly, the five-color brilliance burst out in his body, a Sacred breath wafts from his body, and a wonderful fragrance is emitted from his body, and some mist is evaporated from all around, covering Ye Yun’s body. .

Pangu’s heart vibrated on the side. Although he gave Ye Yun five drops of effort, Ye Yun’s physical speed ascending was so fast that he was also particularly shocked: “Ye Yun seems not only to absorb these five drops of effort, but also through these five drops of effort. After a drop of effort, after deducing the path to the most powerful physique, maybe after he has completely absorbed these five drops of effort, the physique will reach a point that makes me unbelievable.”

In fact, it is true. When Ye Yun absorbs Pangu’s hard work, he is also feeling Pangu’s path. Pangu’s most powerful place is his body, and Pangu’s heart also hides some of the power of these rules.

Ye Yun felt the power of the rules in Pangu’s heart and soul, and became clearer about the ascension path of the physique.

There seemed to be several rounds of big sun hidden in his body, as if there was a small Universe erupting. After some time passed, his hair went without wind, and then slowly fell, restoring the usual sight, and At this time, Ye Yun seemed to become more and more terrified.

After more than a month, Ye Yun slowly opened his eyes, as if a big day suddenly appeared, Ye Yun exuded infinite light, illuminating the surroundings, and here is bright. It was hidden again in an instant.

Ye Yun stood up and looked at Pangu’s heart, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: “Pangu thank you, don’t worry, I will definitely revive you.”

At this time, the fluctuation of Pangu’s heart was a little complicated, and he could feel that Ye Yun’s body was already faintly called Dao body.

What is Dao Body? The former body of Pangu was named Pangu Real Body, and Pangu Real Body is also one of Dao body.

Dao body is a physique that can withstand the attack power of Dao realm powerhouses, and even Dao realm masters do not necessarily have this Dao body.

Realm after Sage is Dao Jing, and Pangu was also a master at the middle stage of Dao Jing when he opened up the world.

The Dao body cultivated by Ye Yun today is similar to Pangu’s real body, but it is completely different. It was made by Ye Yun after watching the power of rules in Pangu’s blood, supplementing and perfecting his own path.

“Ye Yun, I didn’t expect you to become a Taoist body.” Pangu exclaimed and gave Ye Yun a detailed explanation.

Ye Yun was also slightly surprised. He didn’t expect that there would be such a division.

Pangu used to be a master of the middle stage of Dao realm, and the reason why he was able to create the prehistoric continent was because of his strength, and the most important thing was because he got some opportunities.

Pangu is a master born from the prehistoric universe. He was already a master of Dao Jin early stage when he was just born.

Then he discovered a prehistoric core not far from where it was born.

Many things in the world have their cores. For example, the planet has the core of the planet, so the continent naturally has the core of the continent, and the primordial nature also has some cores.

Pangu was also very excited when he discovered that the Primordial Core, the Primordial Core is very precious, and as the years go by, the Primordial Core can evolve into a prehistoric continent on its own.

After Pangu obtained the Primordial Core, he immediately began to use the Primordial Core to evolve into the Primordial Continent.

The reason why he did this was to imprint his own mark in the prehistoric continent at the moment when the prehistoric continent was formed, and from then on he would be the master of the prehistoric continent.

Who knows that when Pangu just evolved into the prehistoric continent, he encountered own’s lifelong enemy, another late stage master from the Universe starry sky.

Pangu didn’t have time to imprint his own mark in the Breath of the Primordial Continent, completely refining the Primordial Continent, and he began to fight with that great enemy, and the late stage master of the Dao Realm also took a fancy to the Primordial Continent.

The two people fought outside the newly-born prehistoric continent. In the end, Pangu and the late stage master of the Dao realm were both defeated. Pangu beheaded the enemy, and only his heart was left.

Before his death, the enemy caused a huge attack on the Primordial Continent, but the Primordial Continent almost suffered a calamity, and he also sent out the coordinates of the Primordial Continent, imprisoning Pangu’s heart forever.

“Pangu, although I am dead, you and the prehistoric continent will always be our prey. As long as someone triggers the sky-shielding formation, the masters of our world will cross the vast universe and come to the predominant continent. The masters in the prehistoric continent still have treasures, which are harvested as wheat and completely occupy the prehistoric continent.” These are the words of the master before his death.

“Pangu, stay safe and restless, at this time I have cultivated to become this Taoist body, I will look for treasures for you and bring you back to life.”

Ye Yun’s opening also made Pangu’s heart beat with surprise.

Soon after, Ye Yun left Buzhou Mountain. Ye Yun entered the Heaven Court, summoned all the masters in the Heaven Court, and told them something to let them manage the prehistoric continent.

Then Ye Yun left the three avatars of own in Heaven Court and told Nuwa that he was leaving Heaven Court for a while.

“After Nuwa I left Heaven Court, you were responsible for managing things in Heaven Court, and Taiqing was in charge of things outside Heaven Court.”

Ye Yun’s words were also remembered by the gods.

After some time passed, Ye Yun was well prepared and left the Heaven Court, his figure moving towards the Heaven Court at a speed.

Heaven Court was originally built on the ten lands of Nine Heavens, the prehistoric continent. If you go up, you will exit the prehistoric continent and enter the universe.

The universe outside the prehistoric continent is extremely vast, with a little bit of starlight and countless stars in it.

Among the stars in the Universe, most of them are dead planets. While Ye Yun was wandering around the primordial continent, he also discovered two living planets. Although these two planets have life, the life in them is exceptional. Weak and small, even just evolving into a rudimentary form, but this is also extremely rare. After Ye Yun marked the two planets, he wandered in the surrounding Universe void.

The Universe Void is not only vast, but also contains many dangers. At least the quasi-sage Realm can stay in the Universe starry sky for a period of time, and only the masters of Sage Realm can wander in the Universe starry sky.

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