Chapter 225 Seeing the Destruction of the Planet

And because of the vast starry sky of Universe, even the masters of Sage Realm would basically never meet when they came here, so Ye Yun didn’t meet many masters while wandering around the prehistoric continent.

Ye Yun came to the Universe starry sky this time to collect treasures for Pangu to resurrect Pangu’s heart. After some time, Ye Yun did gain a lot. He found that there are many good things in the starry sky.

After wandering in the Universe starry sky for a while, Ye Yun collected all the things in the outer starry sky that Pangu needed. Just as he was about to return to the prehistoric continent, he suddenly saw the vast starry sky. The benefits.

In Ye Yun’s field of vision, there was a vast planet in the distance at this time, and that planet was exuding a breath of silence at this time, just like an old and remnant Heavenly Dao person who was about to die.

Ye Yun was curious in his heart, and had to go toward that planet. After a while, he came not far from that planet.

This planet is extraordinarily vast, but it is filled with endless death at this time, even Ye Yun found that there are many cracks on this planet, as if it is about to collapse at any time.

“Kacha, Kacha, Kacha…”

Numerous cracks densely covered the planet, and in Ye Yun’s field of vision, the planet began to shatter completely at this time.

As the planet shattered, Ye Yun also discovered a scene that surprised him even more. There were some life on this planet.

The life on this planet looks like a human, but it seems to have a locust-like head with two wings behind it. As the planet splits, it constantly swarms out from the inside of the planet.

There are countless such beings in the interior of this planet, they are numerous, but their strength is not that powerful.

It swept out like a locust, forming a black whirlwind.

And at this moment, the destruction of the planet was even more rapid, and the life in this planet had no time to rush out of this planet, and with the complete destruction of the planet, all began to be wiped out.

Countless locust-like humanoid creatures began to die continuously, and they were so weak in the face of the destructive power of the planet.

Accompanied by a deafening elephant, a monstrous flame swept from the inside of this planet. The planet was completely destroyed, and all the life within it was completely dead. After a while, there was only some of this in front of Ye Yun. Fragments of the planet.

Ye Yun witnessed the destruction of a planet and the end of a life civilization.

Ye Yun’s eyes flashed. At this time, in the palm of his hand, another green seed appeared. This green seed exuded a deep and vast aura. When this planet was destroyed, it condensed the rest of the entire planet. Power is born.

In addition to this seed in Ye Yun’s palm, there is also a golden silkworm cocoon.

This golden silkworm cocoon is the guardian of the locust-like creatures when they die.

“This green seed-like thing should be something similar to the core of the planet, but it is different. There is a strong vitality surging in it, and it seems to have its own life.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart that the golden silkworm cocoon should be the continuation of the locust-like life. It can hatch creatures with extraordinarily powerful bloodlines and condense the sustenance of all these lives on the entire planet. This life must also be born when it is born. Extraordinarily powerful, the power of blood will be extraordinarily strong.

These two things are treasures, and Ye Yun thinks they will be useful to him in the future, so he put them away.

After Ye Yun obtained these two things, he did not continue to stay in the void, and flew towards the prehistoric continent.

After some time passed, Ye Yun once again went to Heaven Court. Although the time he left the prehistoric continent seemed short, more than three months had passed.

During these three months, the Heaven Court has been managed very well by Nuwa and others, which made Ye Yun feel very relieved.

Although Ye Yun is the Heavenly Emperor in the Heaven Court at this time, even if the Heaven Court does not need him to be in charge, it will be extremely harmonious, which also gives Ye Yun more time.

“It’s comfortable to be a shopkeeper.” Ye Yun thought in his heart.

After Ye Yun came to Heaven Court, he immediately checked the treasures that Heaven Court had harvested in the recent period.

Among the many treasures Pangu needs, Ye Yun has collected all the treasures needed in the starry sky, and there are more treasures needed in the prehistoric continent. Ye Yun took a closer look and found that he was in his hands at this time. Things are only 80% of what Pangu needs.

There are a total of dozens of treasures in the remaining two layers, each of which is something from the legends of the Primordial Continent, and even these types of Primordial Continents have never appeared or heard of.

“These things are not necessarily absent in the prehistoric continent. After all, the prehistoric continent is also very vast. At this time, although I arrived at the Sage middle stage Realm, I did not explore safety in the prehistoric continent.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart, and then he turned his own goal into the sky: “If Heavenly Dao can be subdued, I will be the master of the prehistoric continent. At that time, the secrets of the ten land of Nine Heavens in the prehistoric continent will be There is nothing in my eyes, and many treasures will appear in my eyes. Maybe you can gather the treasures needed for Pangu’s resurrection.”

Thinking of this, Ye Yun also acted immediately, so on this day, Ye Yun stood in the Heaven Court system and looked at the sky above.

Then Ye Yun stepped up towards the sky, and Ye Yun’s actions also attracted the attention of Nine Heavens.

Countless masters looked at Ye Yun, not knowing what Ye Yun was going to do.

Ye Yun kept walking towards the sky. His goal was to conquer the Heavenly Dao of the Primordial Continent, and the closer the Heavenly Dao of the Primordial Continent was to the sky, the more he could feel it.

At this time, Heavenly Dao of the inexplicable Primordial Continent seemed to have received some induction. He learned that Ye Yun wanted to convince him, and immediately, many visions appeared in the sky.

Thunder and lightning appeared one after another, and these lightning formed a sea of ​​thunder, which was even more terrifying than the Sage thunder calamity that had to be spent at the time of Heavenly Tribulation.

“Is it possible that the Heavenly Emperor has made a breakthrough in the Cultivation Base?” some masters in the Heaven Court thought.

At this time, Nuwa’s eyes narrowed slightly, he already knew that Ye Yun wanted to subdue Heavenly Dao.

And inside Buzhou Mountain, Pangu’s heart also violently shook at this time: “Is this feeling that Ye Yun wants to conquer Heavenly Dao in the prehistoric continent?”

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