Chapter 270 Ye Yun’s flesh and blood

The three Nezha were even more excited and thanked Ye Yun for a while. At this time, Ye Yun took out three sacred pills from his own hand.

The three of Nezha didn’t know what treasure Ye Yun pulled out, but they saw that the site Cheng Sheng Dan held by Ye Yun exudes an endless fragrance, which seemed to loosen their Cultivation Base. It was also very surprised.

As if thinking of something, they became expectant.

“The three of you certainly don’t know what this is. The name of this Medicine Pill is called Lidi Chengsheng Pill.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, the hearts of the three of them fluctuated. The name of the site became a holy pill was very popular. The three of them also thought of it after hearing the site became a holy pill. Maybe this site became a holy pill and eat it. After that, people can stand up as Sage.

“You are not wrong. After eating this egg, it can indeed make people become Sage immediately, and this time I am going to give you these three sacred pill.”

“Don’t worry, this site sacred pill can not only make you a Sage immediately, but also has no side effects. After you eat it, you will continue to Ascension after the Cultivation Base. Even if you surpass Sage in the future, it is not impossible.”

Ye Yun’s words shocked the hearts of the three Nezha.

Immediately after Ye Yun waved his hand lightly, the three standing sacred pill floated towards the three of Nezha, and then the three of them excitedly took the standing sacred pill and bowed to Ye Yun. Going down, Ye Yun is like their second parent at this moment.

“We will always remember that it is the kindness of the Heavenly Emperor.”

The three Nezha said.

The three of Nezha walked down after taking the position to become a sacred pill. Immediately after a day passed, the three of them became Sages one after another, and there was no future trouble.

When the gods in Heaven Court learned that Nezha had become Sage, they were very surprised. We must know that although it was good to be among the three, they are still a long way from Sage’s Realm. , But now suddenly became Sage, it is inevitable that it will not make people think about it.

Immediately after that, the three people also told the gods in the Heaven Court that Ye Yun bestowed them three sacred pill, making them Sage, and Ye Yun also admitted this, and was in Heaven Court for a moment. Stormy waves were set off in the middle.

Even though there are not a few Sage masters in Heaven Court today, there are already hundreds of them, but Sage masters are still the top masters in the prehistoric continent.

And Ye Yun just took out three sites to become a holy pill, and Nezha could instantly become the masters of Sage Realm, which can be said to be unimaginable.

Even those strong men who are not in the Heaven Court are shaking in their hearts, and for a while, many strong men have joined the Heaven Court.

Ye Yun can easily take out three site sacred pill, self-sufficiency for the three Nezha, it can be seen how many treasures Ye Yun has and how deep the background is.

During this period of time, Ye Yun also ran to see the undercurrent of the void that the master in the Primordial Continent said.

This undercurrent of the void should be about one light-year away from the primordial continent, about one light-year away. Although it is infinitely far away, to Ye Yun and these Sage Realm masters, it is only a short distance. .

Ye Yun stood in the distance and looked at the undercurrent of the void, his brows frowned.

The scene he saw was an incomparably vast undercurrent of the void. This undercurrent of the void can no longer be called the undercurrent of the void, can be called the sea of ​​undercurrents of the void, and the masters of the prehistoric continent also have a name for this sea of ​​undercurrents of the void. Call him the sea of ​​turbulence.

The void and undercurrent in the turbulent sea is constantly drifting, and you can feel extremely dangerous just by looking at it with your eyes, and Ye Yun’s divine mind is already inaccessible when it is near the turbulent sea.

In other words, if you want to explore the mystery of the turbulent sea, you must personally enter the turbulent sea.

After continuing to look around the turbulent sea for a while, Ye Yun turned and returned to the prehistoric continent. He already had a preliminary understanding of the turbulent sea.

But if you want to enter the turbulent sea, you will have to prepare for a while.

“Heavenly Emperor, do you really want to enter the turbulent sea?”

The gods in Heaven Court still asked Ye Yun.

After Ye Yun heard their words, Ye Yun nodded firmly. This time he must enter the turbulent sea, not only for the safety of the prehistoric continent, but also for his own mission.

And more importantly, if you do not explore the mystery of clearing the turbulent sea, I am afraid that one day the turbulent sea will endanger the prehistoric continent. After all, in Ye Yun’s view, the turbulent sea is constantly expanding and expanding. The speed is not very slow. After the past two to three hundred years, the acquisition of turbulent seas will expand to contact the prehistoric continents.

The turbulent sea is composed of the undercurrent of the void. When the turbulent sea comes into contact with the primordial continent, it can be said that the turbulent turbulence sweeps across the primordial continent, and it will definitely be a doomsday for the primordial continent.

And this time Pangu also found Ye Yun: “Ye Yun, I may have some guesses about this turbulent sea.”

Hearing Pangu’s words, Ye Yun was also surprised and motioned Pangu to continue.

“The reason why I was able to open up the world and create the wilderness continent was not because of my immense strength, but because there were some hidden existence around the wilderness continent.”

“I also told you at the time that I got a treasure, so I created the prehistoric continent, and there are many secrets around that place.”

“I suspect that the appearance of the turbulent sea is related to those secrets, so the danger in it must be very powerful.”

These are what Pangu said. Ye Yun continued to ask Pangu when he knew when Pangu shook his head. As for the others, he couldn’t guess.

Ye Yun nodded. After learning about the danger of the turbulent sea, Ye Yun didn’t have much fear, but recently, he has become more affectionate for Xihe and Changxi.

Xihe and Changxi also know the danger of Ye Yun entering the turbulent sea this time, so they have been very kind to Ye Yun recently.

It can be said that both of them are thinking about pestering Ye Yun all the time.

And Ye Yun and Xi and Changxi continued to linger. After more than a month, when Ye Yun was about to go to the turbulent sea, a news came out.

That is, Xihe and Changxi are pregnant.

Xihe and Changxi were pregnant, and it was this period that Ye Yun was surprised, and there was even more shock in the Heaven Court. This is good news for the entire Heaven Court and even the entire Primordial Continent.

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