Chapter 271: Entering the Turbulent Sea

Ye Yun was excited and quickly took Xi and Changxi over. Then he used his own Magic power to feel Xihe and Changxi’s body, and found that there was indeed a life gestating in Xihe and Changxi and Changxi. This Life is extremely mysterious, and even oneself can’t see whether this life is a man or a woman.

“It seems that my children are so outstanding, and I can’t detect whether they are male or female.”

Ye Yun said.

And before Ye Yun’s child was born, there were various visions, and the power of heaven and earth was pouring into Xihe and Changxi’s belly all the time.

Even the place where the two slept has flowers in full bloom.

Although Ye Yun did not find out the gender of the child, he could predict that the child should be born in two years.

After learning that he had a child, Ye Yun was also overjoyed. He took out a lot of magical medicines and gave them to Xihe and Changxi. If you stare at Xihe and Changxi, you must take good care of yourself and smoothly take care of them. A child was born.

After Xihe and Changxi have the flesh and blood of Ye Yun, they are even more reluctant to give up to Ye Yun. On this day, Ye Yun will head toward the turbulent sea. Xihe and Changxi are standing behind Ye Yun. When Ye Yun headed toward the turbulent sea, he stretched out his hands and pulled Ye Yun’s shoulders.

They didn’t say anything, but their eyes were looking at Ye Yun at this time, with infinite affection condensed in their eyes.

As if to keep telling, Ye Yun, don’t go, don’t go.

Ye Yun looked at their gazes, and even made his heart fluctuate constantly, but in the end Ye Yun still shook his hand and walked toward the turbulent sea outside the prehistoric continent very firmly.

He knows that he must go to the turbulent sea, and he also knows that he must be extremely determined to go to the turbulent sea. If he has the slightest hesitation, he will stop here forever, and he will be reluctant to go to the turbulent sea. middle.

After all, even he felt the infinite danger in the turbulent sea, and this time he didn’t have the sacred tree to avoid the catastrophe. If he died in any danger, he might feel that he would die completely.

But Ye Yun knows that there are endless dangers in the turbulent sea, but he doesn’t have much fear in his heart. If he walks along the way, is it possible that he encounters fewer dangers?

“I’m gone, you don’t have to worry about me. When I walk this way, are there still few dangers? The previous difficulties have not been able to save my life, and the difficulties this time will not stump me.”

“My life is my responsibility. I hope that when I come back, I can see my child, Life bouncing around in the prehistoric continent.”

Ye Yun’s words echoed in the ears of the gods in Heaven Court, and his figure had disappeared from their eyes.

After Ye Yun walked for a while, he found that there was still a figure following him. Ye Yun turned his head and found that Pangu was following him and ran over.

“Pangu, what are you doing? Don’t you know that this trip to the turbulent sea is extremely dangerous? You should stay in the wild continent.”

“Ye Yun, I have gone through so many dangers with you along the way. If you let me stay alone in the prehistoric continent this time, how can I feel at ease? Although my strength is much different from yours, at least I can Give you a company, and I am very curious about the secrets in the turbulent sea.”

Hearing Pangu’s words, Ye Yun finally nodded helplessly, and then he took Pangu towards the turbulent sea.

The two walked around the turbulent sea and looked at this turbulent void. After not hesitating for a long time, Ye Yun took Pangu into the turbulent void and into the turbulent sea.

When the two people just jumped into the sea of ​​turbulent currents, the endless turbulent turbulence of the void continued to cut around the two people’s bodies, causing some wounds to appear on Pangu’s skin instantly, and Ye Yun’s body also had some pain around it.

Ten thousand times increase!

In an instant, Ye Yun displayed a protective cover and increased the power of the protective cover ten thousand times, covering Pangu and himself.

After Ye Yun did this thing, the surrounding void undercurrents were not much threatening to the two people.

But the sea of ​​turbulence can be called the void, and the danger in the sea of ​​turbulence is not only the undercurrent of the void.

The two went deep in the turbulent sea for a while, and found that even the void storm and other things were very common in the turbulent sea.

Even when two people were moving forward, they saw a void black hole in front of them. This void black hole exudes an attractive force that can even confuse people’s sight and thoughts.

When he saw the void black hole, Pangu could not help but walked into the void black hole.

It can be expected that if he completely walks into the void black hole, he will be greeted with complete destruction. At that time, Ye Yun also held Pangu tightly and slapped Pangu’s body twice before letting him Pangu woke up in shock.

And Pangu woke up at the time, looked at the empty black hole ahead, and his heart was full of cold sweat: “Ye Yun thank you, if you didn’t stop me, maybe I’m dead now.”

Ye Yun nodded: “You dare to take this place lightly, remember to improve your own spirit all the time.”

The two people continued to walk towards the depths of the turbulent sea, and when they were wandering in the turbulent sea, they discovered something. There were some creatures in the turbulent sea.

Those are creatures that look like aliens. They have dark bodies and extremely hard bodies. Those void undercurrents or void storms in the turbulent sea cannot leave any scars on their bodies.

“It’s the Void Swordsman, I didn’t expect that there would be a kind of creature.”

Pangu was surprised.

Then Pangu told Ye Yun what he knew about the Void Swordsman. According to legend, the Void Swordsman came to this universe from another world. They lived in the world and the world. Between the diaphragms, feed on the void, hunting every creature that the hunter can see.

They are born with a very powerful ability, that is, the space shuttle ability. Although their space shuttle distance is not very far, they are still invincible in battle. What is even more terrifying is that this kind of void sword beast is generally Social creatures.

Sure enough, the moment Ye Yun saw the first void sword beast in the turbulent sea, countless other void sword beasts appeared around them.

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