Chapter 287 Opening the Mysterious World Channel

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Nuwa nodded. Ye Yun did think more than him.

After finishing these things, Ye Yun took Chang Xixihe, Pangu and Zeus to the Heaven Court together.

He is going to take these people on the Heaven Court, try to open the passage of that world, and try to enter that world.

Ye Yun felt in his heart, he felt that he would be able to successfully open the channel of that world this time, and then he would be able to enter that world.

The gods in Heaven Court and even the strong men in the prehistoric continent all looked at Ye Yun with piercing eyes. They knew that this day was a very important moment.

Ye Yun stood on the Heaven Court and looked at Pangu and others next to him: “Are you ready?”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, they all nodded, and then Ye Yun took a step forward, and the Nine Heavens Jade Sword appeared in his hands all at once.

Ye Yun held the Jiuxiao Jade Knife in his hand and walked forward step by step.

His perception of that world is becoming clearer and clearer. He feels that the world seems to be in front of him, but it is separated by a thin film. As long as he uses the Jiuxiao Jade Knife in his hand to cut that away from the diaphragm, the world is Will appear in front of him.

Immediately after Ye Yun slowly raised, the Jiuxiao Jade Knife, and the Jiuxiao Jade Knife exuded a shimmering light, as if piercing the entire sky.

With a whirr, the Jiuxiao Jade Knife that Ye Yun was eating was severely slashed towards the space in front of him, and then collided with the space in front of him.

There doesn’t seem to be anything in the space, but it seems to have a huge portal, and Ye Yun’s knife seems to have smashed into the huge portal.

A ray of light burst out from the sky, and the strength in Ye Yun’s hand immediately increased by a point.

“One hundred thousand times increase!!!”

In an instant, Ye Yun increased his own attack power by as much as 100,000 times, and then the space in front of him began to slowly open. A huge portal appeared in the space in front of him, and this portal was real. , Was clearly seen by all the masters in the prehistoric continent.

“Oh my god, Ye Yun opened a door in the sky. What kind of door is that door?”

The gods in Heaven Court were full of shock, watching this scene with piercing eyes.

At this time, the blade light in Ye Yun’s hand was still blooming, and his hand increased his strength again, and then the portal began to fall apart and slowly cracked.

At this time the portal has been opened, Ye Yun also saw the scene behind the portal at a glance. The scene behind the portal seems to be a very vast and mysterious world. The rules in that world seem to be very perfect. From A breath of breath overflowed from this portal.

After the breath escaped this time, Ye Yun, Pangu and others also felt comfortable all over.

And they did feel a stronger force of rules from this breath, and the hearts of several people were full of surprises and surprises.

“Go, let’s enter.”

Ye Yun waved to Pangu and the others.

At the same time, he walked to the side of Chang Xi and Xihe, stretched out his hands, grabbed Chang Xi and Xihe into Own’s body, and threw them into the inner world of Owner. They would be very happy when they entered the inner world of Owner. It’s safe, and Ye Yun is already a strong man in the virtual realm at this time. There are even some creatures in his internal world, and the scenery is beautiful.

At this moment, two little dolls ran out of Heaven Court. These two little dolls were the flesh and blood of Ye Yun.

After seeing the little boy and the little girl running out, Ye Yun’s eyes shrank slightly. He almost forgot about these two people before. If you put them in the Heaven Court, it might be the same for both of them. A kind of tribulation, two people will definitely be very lonely.

Ye Yun felt a little tangled in her heart.

“Father, can you take us with you?”

The little boy and the little girl asked Ye Yun, Ye Yun also fell silent. He knew that he had entered this mysterious world, and after sensing the breath of this mysterious world, he could know that the strong in this mysterious world must be Countless.

And the power of the rules in the mysterious world is perfect, and the creatures born in it may be inherently powerful. If a little boy wants to enter it with a little girl, the two people may not even have the qualifications to experience it.

So after thinking for a moment, Ye Yun shook his head slowly: “You two should stay in the prehistoric continent and experience it. If you two of you get to the Void Realm in your cultivation one day, you can come to that world by yourself. Find me among them.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, the little boy and little girl had some hope in their hearts, but in the end they still cleverly nodded and agreed.

At this time, Ye Yun also looked at Nuwa: “Nuwa, during the time I left the prehistoric continent, please help me take care of the two of them.”

Nuwa nodded: “Don’t worry, I will treat the two of them, I will definitely want to treat my own children.”

Hearing Nuwa’s words, Ye Yun no longer had any worries in his heart, waved his hands and placed the three clones of own in the Heaven Court. The strength of these three clones could be comparable to the strong ones in the early stage of the virtual realm, and Ye Yun left them with some boost cards, even a million-fold boost card.

Even if there will be danger in the Primordial Continent at that time, these three clones can also solve all problems.

After doing this, Ye Yun no longer had any worries in his heart, so he took Pangu and the others slowly stepped into the crack in the sky, the mysterious world portal that appeared in the sky.

When Ye Yun and the others slowly stepped into the mysterious portal in the sky, the mysterious portal slowly began to heal, closed, and after a while, it dissipated in the sky and the sky, and recovered. The way it was.

Everyone felt like a dream. The previous scene seemed to be an illusion, but they knew in their hearts that the Heavenly Emperor had indeed left the prehistoric continent at this time, and might even have left this universe at this time. .

At this time Ye Yun indeed left the prehistoric continent, and he came to another very vast world.

After a long and short teleportation, Ye Yun was already standing on a piece of land.

This is another world. The power of rules in this world is indeed very perfect. However, what makes Ye Yun, Pangu and others frown is that there is not much Spiritual Qi in the air of this world.

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