Chapter 288: The Exhausted World

Even the Spiritual Qi in the air here is completely exhausted, and there is not even enough for cultivation.

In other words, if they have been standing here to absorb the Spiritual Qi here, perhaps their Cultivation Base will not only not advance, but will also regress a lot.

“What kind of shit world is this? Although the Spiritual Qi level here is very high, it is incredibly thin.” Pangu cursed.

Ye Yun was also full of doubts. They thought they would enter a vast, perfect and beautiful world, but they didn’t expect that they would log in to this world.

At this moment, Pangu and others felt regretful in their hearts.

They looked at the ground under their feet. The ground under their feet was full of dryness and cracks. They raised their heads and looked at the sun in the sky. The sun seemed to be stained with blood, as if dripping blood, and there was a depressive breath in the air.

What made a few people even more annoying was that the world was indeed huge, and then they walked for days and nights without encountering a single figure, as if it were completely dead.

When Ye Yun walked for a while, they came to a seaside, and the sea was a gray sea with some rancid smell in it.

Pangu and the others looked at the sea in shock, because they saw that several corpses had floated on the surface of the sea, and these corpses were the corpses of the strong Void Realm.

After a few people searched the coast for a while, they found that there were also many corpses on the coast, and the worst of these corpses were Daojing corpses.

I don’t know what happened in this ocean, and there are so many dead bodies of strong men. The worst corpses here are Realm of Dao Realm, and a few people also have a guess in their hearts.

“In this world, I am afraid that there was a war a long time ago, and many people died, and the origin of this world was damaged. That’s why today’s Spiritual Qi is so thin.”

“Moreover, the creatures in this world, I’m afraid Realm’s lowest level is also the realm of Dao.”

These are Ye Yun’s guesses. After Ye Yun said his guesses, Pangu and others also nodded in agreement.

A few of them checked the dead sea for a while, and found that the number of strong men who died in this ocean was more than they thought. The only thing they found was the corpse of the strong man in the virtual world. There are thousands of them, and they have only traveled less than one ten thousandth of the distance of this Dead Sea.

Even in the sea above the ocean, there may be more corpses.

It is hard to imagine how earth-shattering the war that took place in this world.

Several people discovered that although there is still no shadow on this beach, Spiritual Qi on the beach is relatively easier. So after a moment of thinking, Ye Yun decided that some of them should cultivate on this beach for a period of time.

Although the Spiritual Qi on the beach is not so rich, it is always a bit richer than other places. More importantly, there are always more complete rules in this world. In other words, if a few of them cultivate on the beach, even Realm. They won’t get Ascension, but they will have a lot of Ascension.

“Even if Spiritual Qi is thin to the extreme, it’s nothing.”

Ye Yun spoke. Several of them were sitting on the beach, and Ye Yun lifted up, and his own fingers stirred slowly in the air. Then the Spiritual Qi within ten thousand miles began to fluctuate and even moved towards Ye Yun where they were. Places surging over.

It’s as if Ye Yun just stirred in the void, forming a powerful and incomparable spirit gathering array, which caused the Spiritual Qi in the surrounding hundreds of millions of miles to rush towards them.

“Ye Yun, you can actually do this kind of thing.”

Pangu was also full of surprise in his heart.

Ye Yun smiled, and didn’t give too much explanation. The reason why he can do this is because he has the Universe Dao, and Ye Yun knows that in addition to being another person, even if his Realm is better than I am thousands of times taller, and it is impossible to do the same thing as myself.

After all, the Universe Dao in the Universe has only eight Dao Dao, not everyone can have it, and Ye Yun still has a system.

So a few of them started cultivating on the beach. No one came to this beach, and after Ye Yun’s actions, a few of them could also obtain Spiritual Qi, which made them very suitable for cultivation on the beach.

Several people’s Cultivation Base kept breaking through, and Pangu also reached the Realm of the early stage of the virtual realm.

Ye Yun and Zeus are also Cultivation Base breakthroughs. Both of them have reached the middle stage of the virtual world. Although both are the middle stage of the virtual world, the middle stage of Ye Yun is compared to the middle stage of the virtual world of Zeus. It is a hundred times stronger, not to mention that he is still stuck in the increase.

When the few people just talked about breakthrough, a Daoist shadow suddenly appeared in Skyrim.

This Daoist Shadow Cultivation Base is powerful. When it first appeared, it even made the waves on the coast even more turbulent.

“Hey, I didn’t expect that there are a few ants around the Dead Sea.”

This person’s name is Xue Luohan, and they were surprised when they looked at Ye Yun.

The name of this sea is called the Dead Sea. Because almost everyone in the Chi Tian realm knows the danger of the Dead Sea, there are few people around the Dead Sea, and the Dead Sea has a far-reaching reputation. Although the surrounding Spiritual Qi is better than It looks a little richer in other places, but weird things happen occasionally, so there are no people in the surrounding scenery of the Dead Sea.

And Xue Luohan came here by accident today, and unexpectedly saw a few people here.

Xue Luohan observed the breath of several people, and his heart was also full of surprises. These people didn’t seem to have lived in the Scarlet Heaven Realm for a long time.

“Could it be that they are the masters who have just come to the Scarlet Heaven Realm from the Universe.”

Xue Luohan thought in his heart.

Just when Xue Luohan found Ye Yun and the others, Ye Yun and the others also discovered Blood Luohan. They found that Blood Luohan looked very arrogant and made Pangu and Zeus a little nervous. They found that Xue Luohan was actually It is the powerhouse of the late stage of the virtual realm.

Xue Luohan was the first strong man they met in the Scarlet Heaven Realm, and the first strong man they had just met was actually the late stage of the Void Realm, which also filled their hearts with bitterness.

The strong in the Scarlet Heaven Realm are more powerful than they thought.

And Xue Luohan came towards them, and soon stood above Ye Yun and the others, and immediately after Xue Luohan was surprised to find that the Spiritual Qi around the Dead Sea seemed to be surging towards Ye Yun and the others. .

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