Chapter 302: Ye Wusheng’s Command

At this time, an abnormal change occurred, and even some confirmations in their new realm rushed to a certain location in the barren land.

What they didn’t know was that these places with limited luck were Ye Yun’s Tianyi God City.

At this time, Ye Yun’s Tianyi God City can be said to be the origin of the Chitian Realm Spiritual Qi.

The masters in the entire Scarlet Heaven Realm gathered towards Ye Yun’s Tianyi God City, and the scenic spots of Tianyi God City are also becoming more and more famous in the Scarlet Heaven Realm. The well-known masters in the new realm have always returned to the new realm, so they don’t Can understand the news in the barren land, otherwise, if they know the news of Tianyi God City, I am afraid they will be shocked.

However, at this time, he felt a barren land. When there was a place in the middle, even the temperature of the newborn realm could be sucked away, making Ye Wusheng unable to sit still.

“Some people must be sent out to finally inquire in the Badlands.”

Ye Wusheng decided in his heart.

The reason why he didn’t go out by himself is because it is not very necessary now. As a strong man in the universe, he feels that if he enters the barren land, he will probably be exhausted and dead in the barren land. Contaminated by Spiritual Qi.

There may be some impact on own Cultivation Base Ascension at that time.

More importantly, at the moment when the gate of the New Life Realm is opened, more air will flow into the barren land.

Although he could not go out himself, there was no problem in sending some people out. As long as he was not a strong person in the Universe realm, going to the barren land would have some influence on the new realm, but it would not be very big.

So immediately after Ye Wusheng called some of his subordinates, his future subordinates are also very strong, the worst of them is also the realm middle stage of the road, the realm late stage has the most anxious lives, and the realm of the road The pinnacle also has more than ten names.

This is the strength of the new realm.

Although there are only three strong players in the new universe, the universe has broken through too hard. Realm’s strong players are invincible. Almost everyone in the new universe is the realm.

“Do you know why I called you over this time?”

Ye Wusheng asked his subordinates.

These subordinates shook their heads one after another, and the name of the leading subordinate was Feng Wuya: “No matter what Ye Wusheng calls us to do, we will go through all fire and water, and we will do whatever it takes.”

Hearing the words of these subordinates, Ye Wusheng nodded with satisfaction. These subordinates were very loyal to him.

“Actually, this time calling you over, there is indeed someone I want to give to you.”

“I need you to enter the barren land.”

Hearing that Ye Wusheng let them enter the deserted land, everyone except Feng Wuya changed their faces. They knew that if they entered the deserted land, their Cultivation Base would have some influence, and More importantly, they thought that Ye Wusheng would exile them into a deserted place.

“Don’t worry, I’m definitely not medicated. You were exiled to the barren land. In fact, in recent years, I felt that the luck in the new realm seemed to be heading towards a place in the barren land. I want you to enter the barren land and help me explore this matter.”

After hearing Ye Wusheng’s words, these people, including Feng Wuya, were shocked. The qi surge in the new life realm would flow towards a place in the barren land. This is an unimaginable place, no wonder In recent years, the Spiritual Qi in the new realm has also become thinner.

“Since this matter concerns the entire newborn realm, then we will definitely investigate this matter and go to the barren land in person.”

After understanding the cause of the matter, Feng Wuya stepped forward and agreed to the matter, and other subordinates also agreed to it.

So after some time passed, they left from the new realm and entered the barren land.

The total number of them is more than one hundred people. These more than one hundred people entered the barren land, all frowning. Compared with the Spiritual Qi in the barren land, the Spiritual Qi before they left the barren land is still Thinned countless times.

“If it hadn’t been for this mission, I really didn’t want to enter the wasteland to get a vaccine.”

Said a strong man at the peak of the Dao Realm next to Feng Wuya.

“Okay, let’s stop talking nonsense, let’s quickly find out where the air in the newborn realm flows to the barren land.”

Before Feng Wuya and the others left the Newborn Realm, Ye Wusheng once gave Feng Wuya a coordinate, which he inferred that the temperature in the Newborn Realm flowed to the final place in the barren land.

Feng Wuya led the more than one hundred masters, wandering through the barren land. After a period of time, they saw a realm powerhouse in the barren land.

The powerhouse of Realm in the Barren Land seemed to be eager to go, making Feng Wuya a little surprised in their hearts. According to their understanding, the powerhouse of Realm in the Barren Land might be able to become one in the barren land. Lord of the city.

It can be said that it is also a strong one.

According to the truth, this city owner should have been sitting in the own god city, but at this time he wants to go somewhere. What is even more coincidental is that the place where the realm powerhouse will go tomorrow seems to be the same as Feng Wuya and they want The direction to go is the same.

Feng Wuya gave a wink, and then a realm late stage expert next to him attacked the barren land master of Realm.

This powerful newcomer in the realm late stage of the avenue just stretched out his own hands, and then, like a fly swat, photographed the power of the early stage of the avenue from the air in this barren land.

“Sure enough, the masters in the barren land are still so weak. If it weren’t for this mission, it wouldn’t be worth my shot.”

The strong man who proved the late stage of the avenue shook his own hand and said.

And the barren land master who was photographed had already been seriously injured. He looked at these people in horror: “You, who are you? Why do you want to shoot at me.”

“Do you still need a reason to shoot?”

The avenue of this man was just photographed. The late stage strong man stepped forward, lifted his body, and questioned, a powerful momentum surging out.

“Forget it, Qi Shang and he don’t talk nonsense with him, and ask him where he is going.”

Feng Wuya said to Qie Shanghe, and Qie Shanghe is also the strong man who will make the late stage tomorrow.

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