Chapter 303 Protecting Tianyi God City

“Tell me where you were going in a hurry.”

Qie Shang and the opponent, the strong man at the early stage of the avenue, asked.

Seeing Qi Shanghe’s fierceness, this early stage expert soon confessed: “I want to go to the Tianyi God City of Lord Ye Yun. The Spiritual Qi is the strongest place in the heavens, and the concentration of Spiritual Qi is still increasing. Although I don’t know why, the masters in the Scarlet Heavens are all heading towards the Tianyi God City of City Lord Ye Yun.”

After hearing the words of this powerful man who attended Realm, whether it was Feng Wuyahan or Qi Shanghe and others, they were all shocked in their hearts.

“City Lord Ye Yun’s Tianyi God City is the richest place in the Chitian Realm Spiritual Qi. Is the concentration of gas still increasing?”

Including Feng Wuya and others are full of shock, and at the same time some doubts rise in their hearts. Although the people in the barren land do not understand, according to their understanding, there is no Spiritual Qi in the barren land. Where the concentration can be increased.

Unless, this is the second birthplace of Spiritual Qi in the Chi Heaven Realm.

At this time, Feng Wuya had also determined that the Tianyi God City where Ye Yun was located must be their target place, and the place where the Qi Luck of the Newborn Realm flows.

Immediately afterwards, Xi Shanghe killed the strong man who would arrive at the early stage tomorrow, and then together with Feng Wuya and the others, they headed towards Ye Yun’s Tianyi God City, and they also learned that Ye Yun’s Cultivation Base, there was only The late stage of the virtual world.

“A strong man in the late stage of the Void Realm has become the city lord in the barren land of the Scarlet Heaven Realm. It seems that the city lord here is also getting more and more water.”

On the way, Qie Shanghe said disdainfully.

But Feng Wuya shook his head: “Qie Shanghe, you can’t peek into the world. This Ye Yun can become the lord of the city with the late stage Cultivation Base. His ability will definitely not be low, and he is located. Tianyi God City can actually produce Spiritual Qi, and there must be a big secret in it. This time we must investigate it carefully.”

At this moment, even without Ye Wusheng’s order, Feng Wuya wanted to go to Ye Yun’s Tianyi God City to investigate clearly.

And Feng Wuya’s Cultivation Base Realm is not so far away from the Universe realm. He can be said to be the number one powerhouse among this group of great powerhouses.

Even if the same is Realm at Dao Pinnacle, the other Dao Pinnacle powerhouses add up to four or five are not his opponents, which is why he is so valued by Ye Wusheng.

“No matter what secrets he has, it is mine in the end.”

Feng Wuya thought in his heart, and there was still some enthusiasm in his heart. He felt that Ye Yun had such a powerful secret. Maybe after he got Ye Yun’s secret, he might become a strong man in the universe.

Although he has always seemed to be very obedient under Ye Wusheng’s men, as a strong man at the peak of the avenue, how can he not have own ambitions? The reason why he has been obedient under Ye Wusheng’s men is that one day he can also Becoming a strong man in the universe, now that the opportunity is in front of Own, he certainly will not give up.

At this time Ye Yun didn’t know that there were some crises sweeping over him.

Ye Yun is still in Closed Door Training in own Tianyi God City. The scope of Tianyi God City is constantly expanding, and the concentration of Spiritual Qi in Tianyi God City is constantly increasing. These benefits are the most for Ye Yun.

At this time, Ye Yun’s Cultivation Base is also constantly Ascension, and has reached the peak of the late stage Realm.

He got the spring water from Shengwangxi, and the spring water from Shengwangxi naturally had the greatest effect on him, because he had the most authority in Tianyi God City.

In addition, Ye Yun still has the Universe, and the power of the rules in the Scarlet Heaven Realm is very deep, so he can Cultivation Base Ascension so quickly.

Although Ye Yun didn’t know, there were some new-born realm masters coming toward his Tianyi God City.

But when Ye Yun breakthrough became the powerhouse at the peak of the virtual realm, he found that the system had some changes.

“Ding Dong, system task is released, task name: Protect Tianyi God City.”

“Task description: There is a new realm in the basics of the Scarlet Heaven Realm, and there is a master of the Universe realm in the new realm. At this point, they sent hundreds of new-born masters toward Tianyi God City to destroy Tianyi God City and discover the secrets of Tianyi God City. Please protect Tianyi God City.”

“Task rewards: three ten million multiplier cards, one billion multiplier cards, 30 million multiplier cards, and one hundred thousand multiplier cards.”

At this time, after receiving the system’s prompt, Ye Yun immediately became sober. What surprised him was that there was a new realm in the Scarlet Heaven Realm, and there was a Universe Realm expert in the new realm. Even Chi Yisheng didn’t know this.

Judging from the information he had received before, the experts in the Universe realm in the Scarlet Heaven Realm had disappeared inexplicably, and there were even experts in the Universe Realm in the Newborn Realm, which surprised him greatly, and more importantly, this Universe Realm. The master of actually photographed his men, wanting to go to Tianyi God City.

It won’t be long before these masters will come to the side of Tianyi God City, and if they come around Tianyi God City at that time, they will probably attack Tianyi God City.

But what made Ye Yun feel a little relaxed is that the master who came this time should not be the master of Youyu Zhou Realm, which gave herself a chance.

“As long as it is not a master of the Universe realm who comes to Tianyi God City in person, there is nothing.”

Ye Yun heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time he knew that this was the case because the system had reminded him in advance.

If the system hadn’t reminded in advance, these masters came outside of own Tianyi God City and suddenly shot at own Tianyi God City, even if he would not suffer a life and death crisis at that time, the purity he created would probably return to this stage.

So Ye Yun called Chi Yisheng. Recently, Chi Yisheng has been in the Tianyi God City and the equipment is constantly Ascension, and even Ascension has reached the Realm of the middle stage of the boulevard. He used to be a strong player in the late stage of the boulevard, so Cultivation Base Ascension Very quickly, and he felt that if he gave him some more time, he might be able to recover to the Realm of the late stage of the avenue.

“Is there something wrong with Ye Yun?”

After hearing Chi Yisheng’s question, Ye Yun also began to answer: “Tianyi God City will probably face the first real crisis after his establishment.”

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