Chapter 309: Go to the New Life Realm

And in those Tianyi God City, the masters of the original realm also looked at Ye Yun. Ye Yun in their eyes, although it looks a little ordinary, but has an unparalleled aura that makes them feel like Ye Yun in their hearts. Just like their emperor.

This is also the advantage of Ye Yun becoming a realm powerhouse with the help of Universe Road.

When the general road Realm became the road Realm, he only comprehended a Universe road to the extreme, but Ye Yun used the Universe road to become the realm’s powerhouse, so he understood many roads to the extreme.

It can be said that it is the emperor of ten thousand ways, not only makes Ye Yun’s influence a lot stronger, but also allows the realm of these realm powerhouses to have a feeling of surrender when they see Ye Yun.

Even the strong at the pinnacle of the Avenue Realm is no exception, unless you become the strong at Universe Realm, you will be able to go above and beyond.

And the strong of Universe Realm, even if it is a big Universe, there are not many, there are only three in the Scarlet Heaven Realm at this time, all in the new realm.

At this moment, Ye Yun felt that even if the powerhouse at the pinnacle of the avenue made a shot against him, he could suppress it without the help of the booster card, which was his own talent skill when he became a realm master on the avenue.

At this time, Ye Yun was also ready, ready to set off into the new realm. At this moment, he has become a master of Dadao Realm, and he was accidentally increased and stuck in fear of those masters of Universe Realm.

Ye Yun has deeply remembered that Ye Wusheng, that is, the strong man in the Universe Realm middle stage. It is said that he is the strongest existence in the new life realm.

If it wasn’t because of his own case that he was stuck with the increase last time, maybe the Tianyi God City he worked so hard to build would be destroyed once, and he might even be killed. So Ye Yun’s heart is for Ye Wusheng. I didn’t meet, but my heart was full of disgust.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Yun went down and summoned Pangu Zeus, Chi Yisheng and others. At the same time, they also summoned the hundreds of masters of Realm in God City.

“Do you know what is going on when I ask you to summon this time?”

Ye Yun asked. After listening to Ye Yun’s words, the masters of these avenues were also full of doubts. They didn’t know what happened to Ye Yun.

“In fact, this time I asked you to call here, not only because I broke through to the Realm I heard, but also because I have something I want to tell you.”

Ye Yun spoke slowly, and then he told a bit about the new life realm.

Before, Ye Yun only told Chi Yisheng, Zeus, Pangu and others about the new life realm. The masters in the barren land, although they know, appeared inexplicably outside Ye Yun’s Tianyi God City. Hundreds of powerful masters, but they don’t know where the masters of the hundreds of realm come from.

“The Newborn Realm, I didn’t expect that we would live in the Scarlet Heaven Realm. For so many years, we never knew that there was a newborn realm.”

A strong man who signed in to the middle stage stood up with new words, his eyes filled with disbelief.

But at this time he couldn’t help but believe it. After thinking of the hundreds of Realm masters that appeared before, he could only believe it.

“Furthermore, the master in the new realm called our place a barren land.”

Ye Yun spoke slowly. After hearing Ye Yun’s words, the realm masters on the surrounding roads were also full of anger, the barren land, what’s the name? There is a sense of humiliation just by hearing the name.

“There are three of them who are experts in Universe Competitiveness, but they don’t do anything to the Scarlet Heaven Realm, but only care about their own interests.”

“And now I have become a strong man in the realm, so I want to go to the new realm to meet them.”

Ye Yun’s words shocked the hearts of the realm masters in these avenues in Tianyi God City.

I didn’t expect Ye Yun to have just become a master of the Dao Realm, and he would do such a big move, and Ye Yun just said that there are probably three strong Universe Realm in the new realm, and Ye Yun still doesn’t have much. Fear, saying that they want to go to the new realm, so that their hearts are full of admiration.

Then at the same time, they were also full of worries. You must know that they are the powerhouses of Universe Realm. Although they know that Ye Yun has the ability to increase their attacks, their hearts are still full of worries.

The enemy in the new realm is so powerful, and the last time in the new realm, only hundreds of masters came out, and they almost destroyed their Tianyi God City. Once this time, Ye Yun would go to the new realm in person. Among them, what kind of difficulties will be encountered.

Many people are not optimistic about Ye Yun, but Ye Yun waved his hand: “It doesn’t matter, please believe us, I dare to go to the new realm, so I have my own confidence.”

In the end, Ye Yun only told them one thing. Although most people did not agree with Ye Yun to go to the new realm, after Ye Yun told them, everyone had no choice but to agree. .

“Even if I don’t go to the Newborn Realm, after a short time, there will be masters in the Newborn Realm. They will come here, and the person who greets us at that time may be the end, and they will take the initiative at that time. Give us a surprise, so I must first go to the new world to find clues to the new world.”

In the end Ye Yun convinced them like this, but what they didn’t know was that Ye Yun went to the new life realm this time, not just to inquire about clues. He now has a billion-fold increase, so he doesn’t treat those masters in the Universe realm. Not so afraid, this time if there is a chance, he will give Ye Wusheng a lesson.

Although Chi Yisheng and others are worried about Ye Yun, they know in their hearts that even if they accompany Ye Yun to the new life realm, they will not be able to help Ye Yun. It may add some trouble to Ye Yun, so They also stayed in the city of God in the end.

“Chi Yisheng, Pangu, you only need to manage Tianyi God City. I will be back after a while, and Tianyi God City hopes to be more prosperous by that time.”

Immediately after Ye Yun opened his mouth, he left Tianyi God City and headed towards the new life realm.

Ye Yun had already found out the address of the new realm, and when he left Tianyi God City, he also beheaded all the new realm masters who were imprisoned in the Tianyi God City dungeon, including Feng Wuya.

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