Chapter 310: Ye Wusheng’s Urgency

And this period of time, Ye Wusheng in the Newborn Realm actually found something wrong. Even if the subordinates he sent out were slow, they should have rushed to the Newborn Realm and told him the news he had found out. Yeah, but he didn’t get any news.

But at this moment, in his induction, Feng Wuya was already dead.

Immediately after Ye Wusheng conducted a deduction, after his deduction, he found that the new-born realm masters he sent to the barren land might have all died.

This made him full of surprise, and at the same time there was some anger. What was surprised was that there were masters in the barren land. Those masters who could send him out were all beheaded. You must know that Feng Wuya is very close to Universe. Realm.

What made him angry was that the masters in the barren land dared to rain, and the masters in the new realm beheaded, which is simply inexcusable.

It was as if a civilian beheaded the emperor, which seemed inexcusable to him.

And recently, Ye Wusheng often clung in front of the city wall of the Newborn Realm, looking at the barren land, he was thinking about whether he should enter the barren land once.

And this day when Ye Wusheng was standing in front of the city wall of the New Life Realm, a realm powerhouse in the barren land suddenly appeared not far from the city wall.

The realm powerhouse on this avenue didn’t know why he flew around the city walls of the new-born realm, and when Ye Wusheng saw the realm powerhouse on this avenue, his eyes were also slightly bright.

If the realm powerhouses of these avenues flew around the city wall of the Newborn Realm, they would not be bombarded and killed by the organs around the city wall, but at this moment, Ye Wusheng was preventing him from coming down to kill.

At the same time, he reached out his own hands and extended his hands beyond the city wall. His hands covered the entire sky in an instant, and grabbed the master of Realm in his hands.

The masters who went to Realm tomorrow were also panicked. He originally arrived here by accident. When he saw such a huge building here, he was always full of surprise in his heart. So he wandered around the city wall, but he didn’t expect that there was suddenly an incomparable one. The intrepid powerhouse grabbed himself.

The realm powerhouse on this avenue felt that he had captured the person own, his aura was extremely deep, and even made himself unpredictable. It seemed that he could wipe himself out with a single breath.

“God, God, forgive, forgive…”

This strong man from tomorrow to today hurriedly pleaded for mercy to Ye Wusheng.

“My name is Ye Wusheng. Don’t be nervous. I know you just came here to understand one thing.”

Ye Wusheng spoke. After hearing what Ye Wusheng said, the realm expert also hurriedly said: “God wants to ask about anything, as long as I know it, I will tell you.”

“What happened in the Badlands recently?”

After hearing Ye Wusheng’s question, the master who came to Realm tomorrow looked a little puzzled: “Where is the barren land?”

“It’s the Scarlet Heaven Realm where you live.” Can Ye Wusheng take a look at this master from tomorrow to the first quarter.

The Realm master who arrived tomorrow immediately began to tell Ye Wusheng about the recent events in the Scarlet Heaven Realm. According to what he said, I also learned that the place where Ye Yun is located is called Tianyi God City. He also confirmed in an instant that Tianyi God City should be the place where images are used in the newborn realm, and it is also the place where images are used in the entire Scarlet Heaven Realm.

“Recently, a big event has happened. In the Scarlet Heaven Realm, hundreds of realm powerhouses have appeared inexplicably, and these hundreds of realm powerhouses are surrounded by Tianyi God City, facing the city lord Ye of Tianyi God City. Yun shot.”

“Ye Wusheng, do you know how it turned out?”

“The result turned out to be that only the city lord of Realm, Ye Yun, who had the pinnacle of the Void Realm, beheaded all the realm powerhouses of the hundreds of avenues.”

The realm powerhouse was also full of energy when he said this, but Ye Wusheng’s face turned gloomy for a moment, and what he heard made him feel unbelievable.

“Are you sure that Ye Yun is just the powerhouse at the peak of the Void Realm?”

“Ye Wusheng is true. In fact, I watched that battle not far away.”

After hearing the words of the realm master, Ye Wusheng nodded, and what he didn’t know at this time was that Ye Yun was coming towards the crown. After a long time, he would be able to see the new realm. NS.

“You’re right, if that’s the case, go to death.”

After speaking tomorrow to the classic master, Ye Wusheng squeezed him in his hand, and then gently Yu Yongli, and immediately after the realm master had turned into a snowy mist and reddish.

And Ye Wusheng kills this master of the Dadao promotion, as if you had died of an ant.

At this time, he continued to stand around the city wall of the Newborn Realm, looking at the barren land, there was an inexplicable motivation in his heart, and he wanted to go to the barren land.

“According to the news I have learned, that Ye Yun actually established a place in the barren land, and that place turned out to be the second birthplace of Spiritual Qi in the Scarlet Heaven Realm.”

Ye Wusheng murmured while standing above the city wall.

After a while, he walked towards the gate of the Newborn Realm. At this time, he had decided to go to the Barren Land, and he would not tell anyone about this, because he himself wanted to go to the Barren Land. In the middle of the earth, Ye Yun, some Tianyi God City occupied, occupied the second spiritual Qi birthplace in the Scarlet Heaven Realm.

In this case, it may cause some losses to the Chitian Realm, but for himself, perhaps his Realm can reach the Universe Realm late stage.

The reason why Ye Wusheng would do this is because he understands that a method of leaving the Scarlet Heaven Realm can only be implemented without Universe Realm late stage. This is the reason why he has been in the Newborn Realm for a long time.

Training in the new realm, although Spiritual Qi is also present in the new realm, his strength Ascension is very slow, even he himself feels that even if he is given hundreds of millions of years, he cannot use his own strength Ascension To the Universe Realm late stage.

After a while, Ye Wusheng had already reached the gate of the new life realm, and then he ordered the guards of the new life realm at the gate to open the new life realm gate.

As for those city gate guards, although he was surprised, he didn’t know why Ye Wusheng had to open the gate of the new life realm, but he did so afterwards.

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