Chapter 351: Taking the Daosheng Mingluo

For Wuluo Tianlao, many masters in the Tianlang Star Territory are still acquainted. Then they explained the origin of Wuluo Tianlao to those who did not know. After learning the origin of Wuluo Tianlao , Other people also accepted Wu Luo Tianlao in their hearts.

Wuluo Tianlao is also a powerhouse of the Chaos Realm, and he walked out of their Tianlang star field. Moreover, Wuluo Tianlao has a more kind personality compared with the Daosheng Mingluo. If he is above their Tianlang star field The master is suitable but.

But Wu Luo Tian Lao didn’t think so in his heart. In Wu Luo Tian Lao’s opinion, Ye Yun’s strength was stronger than him, and Ye Yun defeated the Dao Sage of Underworld. If Ye Yun had not defeated the Dao Sage of Underworld, at this time He is probably dead. Let him be the master of the sky wave star field. He feels ashamed of it.

“Ye Yun, the master of the sky wave star field, I think you should do it.”

Hearing Wu Luo Tianlao’s words, the young man shook his head. Being the master of the sky wave star field does have many benefits, but Ye Yun’s gaze is not only on the sky wave star field, he has a larger space, and in the future he He may go to more distant places, so it is not suitable for him to let him be the master of the sky wave star field.

And Ye Yun didn’t care much about this identity: “Wu Luo Tianlao, you should be the master of the sky wave star field, you also know that I have a larger space.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Wu Luo Tianlao nodded and agreed: “Also, if this is the case, then I will be the master of the sky wave star field, but you saved my life. So no matter what happens, I will try my best to help you.”

Ye Yun didn’t stop Wuluo Tianlao, and then Wuluo Tianlao also naturally became the master of the sky wave star field.

And Daosheng Mingluo was also imprisoned by Ye Yun, in a ghost hell built by Daosheng Mingluo himself.

There are a lot of wicked people in the ghost hell, but in addition to these wicked people, there are some better people. These good people were once imprisoned by Daosheng Mingluo because they prevented the development of Daosheng Mingluo.

After Ye Yun made Wuluo Tianlao the ruler of the sky wave star field, he also reviewed the information of the people in the ghost hell and found some people who were not criminals, and released them. , And these people are also very grateful to Ye Yun.

After Daosheng Mingluo was imprisoned in the ghost hell, he was put into the magic lamp of the soul according to what Ye Yun said.

I suffer from the pain that life is worse than death every day.

Ye Yun and Wuluo Tianlao also took over the palace of Daosheng of Underworld. After Ye Yun entered the palace of Daosheng of Underworld, he found a treasure in the palace of Daosheng. It was the number one treasure in the Scarlet Heaven Realm. It was at that time that the Quartet Divine Cauldron was taken away by the Dao Sage of Mingluo, so Spiritual Qi was lost in the Scarlet Heaven Realm and it became what it was before.

Ye Yun looked at the Quartet Divine Cauldron, and he found that even among the treasures of the Chaos Realm, the Scarlet Heaven Realm might be considered a good treasure. No wonder, Daosheng Mingluo wanted to take the Quartet Divine Cauldron at the time.

The Quartet Divine Cauldron was on his palm, radiating light, rotating continuously between his fingers, changing and shrinking, and then was taken into the own system space by Ye Yun.

Although the Sifang Divine Cauldron is very precious, Ye Yun took the Sifang Divine Cauldron into his own system space. He didn’t take the Sifang Divine Cauldron as his own, but wanted to send the Sifang Divine Cauldron to the Scarlet Heaven Realm.

“After a while, I will return to the Scarlet Heaven Realm. When I return to the Scarlet Heaven Realm, I will leave the Quartet Divine Cauldron in the Scarlet Heaven Realm.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart that at this time he had become the most powerful figure in the sky wave star field. Although Wuluo Tianlao is the ruler on the bright side, but secretly speaking, Ye Yun is the real person on the sky wave star field. dominate.

At this moment, if he wants to enter the Scarlet Heaven Realm, it is also very convenient.

However, Ye Yun was not in a hurry to go to the Scarlet Heaven Realm. After half a month passed in the Sky Wave Star Territory, Ye Yun came to the Ghost Hell, and once again saw the Daosheng Mingluo.

At this time, Daosheng Mingluo has lost his previous arrogant and domineering appearance. At this time, he looks very embarrassed, his expression is muddled, and he seems to have no energy.

“Mingluo Daosheng wakes up, Master Ye Yun is here.”

The jailer in the ghost ghost prison stepped forward and whipped Daosheng Mingluo a few times, and said to Daosheng Mingluo, and then Daosheng Mingluo slowly opened his eyes. When Daosheng Mingluo opened his eyes, he saw When Ye Yun was in, his body couldn’t help but tremble.

Although more than half a month has passed, the fear of Ye Yun in the Sacred Heart of Ming Luo Dao not only has not diminished, but has become more profound.

His originally hazy mind, he looked a little more sober at this time.

“Why, Daosheng Mingluo, do you feel pleasantly surprised when you see me coming?”

After listening to Ye Yun’s words, Daosheng Mingluo seemed to panic even more physically and mentally.

“Don’t worry, I am here not to torture you this time, but to learn some information. If you tell me obediently, maybe I can consider torturing you less.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Daosheng Minglu nodded quickly. At this time, he only wanted death in his heart, because every minute he was here could be said that life is better than death, and according to Ye Yun’s previous statement, He will continue to endure this kind of pain for seven to four hundred and ninety thousand years.

“Master Ye Yun, please let me go. I used to have Eyes but fail to recognize Mount Tai. It was my mistake. Please forgive me. Give me a good time.”

Ye Yun smiled slightly: “I know all of these, but you should tell me what I want to know.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Daosheng Minglu quickly glared at Ye Yun, no matter what question Ye Yun asked, he would answer quickly.

“Tell me, why did you take away the Quartet Divine Cauldron in the Scarlet Heaven Realm back then.”

Ye Yun’s words echoed in the ears of Daosheng Mingluo, and then Daosheng Mingluo began to answer. He recalled the previous scenes. When he was in the Scarlet Heaven Realm, he was very happy, and he was very happy in the Scarlet Heaven Realm. It can also be said that there are some feelings, but he was also blinded by greed at the beginning.

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