Chapter 352 Don’t talk about credit

“Master Ye Yun, when I first started, I was also very nostalgic for the Scarlet Heaven Realm, but as my Cultivation Base improved, I wanted to leave the Scarlet Heaven Realm because the Scarlet Heaven Realm was somewhat for me at that time. It’s too small.”

After hearing Daosheng Mingluo’s words, Ye Yun nodded, then motioned him to continue talking.

“After that, I turned my eyes on the Sifang Divine Cauldron in the Scarlet Heaven Realm, because the treasure level of the Sifang Divine Cauldron has surpassed any treasure in the Scarlet Heaven Realm, so I wanted to take the Scarlet Heaven Realm into my hands, according to the information I got. Look, if I hold the Quartet Divine Cauldron in my hand, I can leave the Scarlet Heaven Realm. Otherwise, I’m afraid I will always be in the Scarlet Heaven Realm, or even die in the Scarlet Heaven Realm forever.”

When Dao Sheng Mingluo was speaking, he was also remembering in his heart, and even had some regrets in his heart, but he knew in his heart that if he did it again, he would still choose to take away the Quartet Divine Cauldron in the Scarlet Heaven Realm. Even the remaining people in the Scarlet Heaven Realm would suffer immense pain.

“Finally one day I set up a good plan, and then took away the Quartet Divine Cauldron in the Scarlet Heaven Realm. When I took the Quartet Divine Cauldron in the Scarlet Heaven Realm, many experts in the Scarlet Heaven Realm also felt it.”

“Those other Universe Realm masters came to stop me, trying to snatch the Quartet Divine Cauldron in the Scarlet Heaven Realm, but my speed was very fast, and I soon left the Scarlet Heaven Realm, and they followed me. Leaving the Scarlet Heaven Realm.”

“It’s just that when we left the Chitian Realm, the space storm we encountered while traveling through the space was terrifying. Eighty percent of the Universe Realm masters died, but my Cultivation Base Realm was very high. , So they didn’t suffer any injuries, and the rest of them suffered some injuries. Even if they joined forces, they were not my opponents, so I killed them all. This was before I came to the Tianlang Star Territory. Thing.”

Daosheng Mingluo finally finished speaking. After he finished speaking, he did not beg for mercy, but stared at Ye Yun closely, begging Ye Yun to give him a death.

Ye Yun fell silent after listening to what the Daosheng Mingluo said. What he didn’t expect was this, but even if Daosheng Mingluo had already said everything, Ye Yun did not intend to let the Daosheng Mingluo go because of the things that Daosheng Minglu did. Even if it had been tortured for countless years, it could not alleviate the losses suffered in the Scarlet Heaven Realm.

Because the Quartet Divine Cauldron taken away by Daosheng Underworld, the Spiritual Qi in the Scarlet Heaven Realm has been continuously reduced, and it is even on the verge of extinction. The entire Scarlet Heaven Realm is on the verge of collapse. For Daosheng Underworld, Scarlet Heaven Realm can also be said to be half of his mother. , He actually caused such a thing to the Scarlet Heaven Realm, and he couldn’t be forgiven at all.

The Spiritual Qi in the Scarlet Heaven Realm has dropped sharply, all people in the Cultivation Base have stopped moving, and the population has also fallen sharply. Wars and violence have continued to erupt, and all of this can be said to be due to the Daosheng of the Underworld.

“I have understood the matter, but I think you should continue to stay here.”

Ye Yun spoke suddenly, then waved his hand and left here. After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Daosheng Mingluo felt despair in his heart. Although he had expected it, Ye Yun might say such words, but When Ye Yun really said such words, his heart was still extremely angry and extremely hopeless.

“You, you don’t speak credit.”

When Ye Yun was leaving, Daosheng Mingluo shouted helplessly from behind.

“For someone like you, nothing is creditable!”

Ye Yun responded coldly, and then left the ghost hell, and Daosheng Mingluo would have to endure seven to seventy-four thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine million years of pain in the ghost hell.

After Ye Yun left the ghost and ghost prison, he found Wu Luo Tian Lao and told Wu Luo Tian Lao that he wanted to go to the Scarlet Heaven Realm.

When Wu Luo Tianlao learned that Ye Yun is a master in the Scarlet Heaven Realm, he was also a little surprised. How could he know that Ye Yun is not a master in the Scarlet Heaven Realm at all, but just became a lower interface, ascending It’s just a strong one in the Chi Heaven Realm.

But Ye Yun didn’t tell these things. Wuluo Tianlao also organized the teleportation on the teleportation plaza based on what Ye Yun said.

“It will be possible to teleport through the Teleport Plaza in about a week, and then go to the Scarlet Heaven Realm.”

Ye Yun thought to himself.

In the past few days, Elder Wuluotian also told Ye Yun a piece of news. Elder Wuluotian called Ye Yun into the palace and handed Ye Yun a card.

Ye Yun took this card in her hand, and she was a little surprised, because this card actually had some words written on it, and the name was, Nine Domains Auction Special Entry Ticket.

“Nine Domain Auction, what kind of auction is this? I have never heard of such an auction.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Wu Luo Tianlao also began to explain: “The Jiuyu Auction is an auction jointly organized by the surrounding nine star regions. This auction is very large and contains many treasures. There are some treasures, even the strong of Chaos Realm are very excited.”

After hearing Wu Luo Tianlao’s explanation, Ye Yun was also curious and surprised. He also had some yearning for this nine-domain auction.

“The Nine Domain Auction is held every millennium, and this time the Nine Domain Auction will be held a year later. You have just come into this world and haven’t visited the surrounding places. This time you can also use Participate in the Jiuyu auction to open your eyes.”

Wu Luo Tianlao’s words moved Ye Yun’s heart again. He also knew that there were nine star regions around the sky wave star field.

And in these nine star regions, almost every star region is many times stronger than the sky wave star region, and the sky wave star region can only be regarded as the weakest star region in the nine star regions.

But this is also normal. After all, the Sky Wave Star Region is very closed, and many things have happened in the Sky Wave Star Region, which have not undergone positive development.

“If I hadn’t gotten into the lost land of the boundary, maybe the Sky Wave Star Territory would not be the bottom of the nine new territories at this time.”

Wu Luo Tianlao’s words sounded a little sigh.

“It doesn’t matter. At this time, Wuluo Tianlao you have once again become the master of the sky wave star field. As long as the sky wave star field continues to develop, one day it will be even stronger. It will not be the one in the nine star fields. Bottom.”

Ye Yun said, he didn’t care much about these things, but he was also curious about this nine-domain auction.

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