Chapter 364: Constantly Auctioned

These masters are all from the nine star regions. Even if they can escape chasing by the chaotic Realm powerhouses in these nine star regions, they also have the own family in the nine star regions, with own parents, if at that time If their strength is not enough, if they are auctioned off, the Tribulation of Three Life will only attract them for their family and their parents, and it will be dangerous.

“The Three-Life Tribulation Fruit bid 90 million for the best god crystal, is there anyone going to auction it?”

At this moment, the price of the Three-Life Tribulation Fruit had soared to 90 million Supreme God Crystals, and Jun Wuya asked again.

To be honest, the 90 million superb Shenjing has already made him somewhat satisfied, but he still has some expectations in his heart, and the Three Life Tribulation Fruit can be sold at a higher price.

“120 million superb divine crystals.”

At this time, Ye Yun was sitting in the Own Box No. 17, quoted such a price, and all of a sudden, it continued to make waves in the Jiuyu Auction.

120 million of the best crystals, they heard it right, someone reported it, 120 million of the best crystals, just this number, when they heard it, many people already felt dizzy. The powerhouse of ordinary Universe Realm, even if he has never seen so much money in his life.

In their opinion, 120 million Supreme God Crystals are enough to make many Universe Realm powerhouses work for them.

Who was the one who sold 120 million of the best crystals?

At this time, the powerful in the Jiuyu Auctions found 120 million Supreme God Crystals, which were shot by the No.17 box where Ye Yun was located, and they felt even more shocked.

Even Lu Wushuang in Box No. 7 took a deep breath. He didn’t expect Ye Yun’s wealth to be so rich. Even if he was a strong player in the early stage of Chaos Realm, he did not have the best quality of 120 million. Shenjing.

In fact, even if he had 120 million Supreme Crystals, he would not auction the Three-Life Tribulation Fruit with 120 million Supreme Crystals.

“What is the identity of this person? Could it be that he is the domain master of the Sky Wave Star Territory, otherwise, how could he have so much money.”

Lu Wushuang guessed in his heart.

There are still many people who speculate like Lu Wushuang. After Ye Yun shouted out the price of 120 million Supreme God Crystals, there was a commotion in the Jiuyu domain auction.

Even Jun Wuya, who was in the auction, was a little surprised. Although he thought that someone might sell for a price of hundreds of millions to take the Three Life Tribulation Fruit, he did not expect that Ye Yun turned out to be the price. Come, Ye Yun probably won’t even be able to save his own life at this time, and even the Three Life Tribulation Fruit will be auctioned.

“This kid is a bit interesting, I don’t know what kind of confidence he has, and dare to auction the Three Life Tribulation Fruit.”

Jun Wuya thought in his heart, if it was normal, even if Ye Yun is only the peak of the realm, but Ye Yun is so interesting, he would try to get close to Ye Yun, but at this time Ye Yun is like a mouse crossing the street. Everyone shouted, so he didn’t want to have too much contact with Ye Yun, otherwise, it might have some influence on himself.

“May you be able to survive this calamity.”

Jun Wuya thought to himself.

After Ye Yun auctioned the price of 120 million Supreme God Crystals, the entire Jiuyu domain auction seemed to be radicalized, and Jun Wuya was also ready to pick the hammer in his hand and bring the Three Life Tribulation Fruit to 100 million. The price of 20 million yuan was auctioned to Ye Yun.

At this moment, there were some fluctuations in Box No. 5 suddenly. In Box No. 5, there was a strong player in the chaotic Realm middle stage. This strong player in the chaotic Realm middle stage came from another in the nine star regions. In a star field, in the Tauya star field, his name is Modo Lezhu, and he is also a strong man in the nine star fields.

After a while, he was going to go to a terrifying forbidden area, so he wanted to auction the Tribulation Fruit of the Three Lives to the owner’s hands. Originally, he was also planning to quote it for a price of hundreds of millions. The thought that Ye Yun had reported it first, the price of 120 million yuan and the price of 120 million yuan made him feel a little shocked in his heart, so he hesitated for a moment.

“125 million Supreme God Crystals.”

So at this time, the Modo music master in box 5 was quoted. This price, when the Modo music master quoted such a price, shocked the hearts of the people in the entire Jiuyu auction again. It seemed to them that Ye Yun’s price of 120 million yuan had exceeded the price of the Three Life Tribulation Fruit itself, but they didn’t expect that someone would even report a higher price.

“Is it the Lord of Modo?? The Lord of Modo in the Saturn Star Territory.”

Immediately afterwards, someone in the Jiuyu Auctions heard the voice of the Modo music master and introduced the identity of the Modo music master to the people around them.

After learning that this is a realm realm middle stage powerhouse, many people also showed a look of relief, no wonder there are 125 million top-grade god crystals that can auction the fruit of the three lives.

Jun Wuya was also a little surprised in his heart, but he felt a surprise again in his heart. After all, this time he was hosting the Jiuyu auction, and he was very happy to see that others could quote higher prices.

Ye Yun frowned slightly. He didn’t expect that he suddenly increased the price by 30 million Supreme Crystals, to 120 million Supreme Crystals, and some Ascension’s higher prices.

“This time I will surely win the Three Life Tribulation. Even if you report it, 125 million Supreme God Crystals, don’t want me to regress.”

Ye Yun smiled coldly, and immediately under Jiu Hong’er’s horrified gaze, Ye Yun once again quoted a price that shocked him.

“135 million superb crystals!!!”

Ye Yun bid 135 million of the best crystals, and once again increased the 125 million of the best crystals reported by the Modo music master by 10 million.

The master of Modo music clenched his own fist in Box No. 5. He couldn’t imagine where Ye Yun, a realm peak powerhouse in a small area, got so much money.

But what his own money brought was not enough this time. Even if he mortgaged some things, although the Three Life Tribulation Fruit could be auctioned off, it was not worth the gain.

After struggling for a while, the Modo music master chose to give up.

“Hmph, the Three Life Tribulation Fruit will be put in your hand first, and I will get it after the Jiuyu auction is over.”

Immediately after the Modo music master in Box No. 5, he said something like this, echoing in the entire Jiuyu Auction, everyone in the Jiuyu Auction was shocked, and they can expect that the Jiuyu Auction will end. After that, the Modo music master will definitely shoot against Ye Yun.

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