Chapter 363 Hidden Auction Items

“This Ye Yun really doesn’t know how to be low-key. After the Tianqianlong Dao Guo was auctioned off, he actually auctioned away the Three Life Tribulation Fruits, offending the Lord of Modo. After the Jiuyu auction is over, the Lord of Modo will definitely Hui will also attack Ye Yun, and there must be other Chaos Realm powerhouses who will attack Ye Yun. He is really dead this time.”

Almost everyone thought that after the Nine Domains Auction was over, Ye Yun would definitely set himself on fire after offending so many people.

Ye Yun smiled coldly, without much fear in his heart: “If you have the ability, you can take out more money and take pictures of the Three Life Tribulation Fruits. If you don’t have it, shut up, poor ghost.”

Ye Yun’s words echoed in the nine-domain auction, making the entire nine-domain auction even more noisy. The Modo music master in box 5 clenched his fist, and there was a killing intent surging in his heart. So, he really wanted to rush out now to get Ye Yun out, and then kill him immediately.

Ye Yun’s two poor ghost words were inserted into his heart like a sharp sword, causing him to receive a crit instantly.

“You wait for me.” The Modo music master murmured with his clenched fist.

“Quiet and quiet, since no one pays a higher price, then the Three-Life Tribulation Fruit belongs to Ye Yun!”

Jun Wuya finally knocked the hammer in his hand, and the Three Life Tribulation Fruit also belonged to Ye Yun. Then a few fairies walked into Ye Yun’s No.17 box and handed the Three Life Tribulation Fruit to Ye Yun. Ye Yun.

In fact, at this time, some powerful people in the Nine Realms Auction have some urgency in their hearts, because they know that Ye Yun has taken away the Heavenly Qianlong Dao Guo and the Three Life Tribulation Fruit, and if Ye Yun wants to present these two treasures If you take it, you can take it directly, but the effect will be much worse.

They plan to wait until the end of their meeting to kill Ye Yun, but if Ye Yun consumes the Heavenly Qianlong Dao Fruit and Mongolia at this time, even if they rob and kill Ye Yun again, it will be difficult to get a complete Tian Qianlong. Dao Guo and the Three Life Tribulation Fruits.

“This Ye Yun dared to take such high-profile photographs of the Heavenly Qianlong Dao Guo and the Three-Life Tribulation Fruit, which shows that he may not have much fear of the ordinary Chaos Realm powerhouse. He has his own back hand, so he should not Use the Heavenly Qianlong Dao Fruit and the Three Life Tribulation Fruit in the Nine Domains Auction.”

The master of Modo and some of the strong of Chaos Realm guessed in their hearts.

The Jiuyu auction will continue, but Ye Yun always feels a little uncomfortable when he sits in his No.17 box. He feels that from the other boxes in the 4th week and even from the ordinary seat, he has some eyes towards own. Box No. 17 is fired up. If it weren’t for Box No. 17, there were some Restrictions that shielded and explored. Maybe he had been completely exposed to these people’s eyes.

“Although there are still some auction items that have not been auctioned, if I don’t leave, maybe the danger will be even more Ascension.”

Although Ye Yun didn’t have much fear in his heart, he would try to avoid avoidable risks. At this time, Ye Yun was about to pick up the treasures he had auctioned off and leave from the Nine Realms Auction.

Ye Yun stood up and was about to leave secretly, when suddenly another thing came out from the Jiuyu Auction.

The previous treasures were all carried by a fairy, but this time there were 4 fairies carrying this treasure together.

This treasure was also placed on a jade plate, and the back cover could not be seen clearly, but when these fairies brought out the treasure, Ye Yun’s mind was constantly fluctuating, and he felt that if he got this treasure, it would probably be You can cross the avenue Realm, and then advance to become the strong of Universe Realm.

In this world, only strength is the most fundamental thing. If Ye Yun advances to become a Universe Realm powerhouse, he believes that even if these Chaos Realm masters work together to deal with him, he has a back hand and can resist them.

So at this time he sat down again: “What kind of treasure is this? If it really allows me to break through to the Universe Realm, I will take this picture of me as well.”

Jiu Hong’er saw Ye Yun suddenly stand up before, and realized that Ye Yun might want to leave the nine-domain auction, but suddenly saw Ye Yun do it again, and she was a little surprised in her heart. I don’t know. Something made Ye Yun suppress the urge to leave, and he wanted to auction it.

“Hahaha, everyone auctioned today is very good, but don’t forget the words I told you before, there is a true finale treasure in this nine-domain auction, which has not been announced before. , Just to give you a surprise.”

Jun Wuya stood in the Nine Domains Auction and said loudly, and the experts in the Nine Domains Auction had their eyes widened. In fact, when the four fairies just brought out this treasure, all People’s minds were beating uncontrollably.

Even the masters of Chaos Realm are no exception, and the Modo music owner feels that if he gets this treasure, he can break through and become a master of Chaos Realm’s late stage.

Although there are many Chaos Realm powerhouses in the nine star regions, the Chaos Realm late stage powerhouses are very few, and there is no symbol of the Chaos Realm late stage in the Saturn star region.

“If I get this treasure at auction this time, maybe I can become the No. 1 powerhouse in the Saoya Star Territory and the master of the Saturn Star Territory.”

The Lord Modo thought in his heart, and his heart moved.

At this time, he seemed to have forgotten the loss of the Three Life Tribulation Fruit and his resentment towards Ye Yun, but he fixed his eyes on the jade plate in front of Jun Wuya.

Not to mention anything else, even this jade plate used to hold treasures is an extremely precious treasure.

“The previous Heavenly Qianlong Dao Fruit Three Life Tribulation Fruit has been seen by everyone. It is an extremely precious treasure, but this treasure is even more different than the previous Three Life Tribulation Fruit and Heaven Qianlong Dao Fruit. , He is our final product this time.”

After hearing Jun Wuya’s words, many people in the Jiuyu Auctions also began to shout: “Hurry up and uncover it. Let’s see what the treasure is.”

Jun Wuya smiled slightly, and then slowly uncovered the cloth on the jade plate, revealing the treasure held on the jade plate. This is a drop of sky-blue brilliance, but if the mind touches this drop of water At the time, you can feel as if you are in contact with a vast ocean.

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