Chapter 401 Sun God Ship

These chains are connected to a huge sacred tree, and this giant is pulling the sacred tree and walking continuously in the desert at this time.

“What is the identity of this giant? His breath even made me feel terrified, and why does he seem to have no saneness, pulling a sacred tree in this desert like a puppet and walking.”

Huang Daifei said to everyone’s heart that they were very puzzled.

I was a little nervous in my heart, watching the giant slowly walk past them.

The giant is like a puppet, and his duty seems to be to drag this sacred tree to walk in the desert. Even if they pass by Ye Yun, they don’t make it by their side, and there is no pause to attack Ye Yun and them.

After watching the giant leave here, Ye Yun’s doubts in his heart have also increased, and he has some curiosity about this world.

Then everyone continued to walk toward the depths of this world.

After a period of time, Ye Yun and the others walked to the edge of the desert and saw some very dazzling brilliance coming out in the distance, which was like a violent sun falling at the end of the desert.

Along with the fierce brilliance, there were also some very hot heat waves that passed towards Ye Yun and the others, and they were grilled on Ye Yun and them, making Ye Yun sweat a little.

Ye Yun was a little surprised. He felt the heat even from a long distance. You must know that each of them is extraordinary in strength. Except for Ye Yun, everyone is a strong player in the Chaos Realm late stage. And they all felt the heat, thinking it was necessary to put an ordinary Chaos Realm early stage master here, they simply couldn’t bear the heat.

“Could it be possible that a sun fell in the desert ahead, not only did it bloom so dazzlingly, but also a hot heat wave hit us.”

The God Emperor of Fire Road opened his mouth and said that what he originally cultivated was the Cultivation Technique of the fire attribute, so he was very curious about this kind of thing.

Ye Yun and others are very curious and hard in their hearts. Although there is a violent heat wave coming from a distance, they feel that there may be no danger in the distance, so Ye Yun and the others continue to walk towards the distance, thinking To see what is in the distance.

After walking for a while, Ye Yun and the others felt shocked because they saw a real sun in front of them, falling at the end of the desert.

It turned out to be really a sun!

“No, this sun seems to have been transformed into another thing!”

At this time, Ye Yun could make his own brow, and said in surprise, he saw that the sun was made into a ship-like shape at this time.

And there are several handwritings written on this ship, and the name of the handwriting is called the Sun God Ship.

“The sun god ship? Who made this sun god ship, and what role does this sun god ship have.”

Huang Daifei thought in their hearts.

And under the sun god ship, they also saw a lot of stars, but these stars have been extinguished at this time, the number of these stars is very large, scattered around the sun ship, it looks like a small area around it The same as the starry sky.

The fire god emperor is a strong fire attribute. Even though they are very close to the sun god ship at this time, even Ye Yun and Huang Daifei feel some heat and hardship, but the fire god emperor still feels nothing.

“Let’s go, I will help you walk around the sun god ship together, and then look up the secret of the sun god ship.”

The God Emperor of Huo Dao spoke, and then, he stretched out his own hands and several bright water droplets appeared in his palm.

“If you take these, you won’t be afraid of the high temperature of the sun god ship.”

After hearing the words of the God Emperor Huo Dao, Ye Yun and Huang Daifei’s people walked over and took down the water droplets condensed by the God Emperor Huo Dao. Immediately afterwards, their whole bodies felt cool, and the Sun God ship radiated. The heat that came out really had no effect on them.

Ye Yun and the others were overjoyed. They originally had a lot of curiosity about this sun god ship. Then everyone walked towards the sun god ship. After a long time, they walked around the sun god ship.

The closer you get to the sun god ship, the more shock you will feel.

It looks like a beautiful picture scroll, presented in front of Ye Yun and the others.

Ye Yun and the others wandered around the sun god ship and found that there were indeed some other secrets in the sun god ship.

There is a small well under the sun god ship, and this small well reveals a very deep breath. I don’t know where the small well is connected, and what is under the small well.

But Ye Yun and the others tried to walk into this small well, only to find that this small well was very difficult to get close to the heat around the small well, and even the Fire God Emperor couldn’t resist it.

So after trying for a while, Ye Yun and the others chose to give up, but Ye Yun marked the seats around the sun god ship, and he felt a feeling in his heart that there must be a shocking secret hidden in the small well under the solar group. When he has enough strength in the future and is not afraid of the heat here, he will go down to the small well to find out.

After some time passed, Ye Yun and the others left the sun god ship and continued to walk toward the depths of this world.

Nothing else happened on this road. After a while, Ye Yun and the others seemed to have come to the end of this world, where a huge door stood.

This door is very huge, and it is shining with thunder and lightning.

After coming here, the God Emperor Huo Dao and others all turned their own eyes to Ye Yun: “Ye Yun, what should we do now? Should I walk in this door or go somewhere else.”

“There seems to be no other place in this world. Since we have discovered this door, let’s walk into this door, because I have a feeling in my heart that walking into this door will not encounter anything fatal. matter.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, the God Emperor Huo Dao nodded. In fact, they knew clearly in their hearts that when they got here, there was actually no way to go, because in front of them, there was only this. It’s just a door. If they don’t enter this door, where will they go.

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