Chapter 402: Another World

Immediately afterwards, Ye Yun and Huang Daifei stepped into the door together. When they stepped into the door, their eyes changed, and then Ye Yun and the others discovered that they had appeared in another world.

This world is still connected to the world just now, it should be the second layer of the same world, and there are scenes of scenes like the sky collapsing in this world.

When Ye Yun first came into this world, she saw a series of lightning smashed down in the distance, directly on the ground.

And after they walked around this world for a while, suddenly the whole world began to vibrate.

Many mountains and rivers even broke apart, which shocked Ye Yun and the others.

They have to be very careful when walking in this world, because although there are no terrible creatures in this world, there are so many natural disasters, as if they are being targeted everywhere.

For example, when Ye Yun and the others walked next to a rock, the rock might suddenly break and then smashed down at them.

Even if Ye Yun and the others are walking on a flat piece of land, magma may suddenly burst out under this piece of land, trying to submerge Ye Yun and the others.

“What the hell is this? It seems to be aimed at us everywhere.”

Even Huang Daifei cursed secretly in his heart. After they walked in this second-level world for a while, Huang Daifei’s complexion suddenly became pleasantly surprised, because at this time he discovered that his master had stayed. Some clues.

“Wait for the apprentice to come!”

This is a few words carved on a rock, and there are always natural disasters in other places, but this rock looks very solid, and there has been no natural disaster, and this rock is also Ye Yun and the others. The only safer place after coming into this world.

So Ye Yun and the others rested here for a while, and Huang Daifei also seemed very excited during this period of time: “Master, my Master Zhen is really alive as expected.”

And Huang Daifei also found some other clues beside this rock. He found that there seemed to be some icons here, instructing Ye Yun to walk toward the depths of this world.

“If Ye Yun is well rested, let’s go to the depths of this world as soon as possible. My master may be in the deepest part of this world.”

When Ye Yun and the rest were resting, Huang Daifei kept saying to Ye Yun and the others, after a period of time, Ye Yun stood up, and his condition was already very good. God Emperor Huo Dao and others are just.

At this time, because God Emperor Tsuchiya, God Emperor Huodao, and others had also finished their rest, their injuries had been fully recovered, so Ye Yun asked everyone to walk towards where they were.

They walked all the way to the depths of this world, and continued to encounter many natural disasters along the way, but Ye Yun and their strength were strong enough, and they were very united, so these natural disasters were avoided by Ye Yun and others. past.

After another period of time passed, they came to the end of this world and saw another gate, which was exactly the same as the gate Ye Yun and the others saw in the first world.

“Sure enough, there is another world!”

Ye Yun said that what he didn’t know in his heart was whether the next world would be the last world.

“Let’s go in.”

Ye Yun spoke, Huang Daifei and the others nodded, and then Huang Daifei stepped into the gate first, and Ye Yun and the others followed closely, and then their eyes changed again. Ye Yun and the others Found that they came to another level of the world.

In this other layer of the world, it seemed very calm, with some barren information flowing in the air.

It seems that there are traces of time, and the land looks black and red as if it has been carved here.

Ye Yun looked around and looked at the land under her feet: “These land is a bit unusual. The color of these land is black and red, and the color of black and red looks like the color of blood, and I I also felt some bloody breath from these lands.”

After Ye Yun heard Ye Yun’s words, the expressions of God Emperor Shuijin and others changed slightly: “That is to say, a fierce war may have broken out here countless years ago.”

After hearing the words of the Emperor of Water, Ye Yun slowly shook his head: “It is not always possible that many powerful masters have been buried in this place, so the land in this place was dyed black and red. ”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, everyone promised that if countless masters were buried in this place and the land turned black and red, then the strength of the masters buried here must be very strong, and the number of them is certain. It’s a lot.

Otherwise, it won’t make the entire land of the third layer of the world turn black and red.

“I feel the breath of my Master in the depths of this world.”

At this time Huang Daifei didn’t pay attention to this, his gaze had been looking into the distance, pointing to the distance and speaking.

Ye Yun frowned slightly. In fact, before, Ye Yun had always guessed in his heart that Huang Daifei’s master might have disappeared long ago, and he was not in this world at all, but Huang Daifei felt it in this world. At the moment of his master’s breath, Huang Daifei seemed to have confirmed that his master was in the depths of this world.

Ye Yun also had some speculations in his heart. If Huang Daifei’s master is in the depths of this world, what is Huang Daifei’s master doing in the depths of this world! ?

With the doubts in his heart, Ye Yun led Huang Daifei and the others to continue to walk quickly towards the third layer of the world.

There were no obstacles along the way. After some time passed, Ye Yun and the others saw a piece of grave.

This piece of tomb is in the depths of the third world, and the area is very large. When they saw this piece of tomb, Ye Yun and the others had already determined in their hearts that countless masters were buried here.

Even if the masters in these tombs died, their tombs still exudes some aura, and some of the auras in the tombs make Ye Yun feel jealous in their hearts.

“My master Zhen is very likely to be in the deepest part of this tomb.”

Huang Daifei said to Ye Yun and the others, and then Ye Yun and the others continued to walk towards the deepest part of the tomb. When Ye Yun was walking, there was also a sense of anxiety in his heart. He always felt in his heart, If Huang Daifei’s master is really inside, then I am afraid that something unexpected will happen to Huang Daifei’s master.

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