Chapter 403: The Ultimate Purpose

However, because Ye Yun was stuck with ten million times increase in this matter, he was not too panicked in his heart.

They finally reached the end of this tomb, and there is only one cemetery here, but this tomb is very big, a hundred times larger than the other tombs before.

Ye Yun and the others just looked at this tomb, and they had some feelings of fear.

At this time, Ye Yun’s pupils also shrank slightly. He saw an old man sitting beside the big screen, and this old man was sitting beside the tombstone on the big screen.

He looked like he did not know how much Ye Yun, his whole body was covered with dust, like a statue, sitting here coldly all the time, there seemed to be no aura of life on him, making Ye Yun even feel as if he was dead.

When Huang Daifei saw this old man’s back, the county began to feel infinitely excited: “The master is really you, and you are still alive.”

Immediately afterwards, Huang Daifei ran towards the old man. Ye Yun grabbed Huang Daifei, but he couldn’t grasp Huang Daifei’s body.

After hearing Huang Daifei’s words, the old man seemed to tremble slightly. Some dust fell on his body, and then he slowly turned around.

A very old face appeared, and the wrinkles on his face crawled on his face like worms: “Disciple, you are finally here.”

The old man turned around, Ye Yun also saw his appearance clearly, and his appearance was indeed the appearance of Master Huang Daifei.

His voice echoed around, making Ye Yun feel a gloomy feeling in his heart, as if he saw the living dead, but Huang Daifei seemed to have no feeling at all.

“Master, what kind of things have you encountered these years, and why have you stayed in this ghost place?”

Huang Daifei walked to the side of his master and asked his master.

And after Chen finally heard Huang Daifei’s words, she also quietly glanced at Huang Daifei: “Disciple, do you think you are willing to stay in this place as a teacher? After I entered this place, I found some secrets. , But found that he couldn’t leave this place, so I was stuck in this place all the time.”

“Do you know? I’ve been looking forward to your coming all the time, and you finally came here. Although it’s been a long time, it’s not too late after all.”

Zhen Jiuji said leisurely, and after hearing Zhen Jiuji’s words, Ye Yun also had some conjectures in his heart.

He felt in his heart that the reason why Zhenji stayed in this place should also have his own purpose.

“Master, are you also attracted to here by that white aperture?”

After hearing Huang Daifei’s words, Zhen finally shook his head slowly: “Fool, and the white aperture was designed by the master.”

After hearing Zhenxi’s words, Huang Daifei’s face also changed slightly and became a little pale: “Master, why did you set that white aperture?”

Huang Daifei’s face became a little pale, because he felt in his heart that he and Ye Yun and others had died in the white aperture just a bit before. After all, the white aperture guided them into an illusion. , And the illusion is very lifelike, if it weren’t for Ye Yun’s reasons, they wouldn’t be able to wake up at all.

“At the beginning I was trapped in this place and it was impossible to get out. So I set up the white light circle and used a treasure named Dementor Grass. The Dementor Grass can attract people’s souls, so I used the Dementor Grass to refine. After making the white aperture, there is also such a special effect.”

“But as long as someone enters this world, more than a hundred years later, I will not be trapped here. I can get out of this world and return to the nine star regions.”

After hearing Zhenxi’s explanation, Huang Daifei nodded, and the emperor Shuijin and Huodao also frowned slightly. They still felt a little puzzled in their hearts, but they felt that they were extremely extreme. , Realm is very advanced, so there is no questioning.

Although Huang Daifei got some answers, he also had some questions in his heart, because when he was caught in the illusion, his master should have known it and could come to rescue him. Why did his master not come back.

Zhen finally seemed to see Huang Daifei’s doubts: “That’s just a test I gave you. If you really can’t wake up in it, I will try to save you.”

After hearing Zhenxi’s words, Huang Daifei finally seemed relieved.

“Master, what kind of things did you find here, and why did you come here?”

Hearing Huang Daifei’s words, Zhen Jiuji continued to explain: “At first I discovered the legend of the endless path in an ancient book, and found the trail of the endless path, so I entered the endless path. Inside, here I found a terrifying secret, an endless path, with a path to a larger world, guiding the mystery above the chaotic Realm.”

Zhen Jiuji’s words also caused Huang Daifei and the others to tremble slightly, but Ye Yun’s eyes were fixed on Zhen Jiuji, and he felt that Zhen Jiji still had something to say.

“Master, what exactly is the path to the larger world you are talking about, and how to lead to the Chaos Realm?”

Huang Daifei asked the core question.

At this time, a weird smile appeared on the corner of Zhen’s mouth: “With the world as a boat, and the nine star regions as a boat, you can leave this world from the endless secluded path, the burial world, the gods and caves, and lead to a more A powerful world.”

“The Burial World God Cave is the name of this three-tier world.”

After hearing Zhenxi’s words, Huang Daifei was stunned: “Take the world as a boat, what is this?”

“Naturally it is a big world. I have already set up some backhands in the nine star regions. As long as I return to the nine big star regions, I can open my back hands and sacrifice the entire nine star regions. Then we can turn the entire nine star regions into a boat, and take us through the endless secluded roads, across the burial world divine cave, to another big world, and in this process, the strength can also be greatly obtained. Ascension.”

Hearing Zhen’s extremely words, Huang Daifei was stunned, and the God Emperor Huo Dao and the others looked unbelievable.

What did they hear? Zhen finally wanted to sacrifice the entire nine star regions!

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