Chapter 434: There is no cave in the sky

“Finally found!”

Ye Yun was a little surprised. If it weren’t for the map with Fang Xiaodao, it would be impossible to find this place. You must know that when he was looking for a place that was almost a dead end, Ye Yun followed the map. On the upper road, I walked to a rock on the dead end, and then attacked the rock fiercely before opening a passage. Ye Yun walked out of that passage and reached this purple-red color. Next to the reef.

“Strange, I have reached the side of this purple-red reef, what should I do now?”

Ye Yun felt some doubts in his heart.

According to Fang Xiaodao’s words, there should be an extremely precious treasure here, and there are some chances, but Ye Yun didn’t find anything, making him feel doubts in his heart. At this time, Ye Yun turned his own eyes. Looking at the purple-red reef in front of him, Ye Yun felt from the left and right, if there was a secret, it might be in this purple-red reef.

Ye Yun stepped forward and walked to the side of the fuchsia reef, then put his own hand on top of the fuchsia reef.

At this moment, the purple-red reef bloomed, and some colorful rays of light lingered around Ye Yun’s palm and went to cover Ye Yun’s whole body.


What made Ye Yun feel astonished in his heart, there was a crack on the purple-red reef, which seemed to be accessible, like a secret door.

Seeing a hidden door appeared on the purple-red reef, Ye Yun was surprised, and at the same time there were some surprises in his heart. If there is any treasure here, it must be in this hidden door, and Ye Yun is just a little bit after. He walked into the secret door without hesitation, and when Ye Yun walked into the secret door, the secret door slowly closed.

At this time, Ye Yun found out that he had walked into a room. It should not be said that it was a Great Hall.

The space in this Great Hall is not that big. There seems to be a water hole in it. When Ye Yun saw this water hole, his eyes shrank slightly, because Ye Yun felt that there was a very mysterious place in this water hole. Ye Yun’s breath, Ye Yun feels that if he enters this pool, it will definitely be of great benefit to him.

“What is this pool?”

Ye Yun walked around this waterhole and looked at this waterhole. He also had some guesses in his heart, because he felt that this waterhole and an ancient book he had seen on the Nine Star Regions contained things. resemblance.

What is recorded in that ancient book is that there is a kind of water in the world. This kind of water is extremely miraculous, not only can the Ascension people’s Cultivation Base strength, but also can eliminate all the Impurities in the human body, the Ascension people’s aptitude .

The water capable of being an Ascension person is extremely mysterious, even a drop is extremely precious, and when Ye Yun saw the water in this pool, he did not immediately think that it was the water, because of the water in this pool. There are too many, and the name of that water is Dao Jing Yuye.

However, after Ye Yun observed for a period of time, he was finally completely sure that the water in this pool was indeed the Daojing Yuye he saw on the monuments. He did not expect that there are so many Daojing Yuye towns in this place. .

If you just kick these Daojing Jade Liquid into your body, maybe you can take a bath here, own Cultivation Base can be ascension, and maybe all the Impurities in your body can be expelled a lot, Ye Yun thought of this in his heart The face is also extremely excited.

Immediately after Ye Yun did not hesitate too much, after confirming this pool of Daojing Jade Liquid, his heart was already very pleasantly surprised. Ye Yun took off his clothes next to the water pool, and then faced Dao Jing. The jade liquid bounced down, and when Ye Yun jumped into this water pool, these Dao Jing jade liquid began to moisturize Ye Yun’s body, making Ye Yun feel that the soul and body were extremely comfortable.

He closed his eyes, as if in a dream, extremely comfortable.

I have never felt such a comfortable feeling before. Ye Yun felt extremely comfortable in his heart, and he felt that some cells in his body were also moving slightly at this time.

Some black substances came out of those cells, and these black substances poured out of his own body. It should be the Impurities in his body. As he soaked in Daojing Jade Liquid, Daojing Jade Liquid also absorbed the contents of his body. Impurities are also lined up.

After some time passed, Ye Yun found out that some black substances were discharged from his body. These deep black substances were flowing in the Daojing Jade Liquid, but they did not stain the Daojing Jade Liquid.

Because Daojing Jade Liquid is very Sacred, it will not be stained by these black Impurities. He will be separated from these black Impurities. After flowing out, all these black Impurities sink into Daojing Jade Liquid. At the bottom.

What makes Ye Yun feel astonished is that Daojing Jade Liquid contains huge energy. At this time, it is not only nourishing Ye Yun’s body and soul, but also Ye Yun’s Cultivation Base at Ascension. Ye Yun feels When he was very comfortable, he even felt that if he wanted to, he could have a successful breakthrough in an instant, but Ye Yun didn’t do it.

At this time, Ye Yun also took out the Universe Dao he had obtained at the time, and the Universe Dao was surrounded by Ye Yun, making Dao Jing Jade Liquid seem to be more mysterious, and the energy inside seemed to be also at this time. It is nourishing the Universe Dao, making the Universe Dao look more vivid, transforming into a little dragon, floating in front of Ye Yun.

Whether it is Daojing Jade Liquid or Universe Dao Principles, it can be said that they are the most precious treasures between heaven and earth. The most precious thing is that the preciousness of a drop of moral Dao Jing Jade Liquid is not as precious as the Universe Dao Principles. There are so many Daojing Yuye.

But there is a pool of Daojing Jade Liquid. Ye Yun has never heard of a place where there are so many Daojing Jade Liquid. It is recorded in the ancient book that he once knew that only a drop of Daojing Jade Liquid is enough. Let the powerhouses at the pinnacle of the Realm of the First God fight fiercely and even fight for life and death.

If these Daojing jade liquids in your place are exposed, I am afraid that even the entire Cangwu God Realm will set off some blood and blood, even if the Emperor Hanba knew about this, I am afraid that he would be jealous.

Ye Yun closed his eyes quietly, and he sank into his own world. At this time, Ye Yun seemed to be only himself.

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