Chapter 435: Daojing Jade Liquid Pool

Those Daojing jade liquids were pouring into Ye Yun’s body continuously, and when these Daojing jade liquids poured into Ye Yun’s body, Ye Yun also felt it. There seemed to be something in the Daojing jade liquid. This wonderful energy, this wonderful energy seems to be a force of law.

Ye Yun doesn’t know the specific name of this power of law, but he can feel that this power of law is the real reason why the Impurities in Ye Yun’s body can be discharged.

When these laws entered Ye Yun’s body, Ye Yun was also pleasantly surprised. With the power of these laws, if he is contaminated by any poison in the future, those poisons will slowly flow from his body. Was expelled.

His aptitude will never decline, but will continue to improve as Cultivation Base increases. In this way, as Cultivation Base increases, his Cultivation Base speed will even get faster and faster, so Ye Yun feels in his heart. To the most pleasant surprise.

It is important to know that during the cultivation of all the cultivators throughout the ages, almost as the Cultivation Base increases, their Cultivation Base speed will slow down, but now, when the power of the magical laws in these Daojing Jade Liquid is controlled by Ye Yun After mastering it, Ye Yun also became an exception.

This is where he feels the most surprise in his heart.

After some time passed, endless energy poured into Ye Yun’s body. Because the energy in Daojing Jade Liquid was extremely warm and moist, even if a lot of energy poured into Ye Yun’s body, Ye Yun could still accept it. And when these energy entered Ye Yun’s body, they also turned into ice crystals in Ye Yun’s sea of ​​consciousness.

These ice crystals contain the purest energy of Daojing Jade Liquid. Because the quantity of these Daojing Jade Liquid is too large, Ye Yun cannot completely absorb these Daojing Jade Liquid at one time, so he uses the energy in his body. Power condensed these Daojing Jade Liquid into some ice crystals.

In this case, when he needs to use Daojing jade liquid in the future, he can also take out Daojing jade liquid, and the ice crystals formed by these Daojing jade liquefaction stay in his body, and it can also transform him all the time. His soul, expanding his sea of ​​consciousness, has a very good effect on his sea of ​​consciousness.

After some more time passed, Ye Yun found that a lot of changes had taken place in his body. His Meridians and the Sea of ​​Consciousness had expanded more than ten times. It must be the result of Daojing Jade Liquid. An explosive aura rushed up, Ye Yun closed his eyes and waved his hands in front of him. There was some white gas in the Daojing Jade Liquid, which seemed to linger in his palm, and the Universe said It was also wrapped around Ye Yun’s neck.

At this moment, Ye Yun felt the blessing to his soul. His heart moved, and his Cultivation Base officially broke through. There were ripples in the Daojing Jade Liquid. In the past, Ye Yun Cultivation Base broke through. It was a huge momentum, but this time when Ye Yun broke through, it was exceptionally quiet, perhaps because of Daojing Yuye.

After being washed by Daojing Jade Liquid, the temperament of Ye Yun’s whole body looks more gentle. If he stands up and does not urge the own Cultivation Base at this time, it looks like a gentle gentleman. Like the son, people feel surprised in their hearts.

Ye Yun put his palm on his own leg, and then he slowly stood up. At this moment, Ye Yun truly became the Realm of the Chaos middle stage. He clenched his own fist.

Ye Yun looked at his body, and his body was extremely white. Compared to his previous time, Ye Yun felt some joy in his heart. What he was pleased was not because of his whiteness, but because of the whiteness of his body. Because the whiteness of one’s body represents a lot of impurities in one’s own body.

Under the Daojing Jade Liquid Pool, there are some black Impurities. These black Impurities are densely piled up under the pool, which also allows Ye Yun to know that there are so many Impurities in the owner’s body. I don’t know, if he hadn’t been washed by Daojing Yuye, maybe he would never have discovered it.

In the past, Ye Yun had also washed his muscles and marrow, but after he washed his muscles and marrow, he can now excrete so many aptitudes, which shows that the treasures of those who used to wash the muscles and marrow are compared. Jingyuye couldn’t be compared at all.

In addition, Ye Yun felt that the interface he was once in was too low, and the cultivation Cultivation Technique he obtained was not the top level, so own Cultivation Base Ascension would hide so many Impurities in it.

And at this time, as Ye Yun stood up, as he broke through to the middle stage Realm of Chaos, Ye Yun’s heart was also full of confidence.

“Now if I go out, as long as I’m not Nervous Realm’s opponent, I shouldn’t be afraid. Even if I’m an opponent of Creation Realm, I can contend with a multi-million-fold increase.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart that he didn’t know at this time. At this time, outside of Lupo Lake, there were a lot of masters waiting for him to come out, and Hayabusa was one of them.

Hayabusa is a master of late stage Realm, and when he came around Lupo Lake, he found that Ye Yun was not found around Lupo Lake. His heart was undoubtedly a little bit depressed, but he I knew in my heart that Ye Yun couldn’t leave the Lvpo Lake at all, that is to say, there was only one kind, maybe Ye Yun had reached the bottom of Lvpo Lake.

Although I don’t know how Ye Yun reached the bottom of Lupo Lake, Hayabusa still wouldn’t let Ye Yun go. He ordered everyone to guard around Lupo Lake. When Ye Yun came out, he would treat Ye Yun. Yun makes a fatal attack.

Hayabusa felt in his heart that as long as Ye Yun was captured or killed, he would get a lot of rewards from the Emperor Hanpa, so he was a little excited in his heart, because he knew that the bottom of Lupo Lake was very strong. It’s cold. Even if Ye Yun has any way to get to the bottom of Green Po Lake, he definitely can’t expect to be in Green Po Lake for a long time. There will eventually be a time to come out, and Ye Yun will die when he comes out.

And because this matter was extremely important, Hayabusa also let people report the matter to Emperor Hanpa.

After learning about this matter, Emperor Hanba also attached great importance to it, but at the time, Emperor Hanba still had some more important things to do, so in addition to letting Hayabusa lead some masters to encircle Lupo Lake. With Ye Yun, he also sent another master to assist Hayabusa. The strength of this master is even more powerful than Hayabusa.

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