Chapter 436: Promoted

This is a realm powerhouse at the pinnacle of the beginning god, his name is Sun Yangming.

Sun Yangming came to Falcon Sword’s side. In fact, he also had some dissatisfaction in his heart. He felt that Falcon’s strength was much weaker than him. Why did he come to assist Falcon Slash this time?

“Sun Yangming, I know that you are unconvinced with me, but I tell you that the arrest of Ye Yun this time is a very important thing. If successful, both of us will be promoted to the title, so You must work hard, and I hope you will not affect the performance of our team because of your personal emotions.”

“And don’t forget that what happened this time was the trace of Ye Yun I discovered. I asked the Taoist to do fortune-telling before. Otherwise, do you think you can participate in this matter now? If not, I need one. More powerful people, to ensure the stability of this incident.”

After hearing Falcon’s words, Sun Yangming fell silent. He thought for a while. He didn’t say anything in the end. He stayed with Falcon’s around Lupo Lake, trying his best to assist Falcon’s.

However, after a few days and nights, Ye Yun has not yet emerged from the Green Po Lake. The two people also have some doubts in their hearts, especially Sun Yangming, who has some doubts about Falcon Zan’s words: “Falcon Zhan, you Is it sure that Ye Yun entered the Green Po Lake? If so, why have we not waited until Ye Yun comes out? You must know that the coldness in the Green Po Lake is extremely terrifying, even if the two of us went down to the Green Po Lake. At the very bottom, they can’t stay for a long time.”

“Don’t worry, Ye Yun must be in Lvpo Lake. As for why he hasn’t come out in Lvpo Lake all the time, I can’t make an answer, but Ye Yun has so many secrets and many treasures. Say, maybe this time he is relying on a treasure again.”

Although Hayabusa said this, in fact, there was something in his heart that was shaken, and he felt that Ye Yun would have left the Green Po Lake, no matter how long they waited here, they would not be able to keep Ye Yun.

And when Hayabusa thought this way, suddenly his pupils began to shrink sharply, because he saw the ripples beginning to rippling on the green slope lake, as if something was going to swim from under the green slope lake. It’s the same.

At this time, Ye Yun was swimming upwards in the Lvpo Lake. He also saw it during the postal process. There were some strong men ambushing around the Lvpo Lake. What made his pupils shrink in particular was that he saw it. One, the powerhouse of the late stage of Shishen is Hayabusa, but Ye Yun did not see Sun Yangming, the power of Realm, the realm of Shishen, otherwise he might be slower.

For Hayabusa Ye Yun, he is not so jealous. The first is because he has to rush out of the Green Po Lake, and the second is because he feels that since his own location has been exposed at this time, he has stayed in the Green Po Lake. It might be even more dangerous after a while, because at this time only the masters of Realm of the First God are coming, what should I do if the Han Pahuang of the Realm of Creation or other powerful people come.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Ye Yun didn’t slow down much and swam up towards the Green Slope Lake. Then, under the gaze of the Falcons, Ye Yun had already jumped out of the Green Slope Lake.

At this time, Hayabusa and their eyes brightened: “Give it to me, and immediately catch Ye Yun!”

Hayabusa was very excited in his heart. Originally, he thought that Ye Yun was not in this place. He did not expect Ye Yun was indeed hidden inside and had already jumped out, so he made his men attack Ye Yun one after another. Ye Yun’s eyes shrank slightly at this time, and he saw that he looked a little miscalculated. Around Lupo Lake, there was not only a master of Falcon Slash, but also another more powerful master, Sun Yangming.

“In addition to a strong man in the late stage of the First God, there is actually a strong man in the pinnacle of the First God, and there are countless other big and small strong men. It seems that this time I really look up to me. .”

Ye Yun thought in his heart that he also saw the fragments of his clothes held in the hands of Hayabusa, and knew in his heart that the reason why Hayabusa and others could find this place, own clothes fragments, must have given a lot of credit, so he In my heart, I also decided to clean up any clues I left behind after a battle broke out in the future.

At this time, these masters all attacked Ye Yun one after another, and Ye Yun’s expression became very cold. He decided to kill all these people and test his current combat power.

In fact, when he saw the real-name pinnacle Realm master, Ye Yun was not only afraid, but also a little excited. After all, he hadn’t tried his best for a long time, and this time he had just fought. Breakthrough, these people have been sent to the door when it was formally needed for training. I have to say that it is extremely good. As for saying that he will die, Ye Yun never thought about it in his heart, not to mention that he has a billion-fold increase. Stuck, and there is still a triumph of three lives.

Previously, the Three-Life Tribulation Fruit was used by Ye Yun once to resist a fatal crisis, and there were two more opportunities, which means that the Three-Life Tribulation Fruit can also help Ye Yun to withstand two fatal crises, so Ye Yun It has always been that the sky is not afraid.

Holding the Jiuxiao Jade Sword in his hand, he immediately rushed towards Sun Yangming, and Hayabusa and the others. In the past, I saw Ye Yun not only didn’t run away, but when he came to kill them, Hayabusa would also wrinkle. He frowned, because in his opinion, if Ye Yun escaped, maybe they could be killed more easily. Ye Yun’s Ye Yun not only didn’t choose to escape, but attacked them instead.

This seems to indicate that Ye Yun is not afraid of them, and it would be more difficult for Hayabusa to kill Ye Yun. If Ye Yun chooses to escape, it can be said that he has left his weakest back. Hayabusa and the others attacked, so Ye Yun would die instead, faster.

How did he know that if Ye Yun wanted to escape, he could leave here in an instant, and they would not be able to pursue it.

Ye Yun attacked with the Jiuxiao Jasper Knife, and increased his whole body’s combat power. At the beginning, it only increased by 100,000 times. After 100,000 times, it collided with Hayabusa.

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