Chapter 466: Leaving the Locked God Prison

Hearing Dao Buzi’s words, Ye Yun’s heart turned up against the stormy sea. If Dao Buzi’s words were true, then Han Pahuang really violated the world’s great evil.

And Dao Buzi obviously knew that Ye Yun would be very shocked when he heard what he said, so he stood beside him and was silent. After Ye Yun came over, Dao Buzi looked at Ye Yun again: “Ye.” Yun, can’t stand it just by hearing this? In fact, there is a more terrifying guess in my heart.”

Ye Yun raised his head, his eyes also flickered with surprise. He did not expect that after Dao Buzi had said the previous things, there was still something that did not reveal, what was the thing that Dao Buzi had hidden. Kind of guessing.

“Ye Yun, don’t hide it. Don’t think I’m crazy. In fact, there is another speculation in my heart, that is, the current Hanpa emperor is not the real Hanpa emperor. The real Hanpa emperor may have already died. .”

As if a huge boulder was thrown into the calm lake, Ye Yun’s heart began to fluctuate again, Dao Buzi actually said such words, if the current Han Pa emperor is not the real Han Pa emperor, then the current Han Pa emperor Who is Pahuang?

Ye Yun was extremely shocked in his heart. He sat next to the Locked God Prison and pondered quietly for a while. In his heart, he felt that perhaps what Dao Buzi said may indeed be true. If this matter is true, then he He couldn’t stay in the Tidi country anymore, because the current Emperor Hanpa couldn’t tell what extremely terrifying things he was planning.

And as far as he knows, the former Hanpahuang was the Cultivation Base of Realm. If the current Hanpahuang can kill the former Hanpahuang, then his Cultivation Base strength is only comparable to the early stage of the Realm. High not low.

Ye Yun felt fear in his heart. At this time, he felt that staying in the Tidi country would be a vitamin for a minute.

“Okay, Dao Buzi, let’s talk about it when we get out of the Locked God Prison, I will save you from the Locked God Prison first.”

Ye Yun didn’t say anything about Buzi, helping him so much this time, and he felt in his heart that after saving Dao Buzi, maybe Dao Buzi would help him with some things in the days to come.

Dao Buzi nodded. He has been in the Locked God Prison for more than a thousand years. How could he not yearn for freedom in his heart? Even if he doesn’t have much desire for sound, he still wants to die outside. After all, even Hun and Po would not get reincarnated superbirth if they died in the locked god prison after all.

“If Ye Yun is like this, how do we get out of the prison of God?”

Hearing what Dao Buzi said, Ye Yun smiled slightly, and then he took Dao Buzi out of the cell first, and then two people stood outside the cell, Ye Yun waved between his hands, and inside the cell again. A Dao Buzi appeared, this Dao Buzi looked exactly the same as the previous Dao Buzi, and there was no difference in even the breath.

“Illusions, your ability to create illusions is so outstanding.”

Dao Buzi spoke and was amazed, because the way he cracked Restrictions with Ye Yun before was already unparalleled in the world. Without it, he did not expect that Ye Yun’s ability to arrange illusions is so powerful.

In the eyes of Dao Buzi, until Ye Yun created this illusion, unless it was those who were able to see through the peak of the Realm of the First God, otherwise, ordinary guards would not be able to see this cell in the Locking God Prison. Wearing this illusion arranged by Ye Yun.

Ye Yun smiled and waved his hand again. Next to the cell, the illusion of two guards appeared again, and then even the dozens of taboo phantoms were rearranged by Ye Yun, and at this time two people Standing outside and looking at the entire Langfang Langfang, it looks as if there are no traces of being entered by Ye Yun before.

Dao Buzi was amazed again and again, but he knew that he could not stay with Ye Yun in this place, and then Ye Yun took Dao Buzi to the outside of the Locked God Prison.

Because Ye Yun had always remembered those roads when they came to the cell from the Locking God Prison before, they went out more quickly, and after all time, Ye Yun had already come around the door of the cell.

The door of the cell still has two realms, but the problem is not to cross this close range, but how to cross the close range without being discovered by the two guards at the door.

But what surprised Ye Yun was that it was 12 noon at this time, and it was time for the guards to alternate. Then the two guards at the door started to work alternately, and when they alternated, Ye Yun also With Dao Buzi, the power of the whole body fluctuates, and there is a little bit of time flowing.

The power of time and space flow at the same time, and Ye Yun’s body even has a hint of the law of time and space. Dao Buzi’s mind matrix did not expect that Ye Yun can understand the law of time and space, although Ye Yun’s law of time and space is one. It looks like a fur, but it is enough to make a stormy sea in my heart.

With the help of this law of time and space, combined with Ye Yun’s increase of own speed by a million times, he walked out of the door of the Locked God Prison in an instant with the Taoist priest.

In just an instant, they had already left the Locking God Prison, and came to the Locking God Prison, a distance of tens of thousands of miles.

There are mountains and peaks around them, and they have come into a lush jungle. Dao Bozi looked over at the surrounding scenery, and his heart was also filled with surprise.

“It really came out!”

Although Dao Bozi thought that he might really escape from the Locking God Prison this time, when he really came out of the Locking God Prison, his heart was still full of surprises, and his colleagues There is still an infinite yearning for the future.

He raised his own hand, and there was sunlight falling down in the sky. He had been in the locked god prison, and had been in that damp cell for more than a thousand years. Dao Buzi had already longed for the sun. He lifted his hands up as if he was holding the sun into his hands, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.


Dao Buzi turned around and bowed again to Ye Yun. At this moment, Ye Yun was like his second parent, and he made up his mind no matter what danger Ye Yun would encounter in the future. , He must also repay Ye Yun.

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