Chapter 467 Take away You Meier

Even if he died for Ye Yun, it was nothing. After all, without Ye Yun, he might have to die in the locked god prison all his life, and he would never live beyond his life.

“Dao Buzi, I have rescued you, what are you going to do now? Do you leave by yourself or follow me.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Dao Bozi was silent for a while, then he raised his head, his eyes flashed with a firm light: “Ye Yun, I decided, I’d better go with you. In fact, in this thousand For many years, the people I have known may have forgotten me, even if I go back, what is the use.”

“I know that you are not an ordinary person, and I speculated about this result a thousand years ago, so I can also witness my speculation by being by your side.”

Ye Yun nodded. Since Dao Buzi said this, there is nothing Ye Yun waved his own hands. There is a whirlpool in his hand. Slowly he discovered that there is an attraction in the whirlpool, and then Dao Buzi stretched out. Opening his hands, he didn’t resist the attraction in Ye Yun’s palm, and then Dao Buzi flew towards Ye Yun’s body.

Dao Buzi was taken into own body world by Ye Yun. After doing all this, Ye Yun looked around and flew towards the imperial city.

There is a mansion in the imperial city called Mawangwen Mansion.

And Ye Yun was going to Mawangwen’s Mansion this time, because there was an own acquaintance in Mawangwen’s Mansion named You Meier. After he learned what Dao Buzi had said, he knew that he could no longer be there. In the Tidi country.

As for the things that I have done, if the defeat is revealed, I am afraid that Han Pahuang will take action against him. At that time, even if I can get rid of these dangers, You Meier will definitely not be able to get rid of it.

Because the relationship between herself and You Meier is almost well-known in Tidi Country.

Ye Yun soon came to Mawangwen’s mansion. Looking at Mawangwen’s mansion, Ye Yun felt a lot of emotion in her heart. When we were together before, she also got some opportunities in Mawangwen’s mansion.

It is night now, Ye Yun sneaked into the Mawangwen’s mansion after following the moonlight, and then went to the room where he lived before, watching that there was a figure in the own room at this time, and Ye Yun saw that figure. At that moment, it was certain that this figure must be You Meier.

You Mei’er seems to be in front of the mirror at this moment, dressing up, or doing something, Ye Yun’s heart moved, and then gently stepped into the room, behind You Mei’er, just at the beginning At that time You Meier didn’t feel anything, and then he felt that there was an extra figure behind Owner.

You Meier told Own to find that Ye Yun was standing behind him, looking at him with a smile.

Suddenly found that there was a figure behind Owner. At the beginning, You Mei’er was about to scream, but after discovering that it was Ye Yun, his heart became calm, and there was some surprise in his heart: “Ye Yun, you Isn’t it in Fenglianguan? Why did you suddenly come to Mawangwen’s mansion?”

In You Meier’s view, if there is nothing wrong with Ye Yun, it would be impossible for Ye Yun to find him, and according to the business news he received, Ye Yun should still be in the process of sealing, how could it be possible to come here? place.

He does not know that Ye Yun in pessimism is just a clone left by Ye Yun, but that clone is really incomparable, even if it is the four god-tier generals in the seal, it cannot be seen to be Ye Yun. The clone.

At this time, You Mei’er seemed to have discovered something wrong, because he found Ye Yun’s complexion was extremely colored, and guessed in his heart that Ye Yun might have something to tell herself. You Mei’er walked to the window and opened the Restrictions of the room. Prevent people from seeing things in the room.

“Ye Yun, I know that you came to see me in Mawangwen’s mansion this time. There must be something not easy to tell me. Hurry up and I will listen quietly.”

Ye Yun nodded, and then reached the side of You Mei’er’s bed, watching You Mei’er quietly, just like the first time she saw You Mei’er.

“You Meier, I have one thing to tell you. This thing is likely to involve your future and your life.”

Ye Yun said with a serious face. After hearing what Ye Yun said, You Mei’er’s face changed. She didn’t expect Ye Yun to say such terrible words.

And You Mei’er was also a little curious in her heart. In fact, after Ye Yun had left Mawangwen’s house before, You Meier became the new Mawangwen again.

And because of the relationship with Ye Yun, You Meier’s identity in the Tidi Kingdom has the potential to rise, although he is still Ma Wangwen, Cultivation Base does not seem to have changed, but the beginning gods in Tidi Kingdom The pinnacle masters also have to face him in awe of three-pointers, all because of Ye Yun.

“The reason why You Meier came to Mawangwen’s Mansion this time was actually to do one thing to take you out of Tidi Country.”

Hearing Ye Yun’s words, You Mei’er opened her mouth involuntarily. Ye Yun actually said that she would take him out of Tidi. Why is that?

But You Meier knew that Ye Yun would not say such words casually. Ye Yun must have said such words for a reason: “Ye Yun can tell me in detail why this is the case?”

“You Meier, I can only tell you that this matter is related to Emperor Hanpa. If you continue to stay in the Tidi country, you may be implicated by me and even be killed by Emperor Hanpa. If you Now follow me out of here and enter my Minor World, maybe I can protect your safety.”

Hearing Ye Yun’s words, You Meier’s complexion became more serious, and Ye Yun also stared at You Meier tightly: “You Meier, I will ask you at the end, do you want to follow me? Leave, abandon all identities now.”

Ye Yun’s words sounded like elopement, but You Meier’s complexion was also serious. After thinking for a while, he quickly raised her head.

“Ye Yun, I believe you, you can never say such words easily, since you can say that, it must be something like this that will happen, so I decided to follow you out of here, but you have to wait For a while, because I have my own parents in the imperial city, I must bring my own parents as soon as possible and leave with you.”

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