Chapter 514: A person slipped away?

Everyone was extremely surprised. This extremely panic message seemed to attract everyone’s minds. Ye Yun felt some danger, and Ye Yun felt that if he entered Guixuyuan today, Will encounter some great dangers, and even threaten the life of the owner.

Ye Yun is like this, not to mention other people. At this time, the God Emperor Baitian suddenly ignored them and jumped directly into Guixuyuan, which surprised them very much.

After all, according to what the Emperor Baitian said before, after breaking the barrier around Guixuyuan, everyone would go in together to get some opportunities, and then return to the Cangwu God Realm together.

“How can you get the opportunity in the Guixuyuan? To be honest, you can even enter the Guixuyuan.”

When the BAITIIAN Divine Emperor said such words, he obviously looked down on these people around him for 10 points. In fact, it was exactly like this. Even if these people had not absorbed the energy by themselves before, they wanted to enter the Guixu. Yuan Zhong is also not qualified.

So under the gaze of everyone around him, the God Emperor Baitian jumped into Guixuyuan alone, and he wanted to get the opportunity in Guixuyuan alone.

And the scene that Ye Yun watched did not make such a huge block, because he felt extremely strange in Guixuyuan, and it seemed that there were some other secrets hidden in Guixuyuan. It might not be necessary for the God Emperor to enter Guixuyuan. It is a bad thing, maybe he will encounter some danger in it.

At this time, everyone collapsed to the ground. They had been absorbed all the energy by the god emperor, and they were shocked by the abandonment of the god emperor. They were obviously very decadent.

Saduodi is also like this, he is also very weak. He looked at Ye Yun next to him, and some desperate light flashed in his eyes: “Ye Yun, what should we do now? Before, Baitian said that he opened this After returning to the enchantment around Guixuyuan, it will lead us back to the Cangwu God Realm. At this time, the God Emperor Baitian jumped into this Guixuyuan alone, and may not be able to take us out of the Cangwu God Realm. .”

The words of Saduo Emperor are the words of everyone else. They are very difficult to understand the God Emperor BAITIEN, but they don’t expect Ye Yun to give them any way to get them out of here.

But what makes them feel strange is why they all look very weak at this time, and then Ye Yun still stands in place, not even weak at all.

“Hey, what should we do now.”

At this time, a master of late stage creation called Yong Yun sighed, and after hearing the sigh of such a late stage master of creation, Ye Yun smiled slightly.

“Ye Yun, what are you laughing at, is it possible that you have any method?”

Asked the symbol that proved the late stage of the creation. After I heard Yong Xi’s question, Ye Yun smiled more unscrupulously: “I laugh at you, both of you are idiots. You actually listened to the rumors of the God Emperor Baitian. Now the God Emperor Baitian I have entered into Guixuyuan alone, let’s see what you should do.”

Yong Yun’s complexion became a little ugly, and he didn’t expect Ye Yun to dare to speak to him like this.

And there are some people around. At this moment, their eyes light up. They looked up at Ye Yun, and there was some aura of hope in their eyes, because they knew that Ye Yun is often a miracle person, and this Ye Yun didn’t seem to be weak at that time, and he didn’t seem to worry much when standing still. Is there any way for Ye Yun to leave the world of wandering gods?

“Ye Yun, do you have any way to take me out of the world of wandering gods? If you have such a method, please tell me, take us out of the world of wandering gods, and wait for us to leave the world of wandering gods At that time, we will be extremely grateful to you.”

At this time, another powerful person who created the late stage stood up. This person’s name was Ling Dan Shu. After hearing what Ling Dan Shu said, the surrounding powerful people were very surprised. What they heard, Ling Dan Shu The Dan Shu actually said that Ye Yun might have something to take them out of the God-Wandering World.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that this is the case. If Ye Yun doesn’t have such a method, it seems that the others present will not have the same method.

Ye Yun has always seemed to be the creator of miracles. Can Ye Yun still create miracles this time?

Even Saduo Emperor has some suspicions in his heart. At this time, he raised his head and looked at Ye Yun tightly. Ye Yun smiled proudly, “You are right. The way to leave the world of wandering gods.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, everyone around him felt like this. They became excited. I didn’t expect Ye Yun to take them out of the God-Wandering World. This is really great.

The reason why Ye Yun can lead them out of the world of wandering gods is because own has a map about the world of wandering gods in his mind, and naturally also has an exit from the world of wandering gods.

The reason why they can’t live without the God Realm is because the God Realm is very mysterious and vast, and the exit of the God Realm is also very mysterious, in a very remote corner, where they came in. It’s not the same place.

Ye Yun had a map of the gods in his mind, and it was naturally easy to find that place.

“Ye Yun didn’t expect you to actually have a way to take us out of the world of wandering gods. I did something wrong before. I looked down on you a little bit. Now I hope you can take us out of the world of wandering gods. .”

At this time, a strong man came to Ye Yun’s side, and he seemed to say very humblely to Ye Yun, and the other strong men also had hope in their hearts that Ye Yun could take them out of the world of wandering gods. Method, at this time let their hearts relax a bit.

After all, although their strength is strong, if they have been in the God Realm, they might die slowly. The reason why they want to return to the Cangwu God Realm is not just because of Cangwu God Realm. It is safer in the Wu God Realm because they have relatives and friends in the Cangwu God Realm.

Only when they returned to the Cangwu God Realm, could they have a happy life again.

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