Chapter 515 Ben Shao takes you away

If you stay in this place all the time, it doesn’t matter if you die alone. What’s more, their relatives and friends will worry about them very much, and they will miss their relatives and friends very much in their hearts.

Hearing the words of these people, Ye Yun nodded: “Don’t worry, I will definitely take you out of the Wandering God Realm in the end.”

“But there is one more thing to do before taking you out of the Wandering God Realm.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, the people around were also surprised. Now they can be taken by Ye Yun to leave the world of the gods, but Ye Yun said to help him do something, then this What kind of thing is a thing?

“Ye Yun, just say it, what you want me to help you do, if we can do it, we can do our best to help you do it.”

Hearing what these people said, Ye Yun smiled slightly, and then I turned my head and looked at Guixuyuan: “I want you to help me enter into Guixuyuan, and let me also explore Guixuyuan. The mystery in the abyss.”

Ye Yun’s words seemed like a small stone dangling in the water. After a round of waves, everyone around was extremely shocked. What Ye Yun said that he actually wanted to enter, In Guixuyuan, I also want to explore the secrets in Guixuyuan.

Doesn’t Ye Yun know what kind of WeChat is there in Guixuyuan? He even wanted to do this, but he really didn’t know whether he was alive or dead. At this time, many masters thought of it like this.

“Ye Yun Guixuyuan is extremely dangerous, are you really going to enter Guixuyuan? If you die in Guixuyuan, then what should we do?”

At this time, Yong Yu stood up and said, Yong Yu’s words were also the words of other people around him. They were not worried about Ye Yun, but mainly the worried owner. If Ye Yun died in Guixuyuan, then they too Not being able to leave the wandering god realm, nature is extremely sad in his heart.

In their hearts, they were constantly thinking about what kind of words they could rely on to prevent Ye Yun from passing through to Guixuyuan.

Then Ye Yun’s willingness to enter the Guixuyuan at this time is 10 points strong, and Ye Yun believes that there is indeed a huge danger in the Guixuyuan, but he is only entering the Guixuyuan. , There should be no danger.

And because Ye Yun felt in his heart that after obtaining this orb, he seemed to have become the master of half of the God-Wandering Realm, and this Guixuyuan was also part of the God-Wandering Realm, so he entered the Guixu Realm. In the middle of the abyss, many dangers can naturally be avoided.

“Yes, and Ye Yun, do you really want to enter the Guixuyuan? You have to think twice. After all, the Guixuyuan is extremely dangerous. The reason why the God Emperor Baitian can enter the Guixuyuan is because He is the Cultivation Base of Half-Step Creation Realm.”

At this time Saduo Emperor also raised his head, and said to Ye Yun worriedly, and Saduo Emperor was really worried about Ye Yun.

After hearing the words of Emperor Saduo, Ye Yun also nodded: “Don’t worry, I must enter the Guixuyuan. If I don’t enter the Guixuyuan, I won’t leave the wandering god realm, you guys. Just figure it out, and you can rest assured that if I enter Guixuyuan, I will not die, and I will not enter the deep place in Guixuyuan, just at the edge. Check it out.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, the surrounding powerhouses began to be silent. When they came down, their hearts began to think, and there were some doubts in their hearts. Because of Ye Yun’s words, their hearts It was also very helpless, and Ye Yun said that he would only explore the peripheral area around him, so he shouldn’t encounter any danger.

After hesitating for a while, some strong men stepped forward: “We feel that Ye Yun is not wrong. He must have done this for his own reasons, and Ye Yun is obviously not a fool. He has experienced a lot in the past. The dangers of Ye Yun are more dangerous than what Ye Yun is doing now, but he still lives, so I believe Ye Yun will survive if he enters Guixuyuan this time.”

Some strong men stood up and spoke. He felt in his heart that Ye Yun would definitely enter Guixuyuan this time, and if they stepped up this time, not only would you not be a bit bad, but also Can win some favors from Ye Yun.

In fact, it is exactly the same. After seeing these masters stand up, Ye Yun also raised his head, glanced at these masters a few more times, and nodded towards them.

Because these powerhouses have already stood up and supported Ye Yun’s move to enter the Guixuyuan. Gradually, more powerhouses have stepped up and supported Ye Yun’s entry into the Guixuyuan. In the end almost All the people support Ye Yun’s entry into Guixuyuan.

They stared at Ye Yun tightly, as if Ye Yun had become their leader at this moment, but before, everyone had never thought of such a scene in their hearts.

Even before, many people looked down upon Ye Yun extremely in their hearts. After all, Ye Yun is a master of Realm, a realm in Wei Wei this time.

Ye Yun’s eyes looked at Guixuyuan quietly, and some unknown brilliance gleamed in his eyes.

“You now use the Cultivation Technique taught to you by the God Emperor before, and bless your power to me, and then I can enter the Guixu Abyss.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, everyone was extremely surprised. After all, the Cultivation Technique of the God Emperor Baitian could be used, but if it was blessed on Ye Yun, could Ye Yun really control these powers?

Not to mention that these powers are extremely powerful, but that the methods that control this power are not under the control of Ye Yun.

But they didn’t know that Ye Yun could really do this. In the past, BAITIIAN Divine Emperor passed to everyone, after the Cultivation Technique that gathers power, Ye Yun studied the Cultivation Technique, and took the Cultivation Technique. Pushing it down backwards allows everyone to cast that kind of Cultivation Technique on him, blessing his power.

And Ye Yun itself has the ability to multiply by billions. After blessing these powers, his strength increase will be even more terrifying, so he doesn’t have much cowardice in entering the Guixuyuan.

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