Chapter 519: The adults do not count the villains

“When I return to the Cangwu God Realm, I will conduct a Closed Door Training, a quick Ascension own Cultivation Base strength, and wait until I have a lot of strength Ascension before coming out.”

Ye Yun thought to himself.

After walking in the surrounding tombs for a period of time, when the people around still did not see the exit from the world of wandering spirits, everyone became a little impatient in their hearts. At this time, Ye Yun took them to a stop. Pianshanbi is in front of you.

This mountain wall is very arrogant. After walking to this place, it seems that there is no way out. Everyone is also very puzzled: “Ye Yun before, you said that you can take us to find the way to leave the gods, but At this time, you led us to a dead end, where should we go now?”

At this time, a strong man came out of the battle and asked questioningly. After hearing this strong man’s questioning, Ye Yun also looked at him disdainfully: “If you have an opinion, get out!”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, this strong man also stood there speechlessly. Although he was a strong man of late stage creation, at this moment, they still rely on Ye Yun to leave the world of wandering gods. Among them, so there is some irritability in his heart, and Ye Yun speaks to him like this, to be honest, he is also extremely angry in his heart.

“Earlier, Ye Yun said to take me out of the Gods Ascension Realm. I used to but at this time he took us to this place. It seems that Ye Yun is absolutely impossible to take us out of the Gods Ascension Realm. I think it’s better to catch Ye Yun and search his mind to see if there is any way to take us out of the God-Wandering Realm.”

This person’s name was Zhang Mingkai, and Ye Yun’s face became a little ugly after hearing what Zhang Mingkai said.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Mingkai dared to think like this, and Ye Yun also found some killing intent in his heart. If he followed what Zhang Mingkai said, then he was really in danger, because Zhang Mingkai is now inspiring everyone around him to face it. Ye Yun did it himself.

And Ye Yun didn’t know in his heart that if they really searched for his own secret, he would definitely die. Not to mention that he had so many secrets. If they saw him, he would be in a great crisis, even more because only It is they who searched the owner’s memory, and I am afraid they will make Ye Yun into something after the search is over.

After hearing Zhang Mingkai’s words, the hearts of everyone around him began to rippling, and some people did have such thoughts in their hearts.

At this time, Ye Yun raised his fist and gently shook it on the top of the mountain. Then, everyone felt shocked in their hearts. This mountain wall began to rippling like a piece of water.

Then many people discovered that there was indeed some mystery in this mountain wall.

Moreover, at this moment, some information from the Cangwu God Realm came from the mountain wall, which made everyone very positive in their hearts. Many people believed in their hearts. There is indeed something around this mountain wall that can leave the Wandering God Realm. Of the method.

“Ye Yun is right. When Ye Yun hit this mountain wall just before, I did feel the aura in the Cangwu God Realm.”

A strong man opened his mouth and said, other strong men felt the same way, and their hearts became a little surprised.

And Zhang Mingkai’s complexion has also become a little surprised. Although he said that to Ye Yun in the latest, but in the final analysis, he wants to return to the Cangwu God Realm.

“Ye Yun, please quickly open this channel and let me leave the Wandering God Realm and return to the Cangwu God Realm.”

Several powerful men stood up and said to Ye Yun. After hearing their words, Ye Yun picked up his own arms: “Why didn’t you say that I can’t take you out of the realm of the gods? Is it? Someone even said to search my memory.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, these people were stunned. They didn’t expect Ye Yun to talk about it again at this time.

At this time, Ye Yun also had his own head and looked at Zhang Mingkai: “Zhang Mingkai, what do you have to say?”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Zhang Mingkai’s expression also became a little humble: “I’m sorry Ye Yun, I was wrong before, please do not care about the villains, and don’t care about my previous words.”

After hearing Zhang Mingkai’s words, Ye Yun laughed even more, “Really? Don’t care, don’t care about the previous words?”

“It’s really hard for me to do it, I don’t care.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Zhang Mingkai’s face became a little ugly, and at this time everyone around also raised their heads and stared at Zhang Mingkai tightly. If Zhang Mingkai feels any change, they will Take action together and behead Zhang Mingkai.

And his heart is full of aggrieved sorrow. He had known such a thing, and he would endure a little longer, but he didn’t expect Ye Yun to be aiming at him now, but it’s not to blame Ye Yun, it’s actually something he said before. Excessive.

Just when Zhang Mingkai was about to explain something, Ye Yun suddenly took a step forward, then grabbed Zhang Mingkai’s hair, and then slapped it over.

Ye Yun stood quietly on the spot, without even having the intention of avoiding. Immediately after Ye Yun slapped Zhang Mingkai’s face fiercely, but Zhang Mingkai’s face also came out with a slap on his face. There was a red slap mark on his face, which looked extremely bright.

This made Zhang Mingkai feel extremely humiliated in his heart, and people were extremely angry, but at this time he did not dare to show the slightest anger.

Ye Yun lifted his own foot again, and then kicked Zhang Mingkai’s chest. Zhang Mingkai was kicked to the ground again by Ye Yun.

“Zhang Mingkai, what else do you have to say?”

Ye Yun asked Zhang Mingkai again, and Zhang Mingkai’s face had become very ugly, and at the same time he was very regretful in his heart. He knew that if he didn’t give Ye Yun a satisfactory answer, maybe he would leave this time. He can’t swim in the realm of the gods. As for shooting against Ye Yun, he didn’t think about it, because as long as he shoots against Ye Yun, he will die forever.

Obviously, the other masters around were already standing beside Ye Yun, and they all supported Ye Yun.

“Sorry Ye Yun, I was wrong.”

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