Chapter 520: Return to Cangwu God Realm

What surprised everyone at this time was that Zhang Mingkai actually knelt down in front of Ye Yun and said, after seeing Zhang Mingkai’s pious look, Ye Yun waved his hand: “Okay, Aqiong, since You have so many cars now, so I will forgive you in my heart. This time you will leave the God Realm with us and return to the center and outside of the Cangwu God Realm.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Zhang Mingkai stood up and own body. Although he had a slight hatred for Ye Yun in his heart, he did not dare to say anything at that time.

Everyone also looked at Ye Yun with a touch of excitement in their hearts. Many people died after they entered the Wandering God Realm. At this time, they could finally leave the Wandering God Realm.

And Ye Yun also believed in his heart that the four to five hundred people around him should be the masters who entered the God-Wandering World this time and survived, and the remaining masters have almost all died.

As for those masters who didn’t die and wandered alone in the God Realm, they must be very few.

Everyone looked at Ye Yun, and there was hope in their eyes. Ye Yun also raised his own fist at this time, and once again slammed into the mountain wall.

Ye Yun hit the mountain wall, and there were more ripples on the mountain wall, and then the own Jiuxiao Jasper Knife appeared in Ye Yun’s hand. Starting with the Jiuxiao Jasper Knife, he continued to paint on the mountain wall. Portray some very magical symbols.

Although Ye Yun portrayed these symbols in front of the surrounding masters, the surrounding masters could not recognize the symbols portrayed by Ye Yun.

And it is obviously impossible for them to portray such a symbol like Ye Yun. This also made everyone feel extremely surprised. I don’t know where Ye Yun learned such a symbol.

The reason why Ye Yun can grasp such symbols is also because Ye Yun has obtained the orb. After obtaining the orb, such symbols seem to have penetrated into Ye Yun’s sea of ​​consciousness as natural.

At this time, Ye Yun would only use this symbol to open the world of the gods, but he felt that this symbol might have an added magic, and the future words will also have a lot of use for him.

And Ye Yun feels that these symbols will also help the progress of own Cultivation Base if they do some insights by themselves later, which makes Ye Yun feel surprised in his heart even more.

After Ye Yun had carved all the hatches, he also put away his own Jiuxiao Jade Knife, and then the entire mountain wall began to tremble, and then everyone was surprised to find that a fire appeared on the mountain wall. The red hole, and inside this fiery red hole, you can also see the scene in the Cangwu God Realm.

“Well, now we have to pass through this fiery red hole to return to the Cangwu God Realm.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, everyone around was extremely excited, and then they took their own steps and walked into the fiery red hole.

Ye Yun walked in first, and the masters behind all passed behind Ye Yun. After a while, almost all the masters entered the hole, and the hole began to close slowly.

All the masters have entered the entrance of this cave, and the entrance of this cave has finally been closed. At this time, Ye Yun and the others entered the Cangwu God Realm after passing through a space tunnel.

At this moment, everyone came to a forest. There were many more, Demonic Beasts, and there was also a lake where they descended.

The jungle where they descended looked very different, and when they first descended, the Demonic Beasts from there began to tremble.

Ye Yun grew over his own head and looked at the lake next to him: “If I’m not mistaken, there should be a node around the lake that connects the surroundings of the gods, but now our strength is too weak, so Can’t find this node.”

The surrounding people also looked towards 4 weeks, and found no other anomalies. Obviously they also found that they and others finally came to the center of the Cangwu God Realm, and they were extremely pleasantly surprised.

“And Cangwu God Realm is in front of the long-lost air, and it is really great that I finally return to Cangwu God Realm again.”

Yong Xi raised his own arm, and opened his mouth as if embracing the entire sky, and the expressions of the others became extremely surprised.

Their breathing and heartbeat became a little rush, and then many masters just turned their heads and thanked Ye Yun.

This time without Ye Yun, it is absolutely impossible for them to be in the Wandering God Realm in such a short time, and they also have some doubts in their hearts, because there are many dangers in the Wandering God Realm, but Ye Yun is in When they left with them, they didn’t encounter any danger.

Many people feel that this is also a loss to Ye Yun. In fact, it is precisely because Ye Yun, after getting the orb, can be said to be half of the master in the world of wandering gods, so that he can take everyone forward while advancing. Avoid many dangers.

“Ye Yun, thank you. This time you have taken us out of the God Realm. We are all very grateful in our hearts. Now we want to return to Own God City and find our relatives and friends. After a while, we will give you a big gift.”

At this time, some strong men stood up and spoke what they said. Ye Yun nodded his head for a week, and understood their ideas by 10 points.

At this time, Ye Yun’s gaze also looked into the distance. There seemed to be two god cities in his eyes, one god city was Feixian Emperor City, and the other god city was own god city.

Ye Yun has not returned to the own kingdom for a long time, so he also has some nostalgia for the own kingdom.

But Ye Yun knew that if he came back after experiencing this incident, these kingdoms of God would be a bit small for him, and his current sky is the entire Cangwu God Realm, even the Cangwu God Realm, for him , I’m afraid it’s not enough after a while.

However, before everyone left, there were some things that made them frown: “This time so many masters have died in the Cangwu God Realm, and the God Emperor Baitian has also jumped into the Abyss of Guixu in the God Realm. It can be said that the high-level people in the Cangwu God Realm are extremely chaotic.”

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