Chapter 526: The beginning god middle stage

Immediately afterwards, Ye Yun sat down cross-legged, only then did he officially plan to cultivate.

Ye Yun took out a lot of treasures. One of them was the Dao Ember Flower that Ye Yun had obtained before. Dao Ember Flower in this cultivation can also help Ye Yun to be very busy. Among Dao Ember Flower Contains extremely powerful Cultivation Base law.

Even Ye Yun can feel some of the laws of Realm creation in Dao Ember Flower. You must know that he is only Realm of the Reality of the Realm, but after using Dao Ember Flower, he can attack the middle stage of the Realm of Realm. Comprehend a trace of Realm’s law, how terrible it is to govern.

“Haha, this time I will definitely be able to advance successfully, and maybe I can also advance to Realm in the late stage of Shishen.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart that although he believed in himself, this time if he wanted to, he could be promoted to the Realm of the late stage of Shishen, but in fact Ye Yun didn’t want to be promoted to the Realm of the late stage of Shishen this time. Because of his speed, if Cultivation Base is too fast ascending, it will have some disadvantages for himself.

Only a steady and steady fight is the best cultivation method, Ye Yun has always thought so in his heart.

Immediately after that, Ye Yun sat up and own body, and the treasures around him began to dance continuously, and they continued to rotate around Ye Yun. Among these treasures, there were a series of Spirit Power and various rules. The fragments poured into Ye Yun’s body.

Ye Yun’s body is like an invisible black hole, constantly absorbing these treasures and absorbing these energies, and his aura begins to rise continuously.

“Not enough, not enough to add more to me.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart that at this moment, the attraction in his body seemed to be stronger. There was a storm around him, sucking it into Ye Yun’s body. Only at this moment did Ye Yun feel it. Some satisfaction, he felt that within the Meridians in his body, extremely rich Spirit Power was flowing all the time.

If this goes on, it won’t take long before you can successfully break through. You have to know that you were very close to the breakthrough before, and at this time there is still a golden flower blooming above Ye Yun, this golden flower. The flower of Ye Yun is really something before Ye Yun, the Dao Jinhua I got.

Dao Cinder Flower has a total of 12 petals. At this moment, during Ye Yun cultivation, it is absorbing the energy in Dao Cinder Flower, and the petals of Dao Cinder Flower are constantly falling. Every time a copy of Dao Cinder Flower is withered, The energy and law governance around Ye Yun will become more intense.

Time passed bit by bit. After a period of time, all the 12 petals on Dao Jinhua had fallen off, and Ye Yun’s aura had reached its peak, and a slight sound was heard from his heart. The explosion sounded, and Ye Yun’s aura began to explode. In a moment, he had already broken through to the Realm of Hajime’s middle stage.

At this moment Ye Yun feels refreshed, and feels extremely comfortable in his heart. He opens his eyes, and there will be two shining rays in the eyes. At this moment, he finally breaks through to the Realm of the middle stage of Hajime. , I feel extremely refreshed in my heart.

“Great, I finally broke through the Realm of the middle stage of the beginning god. I want to break through this Realm for a long time.”

Ye Yun was extremely excited as he thought of it in his heart. After standing up and waving his own fists twice, he was extremely happy. Every time he answered, the surrounding space stopped shaking slightly.

But Ye Yun looked at the surrounding babies and the surrounding babies only consumed a little and a half, so Ye Yun talked about it again. He just arrived at the Realm of the middle stage of the first god, and he needs to consolidate the own Realm, and maybe You can rush up a bit more.

“This time I’m going to reach Realm at the peak of Shishin’s middle stage.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart that after standing up and recovering his fist, he sat down and continued to cultivation. At this moment, Ye Yun has reached the Realm of the middle stage of the beginning god, so he absorbs these energy and there are fragments of the law. The speed is also faster. Ye Yun’s Cultivation Base also increased more violently, which made him feel very surprised in his heart, and felt that when he saw the middle stage of the Hajime, the Meridians in his body seemed to have expanded a bit. .

Even though more violent energy is pouring into Ye Yun’s body than before, Ye Yun doesn’t feel much pain at this time. You should know that before, his Meridians seemed to be torn apart. Same.

He felt a great surprise in his heart. After a while, Ye Yun had consolidated his Cultivation Base of the middle stage of the beginning god. At this time, the energy was still pouring into his body, and his breath was right there. Constantly increasing.

It took more than three months to walk before Ye Yun opened his eyes. At this moment, Ye Yun looks full of energy. At this time, his Cultivation Base Realm is still the Realm of the middle stage of Hajime, but at this time he Realm is already at the pinnacle of Shishen’s middle stage, and it was only a little short of being promoted to Realm of Shishen’s late stage.

“Originally, I could be promoted to Shishen’s late stage promotion, but when I was about to be promoted to Shishen’s late stage promotion, I pointed it down.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart that although he did not advance to the Realm of the late stage of the first god, his strength is not necessarily bad, because these energy is still stored in his sea of ​​consciousness.

At this moment, Ye Yun is a hundred times more energetic, and his voice also has a mysterious temperament, which is utterly clear. At this moment, Dao Jinhua and many other precious treasures have been absorbed by Ye Yun.

In Ye Yun’s body, there are also some slight dragon sounds from time to time. The reason why these dragon sounds are produced is because of the Universe Principles in Ye Yun’s body.

At a time, he got a Universe Dao. When he first got the Universe Dao, he was not particularly clear about the role of the Universe Dao, but now he also knows that the Universe Dao is the world. One of the most precious treasures above.

Moreover, before Ye Yun, there was also a record of Universe Dao in the materials searched in the Shenzang Cave. Legend has it that Universe Dao is a treasure in the fairy garden.

In this world, there are a total of nine Universe Dao, and these nine Universe Dao are altogether controlled by nine of the most powerful masters in the fairy garden.

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