Chapter 527 Dare to make trouble?

So Ye Yun felt in his heart that the Universe Dao of own now fell into his hands, indicating that something must have happened in the world fairy garden. This is also a moment after Ye Yun learned the news. One of the reasons why the film calmed down.

“Now I have obtained the Universe Principles, I have the system, and there are many other treasures, not to mention my talent is still very superb. If nothing happens, I will definitely become the most powerful master in the entire void. .”

Ye Yun’s heart was also full of strong self-confidence, and there was an intense passion in his heart rising up.

At this time, he had completed his breakthrough, and naturally there was no need to stay in this secret room. In fact, some things have indeed happened in Fei Xian Emperor City recently.

Because before, when Ye Yun became the acting master of Feixian Emperor City, there were actually many masters in the Cangwu God Realm, who were somewhat hostile to Ye Yun, and those who were not satisfied with Ye Yun, even though they were just At the beginning, they didn’t face Ye Yun everywhere, but they hid secretly.

During the period of Ye Yun Closed Door Training, a lot of things happened in Fei Xian Emperor City, and the masters were crazy at Ye Yun and started to work.

Even in the recent period, Yong Qi has suffered some injuries, but Ye Yun’s enchantment around him is also very strong in Closed Door Training, and Yong Qi, remember that Ye Yun said when he was in Closed Door Training that he could not easily Bother him, so Yong Yun did not try to report the incident to Ye Yun.

So when Ye Yun just walked out of the own Closed Door Training secret room at this time, he felt something abnormal. At this moment, the whole palace seemed to be filled with a bloody smell.

According to the truth, the palace is the most severe place in the entire Cangwu God Realm. It is absolutely impossible for this place to appear such a bloody place, and it is not even possible to fight in the palace. This is also the rule in the palace.

And when Ye Yun became the acting master of the Cangwu God Realm, he also set up some other rules to make the place of the imperial palace more strict, so he also felt something abnormal at this time.

“If I didn’t guess wrong, something must have happened in the palace during the time of my Closed Door Training recently.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart that at this moment, he heard the jingle sounds coming from the palace.

Immediately Feiteng came to own his body, and immediately his eyes began to shrink. He got up and saw that in the distance, there was blood on the corners of his mouth, and his face looked extremely unbearable. Behind him, there was blood. Two, the strong of the late stage creation is chasing the killer.

“Yong Yu, what’s the matter with you? What happened?”

Ye Yun asked, and at the same time he took out his own Jiuxiao Jasper Knife, and then he couldn’t swipe a few blade lights. These blade lights and breeze lines were extremely powerful, and Ye Yun even took it out in an instant. A few swordsmans have increased by a million times.

In just an instant, Ye Yun’s attack had reached these few chasing after, and the strong man of Yong Xi was in front of the two late stage strong men of creation and was stopped by Ye Yun’s sword light.

They raised their weapons and wanted to block Ye Yun’s appearance. They didn’t expect Ye Yun to perform such a powerful attack. The reason why they were dissatisfied with Ye Yun was that they felt that Ye Yun’s strength and Cultivation Base were not at all. Will become the acting master of the Cangwu God Realm.

Then at this moment, when Ye Yun’s sword mang came over, they didn’t even know how to go to the party. Although Ye Yun’s sword king was finally blocked, but the two of them had already suffered serious wounds, even Cultivation Base. All have a decreasing trend.

Ye Yun glanced at it coldly. These two late stage creation experts, these two late stage creation experts, have heard of Ye Yun in the past, but now they are not in Ye Yun’s eyes. It’s just ants.

“Oops, I didn’t expect Ye Yun’s strength to be so powerful. It seems that this time we are lost.”

A strong man of late stage creation said, another strong man of late stage creation also nodded, and then the two of them flew towards the distance, unexpectedly wanting to leave this place and gave up to kill Yong.猹.

After Yong Qi saw Ye Yun’s arrival, there was some joy in his eyes.

Immediately after seeing the attack performed by Lingqizong Temple, I was also extremely shocked. I did not expect Ye Yun to grow so much in the water after the Closed Door Training came out. At this time, Yong Xi also saw Ye. Yun’s Cultivation Base, Realm has reached the pinnacle of the middle stage Realm, only a few months have passed.

“This time my decision is indeed correct. Choosing to join Ye Yun is an extremely correct decision.”

The decision that Yong Qi thought of in his heart for his previous time was also extremely fortunate.

“Dare to come to my palace and make a fuss, do you want to go away so easily?”

Ye Yun opened his mouth and immediately chased and killed these two late stage strong men. Yong Xi saw Ye Yun cut the two late stage strong men into this shape with a single knife. Feeling shocked, I didn’t expect Ye Yun to chase and kill the powerful late stage creator at this time.

“Ye Yun, even if you become the acting master of the Cangwu God Realm, and your strength is extremely strong, it is impossible to keep us.”

The two powerful late stage creations said, immediately after their red dust lifted up some Blood Qi, and then their bodies began to explode, forming a cloud of blood mist, flying quickly towards the distance. .

This also made Ye Yun’s heart slightly surprised. He also saw that the reason these two late stage creators said this was because they had this trick.

But at this time, Ye Yun sneered: “Do you think you have this kind of escape Cultivation Technique, so you can leave my front?”

Ye Yun was very disdainful in his heart. At this time, he also raised his own palm. At this time, there was a strong attraction in Ye Yun’s palm. At the same time, his palm changed again, tens of thousands of meters in size toward these two blood. The red Blood Qi couldn’t catch it.

At a glance, these two powerful late-stage creations showed what kind of secret method they used to turn them into what kind of Blood Qi. If they were not own, I am afraid that even the powerful creation peak wanted to grasp this. Both people have to take some thought.

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