Chapter 528: You are not worthy

But for Ye Yun, it is extremely simple to catch the two of them. After all, Ye Yun’s Cultivation Base Realm this time has broken through again.

In fact, even if Ye Yun’s Cultivation Base Realm didn’t make a breakthrough, he still had some methods to keep these two people, although it was a little troublesome.

Immediately after the late stage of these two creations, the strong man felt panic in his heart: “How is it possible? What is this about.”

They felt a huge attraction coming from Ye Yun’s palm, and when they were before, Xue Wu, who flew quickly to the distance, was also affected by the attraction from Ye Yun’s palm at this time. Imprisoned in place.

So they watched in panic, Ye Yun’s palm caught the two blood mists that they had transformed into, and then you cruelly pinched him to the original shape.

After these two people cast this spell, their physical strength has been consumed too much, and their faces have become extremely pale. They did not expect that after casting this spell, they would not be able to escape Ye Yun’s palm, only themselves. Just know how powerful this spell is.

The strong man who was sent out to deal with Ye Yun before was named Hua Kangliang, and this spell is also the most powerful spell in Hua Kangliang’s hand. It was obtained by Hua Kangliang through a chance, and it was not even a spell in the Cangwu God Realm. , And then it was so vulnerable in Ye Yun’s hands.

At this moment, it shows that there is some regret in the choice of the late stage of the creation, because at this time, it can be seen that Ye Yun is not as weak as the legend, he is indeed very powerful, even the two of them can easily Catch, even if Ye Yun didn’t do things in the travels of the gods, he must become a proxy master, and he has several qualifications.

It’s just that they regret it at this time, so what can they do, and Yong Yun is also standing next to Ye Yun, staring wide-eyed, looking at the two late stage masters fiercely, and these two late stage masters are invisible There was also some fear inside.

After the two of them cast the spell, their bodies were also weak by 10 points. At this time, they were even caught in their hands by Ye Yun, looking like little chickens.

After Ye Yun caught the two masters, a grim smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. When they saw these two late stage masters in their eyes, their hearts became even more panicked: “I’m sorry, Lord Ye Yun. , I’m sorry Ye Yun, I asked wrongly. We shouldn’t have done such a stupid thing. If you let us go, we can act as a cow or a horse for you.”

After hearing the words of these two late stage masters, Ye Yun smiled coldly: “You two are not worthy of you!”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, the late stage powerhouses of these two creations became even more ugly. Ye Yun meant that he just wanted to let them go.

Ye Yun really didn’t intend to let them go. After all, Ye Yun took a look inside the palace at this time and found that there was a 10-point chaos in the palace. It must have been caused by the late stage of these two creations. Made.

Moreover, at this time, Yong Yu is still by Ye Yun’s side. The injuries on Yong Yu’s body are not fake. They were hurt by these two late stage powerhouses, so Ye Yun will definitely not let it go. Two powerful late stage creations.

“Master Ye Yun, tell me, how can we let us go?”

After hearing the words of these two powerful late-stage creators, Ye Yun looked up at two people after a moment of contemplation: “Okay, then I will give you two a chance to tell me who your leader is. ?”

After hearing the words of the time, the two late stage masters seemed to hesitate, but after a while, one of the late stage masters couldn’t help but began to speak to Ye Yun: ” Ye Yun, our leader is called Hua Kangliang, and there are dozens of realm masters under his hand. They all want to attack you, and they are very unconvinced with you in their hearts.”

“And our stronghold is in Wudu Mountain.”

After hearing the words of the powerful late stage of these two creations, Ye Yun also understood in his heart. It turned out to be Hua Kangliang. The ghost Ye Yun also has some impressions of Hua Kangliang. He just became the Cangwu God Realm. Hua Kangliang had also seen himself when the above agent was in charge, but when he saw the owner, Hua Kangliang was also extremely courteous and had a good attitude. He didn’t expect to act like this in secret.

If you didn’t set up a lot of powerful enchantments when you were in Closed Door Training, your own Closed Door Training would have been disturbed a lot this time, and even be reflected, but Yongxuan might also be beheaded. Ye Yun felt very angry in his heart.

Ye Yun is the largest place in Wudu Mountain. Although it is a little far away from Feixian Emperor City, Ye Yun has issued a series of policies. In many god cities, Ye Yun has a teleportation status. Ye Yun takes two days. You can reach Wudu Mountain.

“Master Ye Yun, we have already said what you want to ask, can you let us go now?”

At this time, a powerful late stage creator knelt and said to Ye Yun. After hearing the late stage request of the late stage, Ye Yun smiled, and then he waved his own hand. , The Cultivation Base, which was followed by these two late stage powerhouses, became very weak, and even lacked much strength.

At this time, Ye Yun also used these two late stage masters in front of Yong Yu: “Yong Yu, the choice of these two late stage creations is up to you!”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, the late stage of these two creations also became a little panicked in the heart of the strong: “Ye Yun, not keeping promises.”

After hearing these two late stage powerhouses, Ye Yun smiled disdainfully: “Why don’t I keep my word? I said I won’t kill you two, but I never said I won’t let Yong Xi kill you. You two.”

After Ye Yun explained it this way, he turned his head and walked away. The two late stage masters were also knocked down by Ye Yun to the very low Realm, and there was still a lot on them. With a serious injury, how the angry Yong Xi would be solved at this time can be figured out by the pig.

When Ye Yun left, there was a miserable voice behind him. A moment after the voice passed, Yong Qi came to Ye Yun’s side, and at this time, there was also some bloody smell in his body.

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