Chapter 559: The news arrives

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, the boss raised his brows, and then said some words he had said to Ye Yun: “Don’t worry, I won’t disclose anything you say to me, right. In accordance with the truth, the early stage Cultivation Base of your creation cannot understand the news about Xiaojie Xianting at all, but you really did.”

“You, shouldn’t it be Ye Yun!”

At this time, the boss suddenly asked about this. He stared at Ye Yun and Ye Yun’s heart also had some goose bumps. Unexpectedly, the boss was so witty that he guessed the true identity of the owner at once. In Ye Yun’s heart, he could also be sure that the boss didn’t feel the abnormality of his soul.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Yun nodded.

And two lights flashed in the boss’s eyes: “You really are Ye Yun!”

He was also extremely surprised in his heart. After all, Ye Yun was sitting in front of him at this time. If he hadn’t guessed Ye Yun’s identity, it was obviously impossible to determine Ye Yun’s true identity.

Ye Yun nodded once, and then Ye Yun’s things began to change. In a short while, Ye Yun had changed to what he was, and his Cultivation Base Realm also returned to the early stage of creation.

After seeing it turned out to be Ye Yun, the boss was also extremely surprised, and then he introduced himself to Ye Yun.

“Ye Yun is very happy to meet you. My name is Wang Pengfei. No wonder you can learn about Xiaojiexianting. You must have come from an ordinary world. There should be Xiaojiexian in your world. The master in the court has come, so you have to know the news in the small world fairy court.”

Although Wang Pengfei was saying this, he was shocked in his heart, because according to what he said, Ye Yun turned out to have come to the Primordial Realm from an ordinary world.

As for how Ye Yun did this, Wang Pengfei was also extremely curious and didn’t ask much about the difference.

“Well, since Ye Yun, you came to the Primordial Realm from an ordinary world, then I can tell you about the Blood Qi of Xiaojie Xianting, but I only have one request, so you and me will be sincere. friend.”

Wang Pengfei actually said such words to Ye Yun. Ye Yun was extremely surprised after hearing Wang Pengfei’s words. He didn’t expect Wang Pengfei to make such a request. Although Wang Pengfei’s request was 10 points outrageous. , But it’s not too much. Ye Yun agreed without being silent for a long time.

“Well, if that’s the case, you and Wang Pengfei will be good friends from now on, and now you can tell me about the information in Xiaojie Xianting.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, some smiles appeared on Wang Pengfei’s face, and then he began to tell the two people: “Ye Yun Xiaojie Xianting does exist in the Primordial Realm, and their location is also In the Primordial Realm, there is a mountain range in the Primordial Realm called the Dead Mountain, and the location of the Xiaojie Xianting is in the Dead Mountain.”

“The Death Mountain can be said to be a place in the Primordial Realm. Even the masters of Realm at the peak of the creation do not dare to easily go to the Death Mountain in that place. Strong, I believe you also know that there are three huge forces in this place in the Primordial Realm. You must know that among the three huge forces, there is a Realm master in each of them.”

“But what few people know is that there are also Realm masters in Xiaojie Xianting, and the master who returned to the realm is not weaker than the strong one among the three big forces.”

When Wang Pengfei said something like this, Ye Yun was also surprised when he heard what Wang Pengfei said. Although he knew that Xiaojie Xianting was unusual, he never thought that Xiaojie Xianting was not only for mysterious, let alone it. There is also a Realm master.

A realm master who has endured humiliation, what is his purpose in the end? Ye Yun was also extremely curious in his heart.

He believed in his heart that the secrets held in the hands of Xiaojie Xianting must be extremely precious, and he was also extremely curious in his heart, and even more wanted to travel to Xianting, and the information he obtained was in his own hands.

After continuing to communicate with Wang Pengfei for a period of time, Wang Pengfei told Ye Yun some more news, and Ye Yun also got a better understanding of Xiaojie Xianting. He decided to spend a period of time and wait until his own strength is stronger. In the fairy courtyard of the small world.

And Ye Yun also decided not to reveal his true identity in the recent period. After all, he took away a Jie Yun Ladder in the Small World Fairy Court, and beheaded two masters in the Small World Fairy Court. If he is true If the owner’s true identity is revealed, the masters in Xiaojie Xianting will surely recognize himself.

And own strength has not yet reached the very high Realm. If recognized by the masters of these small realm fairy courts, he would have encountered many crises.

After communicating some analysis with Wang Pengfei, Ye Yun was about to leave Wantong Secret Shop. When Ye Yun left the email, Wang Pengfei said that Ye Yun would encounter any crisis in the Primordial Realm. You can contact yourself in time, and you can help Ye Yun with all your strength.

I also have some gratitude for Wang Pengfei Ye Yun. He agreed and left here. When Ye Yun left, he also changed his own body and mind, turning his own Cultivation Base Realm into the Realm early stage of the Creation Realm, and continued to work. Wang Chengfu began to wander inside.

After a period of time, Ye Yun transformed Yunxian Xucheng and headed towards the northwest of the Primordial Realm. There was an extremely powerful strength in the northwest of Chongqing. This extremely powerful strength was called Emperor Lingzong. One of the three major forces in the Taikoo realm.

“If I want to get mixed up in the Primordial Realm, I must sneak into a big power, and the Emperor Spirit Sect looks the most pleasing to me, so I will enter the Emperor Spirit Sect at this time.”

After not getting up for a while, Ye Yun had already seen the Emperor Lingzong in the middle of the sea. There were desert islands in the sea, and the Emperor Lingzong was on this desert island.

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