The 560th chapter mysterious lunatic

Ye Yun was also extremely surprised in his heart. He did not expect to see the sea in the Primordial Realm, and this sea is obviously also extremely Bufan, and some Demonic Beasts of the Creation Realm often appear in the sea.

And the Spiritual Qi in the sea is also extremely rich, but Ye Yun also has some regrets in his heart, because he found that the Spiritual Qi in the sea is 10 points rich, but the sea also has a very strong Killing intent, so much so Let the sea water not be edible or usable.

“It’s really regrettable. If I’m not mistaken, the reason why there is such a thick Killing intent in this sea is because the great battle that broke out in the spring caused countless corpses to fall into the sea. Inside, so I changed this into this way.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart that at this moment, an old man walked in the distance. The old man’s name was a lunatic.

The madman looks mad and mad, and his clothes don’t have to be attached to Ye Yun when he sees the madman, he also sits with his brows slightly. People like lunatics.

But Ye Yun became a little wary in his heart, because he didn’t even notice the truth of the lunatic Cultivation Base Realm.

You should know that even realm masters at the pinnacle of creation can be detected by themselves, but lunatics can’t be detected by themselves. Cultivation Base Realm is for these two reasons. One is that the molecules may be masters of Realm. The other reason is that the Cultivation Technique of the Cultivation Base is too powerful.

As for what it was, Ye Yun couldn’t be sure in his heart, but what he could be sure of was a madman. It was definitely not easy, even though he looked crazy.

“Haha, boy, the two of us seem extremely destined. The sea you are looking at is called Xiaohai. Xiaohai is a good place. I used to have a very good partner in Xiaohai. However, the great battle that happened countless years ago caused my little friend to die in the small sea, so I have been waiting for the resurrection of my little friend next to the one with the child in one hand over the years.”

After hearing the words of the madman, Ye Yun’s pupils also began to shrink. What kind of words the molecule said, waiting for a little friend to resurrect.

If you didn’t guess wrong, the last time your friend was probably Demonic Beasts who was close to Realm.

And that Demonic Beasts died in the battle countless years ago and fell into this little sea. The lunatic actually wanted the Demonic Beasts to be resurrected. How crazy he was.

Although a madman looks mad, Ye Yun has great respect for a madman. In his opinion, the molecule is very likely to be a master of Realm, and how can such a master easily go mad, that is to say Grandson now just wants to be crazy.

And Ye Yun also had some doubts in his heart, what is the true identity of a lunatic? Because he also inquired about some news in the Primordial Realm, and now he has never heard of such a master as a lunatic in the Primordial Realm.

In the Primordial Realm, there are only three Realm masters on the surface, and there is a Realm master secretly, and there are only 4 clever masters in the realm, but this time there is a lunatic.

If lunatics often walk around in the Primordial Realm, according to the truth, there should be someone in the Primordial Realm who knows why the lunatic has not received any news.

“Haha, this senior, your little friend died, so let us believe that he will be resurrected someday, and he is not necessarily dead. He may just change to another way to accompany him. Just by your side.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, the lunatic seemed to have become somewhat relieved.

“But, and he has been by my side, has been by my side…”

The lunatic kept repeating this.

And Ye Yun did not say some other words, but saw the madman sitting in this place and repeating such words seemed silly. After seeing this, Ye Yun also sighed, and finally he Some puppets were taken out of the own storage space and placed around the lunatic: “These puppets are given to you by senior again. These puppets can accompany you to spend some barren life in boring days.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, the lunatic’s body seemed to tremble slightly, and then it returned to its previous appearance.

Ye Yun walked towards the distance after finishing this, because the distance is the Emperor Spirit Sect, Ye Yun is also preparing to enter the Emperor Spirit Sect, although he also knows that the topic of the Emperor Spirit Sect that is forced to enter is It is difficult, but Ye Yun has the confidence to enter the Emperor Spirit Sect in his heart.

The Cultivation Base that he is revealing now is the creation early stage, but his true strength is countless times stronger than the strong ones in the early stage creation, so he also has a strong confidence in his heart.

What’s more, I heard that the Emperor Lingzong is also thirsty for talents recently, so Ye Yun has strong self-confidence in his heart.

After some time passed, Ye Yun had already approached the island of Emperor Lingzong, when he entered the sea island of Emperor Lingzong.

Ye Yun was stopped by some strong men. These strong men were wearing uniform uniforms. All of these clothes. Ye Yun also recognized the clothes from the Emperor Spirit Sect. These people should be disciples of the Emperor Spirit Sect. .

The leader turned out to be a master who created the late stage.

“Who are you? Why did you enter the waters of our Emperor Spirit Sect?”

The name of this late stage master was Wu Ping. After hearing Wu Ping’s words, Ye Yun also began to explain: “Hello, my name is Luo Kai. I was very longing for Emperor Lingzong before. , So at this time, when I reached the creation and went out, I went to the sea around the Emperor Spirit Sect, wanting to join the Emperor Spirit Sect.”

After hearing Ye Yun’s words, Cang Nian didn’t doubt that much, because the Emperor Spirit Sect also said that as long as the Cultivation Base reached the early stage of Creation, they could participate in their Emperor Spirit Sect.

But in fact, if the creation early stage wants to enter the Emperor Spirit Sect, it is also extremely difficult. There are many early stage masters in the Primordial Realm, but there are only some who have joined the three major forces. The others are just Rogue Cultivators. They don’t want to be Rogue Cultivators, but their aptitude cannot enter these three forces.

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