Chapter 576 Pathfinder Chess Pieces

After knowing that the virtual world was really in this place, everyone had this shock in their hearts, and they didn’t expect Ye Yun to guess this thing easily.

Immediately after, the masters of the Lingqizong and Luo Heavenly Daozong also stepped forward.

“Now we will open the passage of the virtual world, and then we will enter the virtual world.”

The realm masters of Lingqizong and Luo Heavenly Daozong placed their hands in the space in front of them, and the space in front of them began to fluctuate continuously, and then everyone was surprised to find the space in front of them. A huge hole is listed among them.

There will be another world inside this cave, which is extremely mysterious.

There is a touch of white energy floating in it.

“The virtual world, as expected, this is the virtual world!”

Sounds of wonder came from all around.

“You have to be careful after entering the imaginary world, because there seems to be no boundary in the imaginary realm. Therefore, we have not been able to detect the crisis in the imaginary realm very clearly. careful.”

The masters of Ling Qizong and Luo Heavenly Dao Zongdan said one after another.

After hearing their words, Ye Yun and the others also nodded. At this moment, everyone seemed to be united, and then they walked into the virtual world one after another.

First, the masters of the three major sects who returned to Realm, walked into it, and Ye Yun and others followed.

A wave of inexplicable waves flowed through his body, and immediately after Ye Yun found that the vision around him had changed, he appeared in a wonderful space.

It seems that there is no distinction between up and down, left and right, and everything is white.

This is the virtual world.

Click, click, click.

Right after Ye Yun and the others entered the virtual world, his eyes began to shrink, because at this time he saw a distant space, and there was a sudden thunder in it.

That is not an ordinary thunder and lightning, it is a thunder and lightning that can wipe out the brokenness of the void.

Ye Yun had never seen such a powerful thunder and lightning. He felt that if such a powerful thunder and lightning hit him, he would definitely not be able to resist it.

Even if he could survive such thunder and lightning after displaying those hole cards, Ye Yun couldn’t get the answer in his heart.

“It seems that there are countless dangers in the virtual world, this time we have to be careful in it.”

Ye Yun thought in his heart, but what they didn’t know was that when they entered the virtual world, a Daoist shadow appeared outside the virtual world.

This Daoist movie is the head of the Emperor Lingzong.

The head of the Emperor Spirit Sect is the powerhouse of the Realm late stage. His strength is extremely powerful. At this moment, his eyes are constantly flickering: “These ants have finally entered the virtual world. This time they have entered the realm. I will wait and see what exactly will happen afterwards in the virtual world.”

The head of Emperor Lingzong calmly said such words, but the words he said made people feel a little gloomy in their hearts.

Just as the head of the Emperor Lingzong uttered this sentence, the surrounding space continued to shake, and two realm late stage powerhouses appeared again.

The two late stage powerhouses of Realm are also the heads of the Lingqi Sect and Luo Heavenly Dao Sect.

“Yes, we have discovered that this virtual world has been around for a long time, but we have never seen the danger in this virtual world secret realm clearly, so this time, we can only let these powerful people enter it to explore it. .”

The words of these three heads were calm, but the words they uttered were enough to make the average strong person’s hair creepy.

This world is like this. People with weak strength are just like ants in the hands of powerful men in the world.

Their lives don’t seem to have this little value. To live is someone else’s pawn. The only little value is sacrifice for others.

They don’t even know that they are pawns in the eyes of others, and they even smile when they sacrifice for others. This is the sorrow of the weak.

“This time entering the virtual world, so many masters, maybe they will be wiped out. If someone can come out, I will accept him as a disciple and train them well.”

The head of Emperor Lingzong Mountain said, and the other two heads also nodded one after another.

Some images emerged in their eyes. These images were what Ye Yun and the others saw in the virtual world.

The heads of the three sects have planted some restrictions in the bodies of these disciples early. These prohibitions will not be felt by the disciples in these sects, but what they see and all their secrets, All have appeared in the eyes of these masters.

It’s just that when the head of the Emperor Lingzong saw Ye Yun, his eyes were slightly confused.

Because Ye Yun had just entered the Emperor Spirit Sect, only these few months have passed, so he did not have time to impose Restrictions on Ye Yun.

And he felt in his heart that if he imposed Restrictions on Ye Yun, he might not be able to succeed.

If it wasn’t for the purpose of stunning the snake, perhaps he would have grabbed Ye Yun’s hand a long time ago, and researched what kind of secrets Ye Yun had.

“This kid is not easy. If he can survive the imaginary world this time, after he comes out, I will catch him and question him.”

I’m the head inside and said that he, because in the past few days, he also heard the news that Ye Yun won the first place in Lingyu University.

And Ye Yun’s Cultivation Base Realm is so low, but it can become the first place in the Lingyu Grand Competition.

If Ye Yun didn’t have any big secrets, the head of Emperor Lingzong wouldn’t believe it very much.

As for hearing that Ye Yun has a realm master, the head of the Emperor Lingzong is not very convinced, and he feels in his heart that even if Ye Yun really has a realm master, he may not be able to deal with him, huh. .

At this time, Ye Yun and the others were constantly searching in the virtual world. Although Ye Yun didn’t look abnormal on the surface, he felt something wrong in his heart.

I don’t know why after he walked into the imaginary world, he felt that these two eyes behind own seemed to be closely watching the same.

“Is there any strong person watching us in secret?

Ye Yun thought in his heart that he was secretly detecting, but he didn’t show any abnormality on the surface.

Even if I think it is possible that someone is spying on them in secret, I can’t tell the news easily.

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