Chapter 577: dignified underfoot

Whether Ye Yun came from the Cangwu God Realm or the Emperor Spirit Sect, he always believed in his own intuition and would not change his own will because of anyone’s words.

At this time, a man in a green shirt came over, it was Wu Ping who was grinning.

But the smile on his face can also understand, after all, Ye Yun is the dark horse, the biggest one!

“Brother Yun takes me for a while.”

He looked at Ye Yun and said with a smile.

In this virtual world, the intrigue between people’s hearts, plus some people will frame up and win treasures!

Although it is said that there are restrictions by the major leaders and prohibition of fighting, some people will take out some treasures to fight in secret, even if it is found out, then the above will default to the gains and losses between them. Here I can also allow them to grow. The famed Ascension disciple’s strength is actually the worm, stay strong!

If anyone in the Emperor Spirit Sect can believe it, except Cang Nian, it is Ye Yun.

Ye Yun was also taken aback at the time when Wu Ping listened to what Ye Yun said.

“Brother Yun?”

He looked at Wu Ping and said suspiciously.

Wu Ping nodded repeatedly.

“Actually, I’m also an old acquaintance here, but since Brother Yun is the biggest dark horse in this competition, everyone’s eyes are on you, so I’m just helping you to share the burden. It’s just the envious look of others.”

He looked at Ye Yun and said with a smile, and then he was also walking with Ye Yun.

Ye Yun listened to this guy’s rhetoric, and immediately smiled and shook his head.

If Wu Ping wants to follow, let him follow, anyway, he can’t see any malice from Wu Ping.

He knew the danger in this virtual world, Wu Ping stayed with him, just wanting to get his shelter.

But he didn’t dislike Wu Ping so much, even if he walked with him, it didn’t matter.

“Well, let’s go together.”

At this moment, a man looked at Ye Yun from a distance, and the knife in his hand showed a cold light.

Shusa turned a pair of eyes like lightning.

“Boy, I will beat you someday, and I will trample you under my feet upright.” He looked at Ye Yun and said solemnly, and didn’t do anything.

Ye Yun sneered, then waved.

“Hurry up, wait for you to have this ability, and then brag in front of me.”

“Humph!” Keesa immediately gave a cold snort, and then walked in towards a void hole.

Ye Yun is also observing the surroundings at this moment. There seem to be countless wind whirlpool openings in this dark, but for these risk caves, it can faintly divide the breath of the law of birth and death from these wind whirlpool caves. .

Although it is extremely dangerous, it may be a good thing for him to enter here.

He walked directly into a cave with the law of life, and he was very familiar with the law of life and death, so he didn’t have to hesitate.

Wu Ping became nervous at this time, he hadn’t distinguished yet, Ye Yun left straight away!

“Brother Yun, don’t rush now, but I can tell you that there is a big secret in this,” he said anxiously to Ye Yun’s life.

“Come on, don’t talk about it anymore.” Ye Yun pulled Wu Ping directly into the cave.

At this time, the few people standing behind also sneered. They were the middle stage before the creation of the world or the realm in the early stage, and it was normal to hesitate.

“At the moment, this kid really does not live or die. If these caves don’t have the tokens sent by Elder, and their own means of life-saving, ordinary people would never be allowed to enter.”

“Yes, sooner or later Death is in it for being pushy like him.”

A group of people murmured a few times with dissatisfaction. There were also people from the Emperor Spirit Sect. Although they were the same, their jealous hearts were still burning in their hearts like a fireball.

Everyone took out a piece of yellow paper from their hands, crossed the Spiritual Qi, and watched in the direction of the wind.

Ye Yun had already entered the cave at this time.

He discovered that in this cave there are actually many people standing in the space made up of huge stones, but each stone is different in size, and there is an inexplicable breath flowing on it, but that is It’s a law, but not a law. Ye Yun can’t understand what this is?

There seems to be a monument in front of the crowd with the Great Tomb of Heaven and Earth written on it.

The aura with the law of power lingers in the shadows, even if a few people are observing nearby, they have to use their whole body strength to resist this vast aura.

Wu Ping was a little nervous, holding two small yellow-ray shields in his hand, watching the surroundings with both eyes vigilantly.

Obviously this guy has never been here, and because this guy is familiar with Ye Yun, he has already been bragging about it.

Ye Yun patted Wu Ping on the shoulder.

“It’s okay, there is no breath of Death here, but there is it at the entrance of the cave. It’s not easy.”

Listening to Ye Yun’s words, Wu Ping immediately shook his head with a wry smile.

“Did you not see these people shaking their heads and sighing? You can’t enter this cave with the breath of life. Life is death here, and death is life. You have hurt me.”

Ye Yun smiled awkwardly when listening to Wu Ping’s words.

“Why didn’t you say it earlier?” He looked at Wu Ping with a smile, “Forget it, you are also coming in, if there is anything, then you just walk behind me.”

Listening to Ye Yun’s words, Wu Ping immediately smiled at Ye Yun gratefully, and then looked at everyone.

“Let’s go and take a look. There are a lot of people there, I’m afraid something has happened.”

Ye Yun heard Wu Ping’s words and rushed over, and then volleyed up to the pillar of Panlong next to him.

Reached out and grabbed the dragon’s horns and hung in the air.

He looked towards the crowd and saw that the man in the middle had turned into a stone statue, but there was blood in a fracture on his neck.

Ye Yun looked at the man a little strangely, and then looked at his neck again, only to see that the crack was very similar to the crack in the law of void.

But to him, the power of the law of the void seems a bit weird, more like a mixed law.

Even if he saw this scene, he would not feel surprised.

“Hey, hurry down, all the plants here are immobile, or they will die immediately.”

An eager voice yelled out from under the pillar, and then he spotted a pretty-looking young woman, wearing a pink dress, stepping on a pair of quick boots, and having long black hair like silk. An emerald green hosta with a small pink face with a sweet smile.

“Yuan Jing, come here for me. That kid is from the Emperor Lingzong, and you are from the Heavenly Daozong, stay away from him.”

A man with a crush came over and drove Yuan Jing to the side.

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